The prince is very fierce

Chapter 6 Homecoming

The sun and the moon go by, and it’s the end of June in the blink of an eye.

The huge convoy traveled northwest along the Hexi Corridor, crossing the five states and gradually approaching Suzhou City.

Suzhou is far away from the Central Plains. The customs, customs and landforms are very different. Many places on both sides of the official road are covered with endless yellow sand. It is rare to encounter a forest full of green.

There are very few people on the road, and pedestrians are also so few that they can be ignored. The only ones you can encounter are caravans and camel caravans, setting off from Suzhou City to various places in the Central Plains, or crossing the Hexi Corridor from various parts of the Central Plains to carry goods. Transported to Suzhou City.

The same goes for the merchants from the Western Regions. Most of them walked to Suzhou City to unload and hand over their goods. There were very few merchants who could travel thousands of miles to both ends. After all, the span of time and distance was too long.

Strictly speaking, Suzhou City was both a military fortress installed by the Central Plains Dynasty near the Western Regions and an above-ground port. Its daily throughput was terrifying.

King Su feeds an army of 200,000, and most of his economy comes from trade between the two sides. The same goes for Prince Zuo Jiang on the opposite side. It is still very safe for business travelers to travel here. Horse bandits only dare to walk in the desert Gobi, and few dare to rob the road. They were killed ten years ago.

Seeing the majestic and majestic city silhouetted against the sky, the troops led by General Yang Zunyi breathed a sigh of relief. The faces of the accompanying servants and maids who were tired from the long journey also showed a bit of joy.

However, as the young master of this team and even this world, I am not in a good mood at this moment.

Ever since he was caught and raped in bed by Mrs. Lu that night, Xu Buling's good days have come to an end. The baby is not loved by his aunt and relatives. Even the two charming maids ran away and were replaced by Lao Xiao to serve Xu Buling. No.

There were so many people in the convoy that it was difficult for Xu Buling to get out of the carriage. He squatted in the carriage with Lao Xiao all day long and played backgammon. Lao Xiao kept talking with his big mouth and talked about meat and fish. It was better to sit alone. daze.

After that night, Mrs. Lu basically didn't show up. She and Xiao Xiang'er ran to live in the carriage at the back. The two of them ate and slept together, but they no longer talked to each other about everything they used to. He kept his head down and said nothing.

Mrs. Lu didn't know what to say. It was difficult to accept the reality. She looked at Xiao Xiang'er in a strange way. She even slept with her clothes on, back to back, and never wanted to see each other sincerely again.

Xiao Xiang'er was even more uncomfortable. After all, her good sister exposed the scandal on the spot, so she couldn't bear to face it.

But it wouldn't work if she didn't live with Mrs. Lu. If she disappeared alone, Mrs. Lu would definitely think that she and Xu Buring had gone to something else.

Therefore, Xiao Xiang'er kept pretending, "I am detoxifying Xu Buling and I don't want to do that kind of thing at all" and deliberately stayed with Mrs. Lu to prove her "innocence".

The two women spent so much time, so naturally they suffered a lot. After a few months of travel, they missed both the baby and the aunt. Sometimes they missed her so much that they shamelessly ran over, only to be chased out by the two of them, even looking at each other. Can't even see it, let alone anything else.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at his destination, Xu Buling was a little relieved. As long as he returned to the palace, he would always have some opportunities to be alone. This embarrassing situation of coaxing both sides should be over.

When the convoy arrived at the gate of Suzhou City, Chen Zhian, the magistrate of Suzhou, and the gentry elders in the city greeted them at the city gate. Yang Zunyi and Lao Xiao came forward to talk. Xu Buling did not show up and entered the city gate quietly.

Outside the city of Suzhou is thousands of miles of yellow sand, but inside the city is a world of difference. Business travelers and pedestrians are everywhere. There are restaurants and shops all over the streets. There are also exotic women in hot clothes strolling on the streets. Many girls from wealthy families are still standing there. Whispering at the fence of a restaurant on the street:

"The young prince is back..."

"I heard that everyone in Chang'an became 'Zhaohong Yimei', and she is even more handsome than before..."

"Oh, it would be great if I could show up. That King Yan is really nothing..."

King Xu Lie of Su built the city of Suzhou brick by brick. Most of the local wealthy families were descendants of his followers. Needless to say, they had prestige and affinity, and they all only recognized the king's flag.

Although King Su City is far away in the wilderness of the northwest, it still has a large population. Of course, it is certainly not as large as Chang'an and Hangzhou, which have a population of one million. At its peak in autumn, there are only more than 400,000 people.

Because the city was only built sixty years ago, most of the buildings are relatively new, and the planning is not as neat as Chang'an 108 Square. It is just a "Xianlong Street" that runs through the center of Suzhou City. The dragon is a jade pendant in the shape of a dragon holding its tail in its mouth. There is also a Huanfeng Street on the seaside in South Vietnam, which means the same thing. It probably means "closed loop". It is a pity that South Vietnam has not yet conquered the country, and this loop has not been closed yet. .

Xu Buling looked at the various things on the street from behind the beaded curtain of the carriage, which seemed a bit strange.

Firstly, Xu Buling was a human being in two lifetimes, and his memories of the past are a bit blurry. Secondly, 'Xu Buling' was thrown to the border when he was about ten years old, and he only stayed in Suzhou City for a few years. The memories of his childhood are There is nothing left except the sea of ​​flowers.

The streets of Suzhou City are densely populated, with merchants accounting for the majority. There are only a handful of scholars and literati. Most of them are men wearing rough clothes. The girls are also more handsome. You can hardly see the pretty ones who are elegant and holding a round fan. They have long legs. There are a lot of beauties from the Western Regions with big buttocks, which are very pleasing to the eye.

Xu Buling looked at it with great interest. Just after entering the city, which was only a hundred steps away, he saw a woman in the window of a restaurant on the street - wearing a thin shirt and red skirt, a headscarf on her head, and her face. The child was also covered with red gauze, and only a pair of eyes were exposed, which were as green as cat eyes and extremely attractive.

Xu Buring turned his eyes, and the woman had turned and walked elsewhere.

There are a lot of green-eyed girls in the Western Region, and many of them dress up like this in the desert to protect themselves from the sun. Xu Buling didn't take it to heart and focused his attention on the street again.

Compared with Xu Buling's quiet viewing of the exotic scenery, the atmosphere in the carriage at the very back of the motorcade was much more lively.

The four women were divided into two groups, each lying on the side of the window, curiously looking at the various people on the street.

"Madam, half of that woman's thighs are exposed, and her chest is not covered. Are you ashamed..."

"Yeah, how can you get married like this..."

Mrs. Lu and Yue Nu grew up in Jinling, and later came to Chang'an. Naturally, they had never been to this kind of "remote country". At this time, looking at the scenery on the street that was so different from Zhuque Street and Qinhuai, they were shocked. It was a bit difficult to adapt, and I stared at the exotic girls in hot clothes on the street.

On the other side, Xiao Xiang'er and Qiao'e were lying at the window in the same posture. Because the Xiao family had learned a lot, they were relatively calm:

"The barbarians are all like this, with their breasts exposed... How did that building be built? How can it have such a pattern? It's so ugly..."

"Miss, are we going to live here for the rest of our lives? There isn't even a rouge seller..."

When Xiao Xiang'er heard this, her eyes couldn't help but trance, and she suddenly remembered the scene when she married into the capital. Back then, she hid in the carriage and peeked, just like when she went out to play, but she never thought of crossing the palace gate. It’s been a decade of near despair…

"Haha... This place should be better than Chang'an. I can't go back anyway..."


Qiao'e pursed her lips and saw that the young lady was not in a good mood. She thought about it and smiled happily:

"Actually, it's quite nice here. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. It's the same as we were in Huainan. Maybe we can go shopping in the Western Regions. I heard there are a lot of wonderful things there."

Xiao Xiang'er smiled softly and noticed that there was no sound behind her. She looked back and saw Mrs. Lu looking back at her.

The two people's eyes immediately separated, and then they both turned back, becoming embarrassed again...


The royal palace is in the east of Suzhou City. As the Xu family is the vassal king of the northwest, the palace is equivalent to the palace of the northwest emperor. It is quite large. In front of the door is a white stone avenue, with willows planted on the left and right, and in the middle is a huge octagonal palace. Archway.

Although there are only two people from the Xu family living in the palace, it is impossible to rule the twelve states of Xiliang without one person. There are thousands of retainers, counselors, servants, and their families, etc., and some places have many people. Bu Ling has never been there since she was a child.

When Xu Buling returned home, the main entrance of the palace was rarely opened, because King Su was still leading his troops to attack Yuanzhou and had not yet turned back. The chief steward and military advisor Yue Jiulou was also following him. It was estimated that it would take half a month to return. The palace Currently under the care of the housekeeper, Nanny Dingxiang.

Ding Xiang is Princess Su's personal maid, and when the princess marries, she naturally becomes her maid as a dowry. Prince Su You's marriage has not continued, so Ding Xiang is responsible for the internal affairs of the back house.

As the chariot arrived at the door, outside the side door of the palace, Ding Xiang and more than a dozen guests of the palace greeted him at the door.

The retainers are not guards, just like old Xiao Laoyue, whose status in the master's family has always been relatively high. Although the more than thirty retainers raised by the Xu family are not as exaggerated as the twelve door gods in Huainan, they are all famous in the world. characters.

In addition, there are also the descendants of the four generals Tu Qianchu, Yang Zunyi, Chen Jiye, and Yuchi from the Zhenbei family. The fathers of these four generals followed Xu Lie to conquer the world, and grew up with Su Wang Xu You, that is, They are superiors, subordinates and brothers, and the relationship is very close.

Already arriving at the door of the house, Xu Buling did not pretend to be so miserable. He walked down and led Mrs. Lu and Xiao Xianger, who were a little embarrassed, towards the front door.

Many diners and family friends of the Xu family quickly saluted:

"Meet the Crown Prince!"

They were all members of the family, and Xu Buling didn't have any airs about him, so he gently raised his hand to let them off the hook.

Yang Zunyi's son, Yang Guanyu, was the same age as Xu Buling. He was so tall and muscular that he was a little sorry for the name given by King Su. Because he and Xu Buling had spent some time at the border, he was the most enthusiastic at this time. He ran up and bowed first. Then he said with a smile:

"Xiao Manzi, you are finally back. I heard that you were plotted against in Chang'an a few days ago. I wanted to go to Chang'an with my father and carry a knife to kill the dog... Well, what the hell, it's a pity that my father didn't let me go. , it’s not that I’m not loyal enough…”

Xu Buling's memory was still there, and he still remembered this friend who hung out with him at the border. He didn't care about the title of 'Little Manzi', and chuckled: "You two idiots, we haven't seen each other for a few years and have grown like this. Now I guess you can sit on two seats." bench.”

"I call it mighty. Now when the prince goes out, I ride a horse and carry the flag. Even Uncle Tu San can't resist."

Yang Guanyu was very proud. Anyway, the elders were not here, so he was still a little excited at this time:

"When we were at the border, we agreed that when we grew up, we would go to the Lanxiang Restaurant in the city to sell meat together. In order to wait for you, I stayed as safe as a jade when I came back from the border..."


Xu Buling blinked and signaled to pay attention to his identity.

Mrs. Lu and Xiao Xiang'er's expressions darkened, and they were obviously unhappy.

Yang Guanyu was very carefree and a little dissatisfied when he saw Xu Buling's unworldly demeanor:

"What's the matter? After two years in Chang'an City, have you become a sour scholar? You made a bet with me back then, saying that you could kill ten women from the Western Regions in one night..."

‘Xu Bu Ling’ actually boasted about this before, so he looked a little embarrassed, smiled softly and turned around to introduce:

"This is Madam Lu, you should have heard of her..."

"Aunt Lu?!"

Yang Guanyu then turned his eyes to the two mature ladies holding hands behind him, his expression suddenly became serious, and he raised his hand and said:

"Of course I have heard of her, the sister of the princess, the most beautiful in Jiangnan, the ninth among the eight winners of Xuanhe, the extraordinary woman that the prince often mentions..."

Madam Lu was originally quite dissatisfied, but after a few words, she became friendly, showing the demeanor of an elder, and nodded slightly:

"Guanyu is joking, I have heard of General Yang's great name for a long time, and it is true that a tiger father will have a dog son."

"Haha, you are too kind..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yang Guanyu gave Xu Buling a "you know" look, and then ran away.

A bunch of retainers in the palace were used to this. Old Xiao walked in front of them with a cane, and said with a tut-tut sound:

"Guanyu has grown up, and is much smarter than before..."

Xu Buling felt helpless, and felt a pinch on his lower back. He didn't know whether it was the baby or the aunt. He walked slowly to the main gate and greeted the uncles and aunts among the retainers.

After returning home, the first thing he did was to go to the ancestral hall to pay homage to his ancestors.

Xu Buling asked Old Xiao to settle a bunch of maids and servants, and after sending Madam Lu and Xiao Xiang'er away, he returned to the east wing of the back house of the palace, burned incense, bathed, changed clothes, and came to the Xu family ancestral hall behind the main hall with a four-foot long sword.

It goes without saying what the ancestral hall is. Even concubines are not allowed to enter. The nanny and the maids stood outside waiting. Xu Buling entered the solemn and solemn ancestral hall alone.

The Xu family was not prosperous. The old general Xu Lie was born into a butcher family. He didn't even know his great-grandfather's name. He only had one son, Xu You. There were only four rows of tablets in the middle of the ancestral hall. The top one was Xu Lie's grandparents, followed by his parents and Xu Lie. The bottom one was the tablet of Princess Su.

The six tablets were placed in the huge ancestral hall, which seemed a bit empty. Therefore, there were many weapon racks on both sides, including swords, spears, halberds, axes, hooks and forks. They were all captured from the enemy when Xu Lie was marching and fighting. They were considered trophies.

In the front, there was a long spear, named "Shuilongyin". The whole body was snow-white and the tip was like a silver blade. It was spotless and well protected. It was captured by Xu Lie when the Emperor of Daqi led his personal army to break through Chang'an. It was a national treasure, no less than Song Ji's Emperor's Sword. It was the most important collection here.

Xu Buling put the long sword "Black Tide" back to the empty space on the weapon rack, and then carefully lit three incense sticks in front of the spirit tablet.

Because he had never met Xu Lie, although Xu Buling admired him, he did not have much feeling. On the contrary, when he saw the spirit tablet of Princess Su, he felt a pang in his heart, after all, he remembered every bit of his childhood.

After a short silence, Xu Buling bowed, closed the door of the ancestral hall, and walked out of the ancestral hall.

Standing in the middle of the huge palace, Xu Buling looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar people and things in front of him. He couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, but anyway, it was considered home...

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