The prince is very fierce

Chapter 9 Zhongli Chuchu

The next morning, a completely different dawn was sprinkled on the pavilions and towers of the palace.

In the side room of the palace, Madam Lu woke up faintly. She hadn't slept well in the house for a month or so. At this moment, she felt that her whole body was a little lighter, and the fatigue from the journey was gone.

Madam Lu blinked her eyes, woke up a little for a moment, and then turned her eyes to the outside.

Xiao Xiang'er was lying on the pillow with her back to her. Her hair was a little messy. She was wrapped in a blanket, revealing her snowy shoulders. She was breathing steadily and sleeping soundly.

Madam Lu came over to take a few glances, raised her hand and shook her shoulders:

"Xiang'er, wake up, we have to go to worship the princess today, we have to get up early."


Xiao Xiang'er frowned, took a breath, and gently raised her hand: "Sleep a little longer, just lying down..." At this point, Xiao Xiang'er suddenly woke up, opened her eyes, turned over and started to put on her skirt.

Madam Lu was a little puzzled. She looked around for a few times, and suddenly raised her hand to pinch her ball and looked at it: "Why is it red? Is there a mosquito?"


Xiao Xiang'er's face flushed, and she quickly slapped Madam Lu's hand away, covered her upper body with the lotus flower carp, and frowned:

"You still know there are mosquitoes? They only bite me and not you..."

Madam Lu smiled and looked down: "Ling'er said there are no mosquitoes here. I thought there were no mosquitoes here. Let's hang up the mosquito net at night..."

Xiao Xiang'er was still a little dizzy. She didn't sleep much in the palace. At this time, she was not very tired. After calling "Qiao'e", she put on her boots.

Madam Lu was on the inside. Seeing that Xiao Xiang'er was a little floating when she walked, she frowned and said:

"Xiang'er, are you sick?"

"No, get up quickly."

Xiao Xiang'er didn't dare to talk to Madam Lu for more. She walked behind the screen and asked a few maids to dress her. She was obviously a little guilty.

Mrs. Lu slept soundly last night and didn't notice anything. As usual, she drank some water, opened the window and stretched. As a result, she forgot that this was the backyard of the Xu family. Xu Buling was waiting outside the courtyard. When he saw her, he was stunned for a moment, then turned his head quickly.


Looking down, the peony flowers were bulging...


Mrs. Lu quickly closed the window and ran back to put on her skirt.

After the two of them cleaned up and washed, they had breakfast with Xu Buling.

Xu Buling was the only owner in the palace. The three of them sat together to eat. Mrs. Lu seemed to have forgotten the incident of catching the adulterer in bed last time. Maybe she felt that it was useless to mention it. She returned to her usual gentle appearance, picking up food and pouring wine for Xu Buling, and talking about trivial things.

Because Xu Buling had lived with Madam Lu for a long time, Xiao Xiang'er felt like an outsider. She sat alone opposite him, maintaining the demeanor of the empress dowager, lowering her head and not speaking. Occasionally, she would secretly glare at Xu Buling when she felt sore somewhere in her body.

Xu Buling's eyes were naturally pure and flawless, and he acted like a handsome young man.

After dinner, the three of them got on the carriage and went to the sea of ​​flowers outside the city to pay tribute to the late Princess Su. Xu Buling had recovered and did not need too many guards, so he set off in a carriage with light equipment...


At the end of the Baishi Avenue outside the palace, the street was already crowded with pedestrians. Merchants from outside the pass shouted in foreign accents on the street, and there were also merchants from the Central Plains looking for people to talk on the street.

On the bustling street, a white camel walked slowly on the side of the street. The crisp sound of the camel bell was very common in Suzhou and did not attract much attention.

On the tall white camel, Zhongli Chuchu had a red veil on her face, and her green eyes stared at the carriage of the Prince Su's Mansion passing by in a low-key manner.

Last time in the Renyi Hall in Chang'an, Zhongli Chuchu had a brief contact with Xu Buling, and was also surprised by Xu Buling's martial arts. However, it was impossible to fall in love at first sight and run to Suzhou to find something, but there was just a knot in her heart that had not been solved.

When Zhongli Chuchu just remembered things, she lived in a small tribe outside the pass. Later, she encountered horse bandits, and the small tribe, which was not big to begin with, was directly destroyed.

Women in the wild land are reproductive tools and labor. When she was two or three years old, she and other children were packed up and transported to a small city outside the pass to sell.

When she was a child, she was pale and thin, which might be a kind of luck. The nobles who came to buy slaves did not like her, and then a trafficker came and bought her and took her to Suzhou City.

After several twists and turns, she finally crossed the entire Dayue Dynasty and ran to the capital of Nanyue, and was bought back by a large brothel.

Because of her good foundation, the brothel's madam took good care of her. From then on, she realized that people could eat a lot of other things besides meat and brown rice and noodles, and clothes could be colorful.

At that time, she lived with a bunch of girls from the Central Plains, learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting every day, and gradually understood the words of the teaching nanny, such as "Study hard and enjoy the blessing of a lady when you grow up" and "If you don't study hard, you won't live past the age of 20"...

Zhongli Chuchu went from the wilderness where people were worse than animals to a place where people could live like humans. Although she was only five or six years old, she cherished her life at that time, even if it was the backyard of a brothel.

Because here, at least there would be no ropes and machetes on your neck in the middle of the night, and the house would not become a ruin the next day.

Zhongli Chuchu was smart and learned things quickly. She knew what a brothel was and what she would do when she grew up at a very young age, so she was always obedient and won the love and trust of the madam.

After finally getting to the age of seven or eight, when the madams didn’t stop her from going out on the street alone, she began to prepare to escape. At first, she didn’t escape directly, but just walked around the street a few times, because she knew that someone must be following her secretly, and she would go back on time.

This lasted for half a year, and finally one day...

When she was on the street alone, she was kidnapped!

It was a very beautiful woman.

Zhongli Chuchu was taught the importance of appearance since she was a child, so she could tell what kind of appearance would be more popular with men and maids.

That woman was like a fox. The first time she saw her, she felt that if she was put in a brothel, the maid would definitely worship her as an ancestor and give her everything she wanted.

Unfortunately, when she was surprised, the woman was also surprised and stared into her eyes.

She sensed danger at the time and wanted to run back, but was picked up by the woman and turned around and ran out of the city.

The angry curses of the thugs and the rapidly retreating street buildings were her last memories of that street.

It was also the first time she discovered that people could actually ‘fly’.

From then on, she followed the woman to a mountain village in South Vietnam, never leaving her side, and wanted to learn the kung fu that a dozen men with swords couldn't catch up with. As long as she learned it, she shouldn't have to suffer in this life.

The woman treated her very well, even better than the madam of a brothel. She was willing to teach her everything, gave her a name, and accepted her as an apprentice.

For the first time, Zhongli Chuchu felt at home. She only had admiration and gratitude in her heart. She was afraid that her master would abandon her and run away in her dreams. She also secretly vowed that when she grew up, she would take care of her master for the rest of her life like she took care of her mother.

But reality is always cruel, so cruel that it makes people despair and distressed.

Zhongli Chuchu lived with the woman called "Ye Jiuniang" for six years.

She was meticulous and treated her like her own daughter.

But as she grew older, Zhongli Chuchu slowly discovered some things that made it difficult for her to accept.

Ye Jiuniang used all kinds of precious herbs to nourish her body since she was very young. She was so strict that even her hair could not have the slightest flaw. She said that if she wanted to learn martial arts, she had to lay a good foundation.

Zhongli Chuchu always obeyed her master's orders, but she never learned martial arts as powerful as her master. She was not even allowed to do heavy work. Sometimes she secretly learned to do horse stances from other children, and her master would get angry. He would only teach her some simple things when he had no other choice.

In this way, over the years, Zhongli Chuchu did not learn much martial arts. She slowly found that she was getting more and more beautiful. She was so beautiful that she had to wear a veil to avoid being stared at by those disgusting men.

Zhongli Chuchu's house was burned down by horse bandits when she was young, and she stayed in a brothel for a while. She was disgusted with men in the world and thought they were all disgusting.

As she grew older, she gradually heard some rumors from the village - Ye Jiuniang competed with a woman from the Central Plains for the title of the most beautiful woman in the world, but she lost and was driven out of the Central Plains. It was said that the woman named Ning Yuhe had accepted an apprentice, so she accepted her as an apprentice...

From that moment on, Zhongli Chuchu felt that the whole world had collapsed. The master she regarded as a relative was just like the hypocritical madam of the brothel, who only liked her looks.

In Zhongli Chuchu's opinion, the so-called "Xuanhe Eight Kui" were no different from the courtesans in the brothel, all for the purpose of pleasing men.

Zhongli Chuchu was very angry and questioned the master, hoping that the master would say, "I like you, not because of your looks."

But the master hesitated and finally said, "The most beautiful woman in the world, many people can't even beg for you, and you are still angry with me, I have raised you for so many years in vain..."

After all, she was just a vase and a puppet. The so-called affection and love were all fake. Just like the brothel madam treated those girls with good foundation, she treated those ugly and useless girls like pigs and dogs.

Since then, Zhongli Chuchu left the mountain village and never went back.

She rode a white camel and traveled all over the country, becoming a wanderer. Without profound martial arts, she relied on her brain and poison to travel the world. She walked all the way to Chang'an, wanting to go back to the place where her memory started.

I never thought that when I was in Chang'an, I actually met the apprentice of Ning Yuhe, the one whose master tried every means to compare her with the other party.

Zhongli Chuchu was a little curious and saw it with her own eyes. She was indeed very beautiful, but she might not be as beautiful as her.

But whether a woman is beautiful or not depends on the man's thoughts.

Zhongli Chuchu hated this kind of comparison, but Ning Qingye happened to have a male friend, who was talented and beautiful, and had a close relationship. They should be lovers.

Zhongli Chuchu was raised by her master for six years. Perhaps in order to finally fulfill her master's wish, she wanted to compete with Ning Qingye. It was natural for that man to be the referee. Unfortunately, the sudden change in Renyi Hall prevented her from taking off her veil.

Before leaving, she asked Ning Qingye indirectly. Ning Qingye said that the man started to show his courtesy when they first met. Like other lechers, he was probably impressed by Ning Qingye's beauty.

So, Zhongli Chuchu began to imagine how Ning Qingye's man would look when he saw her true face. He would definitely be more excited than seeing Ning Qingye, um... open his mouth and eyes, even drool, and speak incoherently...

Zhongli Chuchu has always been curious about how the son of a prince, who is handsome, skilled, powerful, and arrogant, would lose his composure when he sees her.

Men in the world are lustful. No matter how righteous they appear, they will show their true colors when they meet a beautiful woman. There is no exception. They showed great courtesy to Ning Qingye, so how could they be an exception when they saw her...

On the white camel on the street, Zhongli Chuchu saw the carriage going away, and gradually became interested.

After leaving Chang'an, she went directly to the outside of the pass, trying to find the place where she was born when she was a child, but unfortunately she couldn't find it.

On the way back, she heard that the man was back, so she waited here.

As long as she saw the man in his true face, recorded the man's reaction, and sent it to the master who was far away, this master-disciple relationship would be over...

Thinking so, Zhongli Chuchu turned the camel around and walked towards the crowded street...

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