The prince is very fierce

Chapter 12: Fairy in the Forest

Master Qingxu thought for a moment while holding the small teapot, shook his head and smiled:

"The world is too big to be sure. But Zuo Zhexian must have left three volumes of books, the last volume is his lifelong martial arts experience. Before Emperor Xiaozong broke into Chang'an, I went to look for it once, but unfortunately it was stolen. I don’t know whose hands it fell into…

...As for the four pieces of jade, they were probably the initiation gifts given by Zuo Zhe to his four disciples hundreds of years ago. Except for the piece passed down from the family of Prince Zuo of the Northern Qi Dynasty, the others were sent back and forth over hundreds of years and scattered to all parts of the world. at. When the ancestors of the Cao family in Yueyang were in the Qi Dynasty in the previous dynasty, they won a bunch of sword tassels from a sword discussion. There was a jade buckle on it, which was hung on the Cao family's Zhanlu sword. It is still enshrined in the ancestral hall...

...I heard that the old man in Yuelu Mountain also had one on his hand, which seemed to be a hairpin, but that old man was a real god, and it was harder to find than me. I have never heard of the remaining one, I don’t know where it is…”


Xu Bu Ling nodded thoughtfully and turned to ask:

"The Cao family is also a wealthy family in swordsmanship. 'Zhu Lu Cao' has been a three-legged family for hundreds of years. Although the head of the family, Cao Qujian, is not as good as Zhu Coushan and my grandfather, the Cao family's background is still there. Ten years ago, the family suddenly sealed the sword and retreated from the world. It's a pity to switch to selling crabs. There are many rumors in the world, and some even say that the Cao family is acting as a conspiracy. Does the old Taoist know the reason? "

Master Qingxu sighed: "It's an old story. It's not good to expose someone's shortcomings, and it's not easy to evaluate a poor person. Cao Jiajian is famous for its 'fast'. What he pursues is to be strong and swift, and he will have no regrets when he encounters someone who has no regrets. Yu Xin's matter is just like your uncle Lu Baiming. He can't think about it for the rest of his life. If he thinks about it, he will no longer be a Jianghu person...

...Cao Qujian is a serious Jianghu person. I gave him advice a few times back then. There is nothing wrong with him, but he can't help himself in the Jianghu. Some things are wrong no matter how he chooses them. You can't blame Cao Qujian...

...You worshiped Ning Yuhe as your master, so you should know Ning Qingye. When something happened to the little girl Qingye, it was Cao Qujian who secretly came here to intercede with me and saved the little girl Qingye..."

Xu Buling was thoughtful and was about to ask something else. Lin Yusong, who was lying next to the corpse, coughed twice and finally recovered.


Lin Yusong's eyes cleared up a little, then he turned over and touched his chest and head to make sure they were still there, then his face changed slightly:

"What the hell, old fairy, I just had a nightmare and met a fairy..."

As soon as he said a word, he saw Xu Buling and Nightingale sitting in front of the small stove next to him, both looking at him with strange expressions.


The panic on Lin Yusong's face immediately subsided, and he looked calm and calm. He raised his hands and clasped his fists:

"Young master Xu is indeed very skilled. He has learned a lesson."

Xu Buring chuckled lightly: "Brother Lin is not bad either. The strongest person I have ever fought against in my life is probably Brother Lin."

Lin Yusong looked a little embarrassed. He walked to the small stove and sat down, rubbing his aching chest:

"Mr. Xu, you, 'Qing Kui', are a bit unworthy of your name. With that one blow just now, you can probably hit two Tang Jiaos without any problem, which is enough to make you the best in the world. If I hadn't suffered such a blow myself, I would never have done it." I don’t believe anyone in the world can shoot a gun so quickly.”

Taoist Master Qingxu raised his hand gently: "Stop praising others. Qingkui is Qingkui. You can't be called the best in the world until you have beaten him. If you can't even beat Qingkui, just go back and practice for a few more years. When will you be able to do so?" Come back to Daozi once you are sure, it’s too early now.”

Lin Yusong could also afford to lose. After suffering a loss, he naturally saw the gap. He also gave up his ambition and raised his hand:

"I still don't know enough, so I'll practice again when I go back. It's often said that you can't get to know each other without fighting. Now that Mr. Xu has arrived in Chu, he has pointed out Lin. No matter what, he has to fulfill his friendship as a landlord. My Lin family has a martial arts gym in Yueyang. If Mr. Xu goes to Dongting Lake, he must inform him so that Mr. Lin can take care of Mr. Xu. "

Xu Buling naturally has no objection to people in the world who are both capable and good-natured:

"I've heard about the Lin family's guns for a long time, and I've learned a lot from them. If I go somewhere, I'll definitely pay him a visit."

Lin Yusong bothered Master Qingxu for several days and wanted to fight Chen Daozi, but he lost so miserably to Qingkui. He was really embarrassed, and he didn't have the shame to stay here and continue to look familiar. He stood up, hugged his fists, and left. He pulled out a spear and left the bamboo forest.

It was almost dark, and there were still people waiting at the foot of the mountain. We couldn't spend the night here.

After Xu Buling chatted for a while, he stood up and said goodbye to Master Qingxu, and took Nightingale down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Nightingale was still a little disappointed. She walked in front of Xu Buling and whispered softly:

"The Wudang Master written in the book is a god-like figure. When he was traveling across the world, Zhu Sword Master was still playing in the mud. Why does the real person look so ordinary, almost the same as Lao Xiao."

Xu Buling was still thinking about the conversation just now. Hearing the words, he chuckled and said:

"There is no false scholar under the reputation. If others don't do something, I will look ordinary. If I don't do something, I will look like a scholar. Furthermore, I am neither a master, a disciple, nor a relative. If you ask me to point out, I owe favors. Favors, this thing, It's troublesome to owe or be owed by others, so naturally I won't say much, and I'll be satisfied if I can meet you once."


Nightingale nodded thoughtfully and thought for a while: "Sister Zhongjiu found this place. I think she is really a decent person and not a charlatan."

"Yes, my character and behavior are also good. If you can invite me back to the palace to be a disciple, it will definitely be worthwhile, but it is a bit too abrupt to directly ask me to apprentice as a disciple..."

"Sister Zhong Jiu doesn't look very old, and her martial arts skills are definitely not as good as yours. If you don't want to take her as your master, you can ask her to take you as your master, isn't it the same..."


Xu Buling paused: "This is a good idea. It's no problem for me to teach her martial arts, but it feels a bit strange... How about telling Yuhe and letting her be Yuhe's apprentice, so that she and I can be senior and junior brothers and sisters, and we can be considered fellow disciples..."

"Anyway, it's the same, it depends on what Sister Zhong Jiu thinks."

As they talked, the two of them went down the hill and came to the road where the horses were parked. The three horses were still there, but Zhong Jiu was nowhere to be seen.

Xu Buling listened carefully and heard some noises coming from the pond by the roadside, so he walked to the roadside to check. Who would have thought that when he looked up, he saw a nearly dreamy scene. Beside the pond in the autumn mountains, a soft and beautiful woman in a water blue skirt sat sideways on a stone by the water, holding a bamboo stick in her hand, swinging it aimlessly above the pond.

In the not very deep pond, countless unknown fish swam around in the pond with the bamboo branches as if they were spiritual; above them, hundreds of birds spread their wings, hovering in the air and chirping, just like spectators; on the stones and trees next to them, there were squirrels, rabbits and other small animals, squatting on the stones and raising their front legs to watch, looking very cute.

And Zhong Jiu, sitting sideways among the flying birds and small animals, was like a fairy or elf in the mountains and forests, playing in the pond like a little sleepy and lazy, beautiful not like a human in the world.


Nightingale's eyes were wide open, and she was a hundred times more surprised than when she saw the old immortal just now. She felt that the woman in front of her who was out of the world was the real otherworldly master.

Xu Buling was also stunned, slightly tilted his head, and didn't understand what kind of fairy art this was...

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