The prince is very fierce

Chapter 75: What a good disciple~

The sun was blazing in the wilderness outside Chang'an City. There were pedestrians and caravans coming and going on the official road, including the occasional Wolf Guards.

Xu Buling and Ning Yuhe were going to the Queen Cui Mausoleum in the eastern suburbs, so they turned into a small road to the Queen's Mausoleum after ten miles out of the city.

The Queen's Mausoleum was near a low mountain, and the location was quite remote. There were no villages around. This road was also built specifically for worshipping at the Queen's Mausoleum. It was usually deserted.

Xu Buling listened to Ning Yuhe's instructions and rode a few steps ahead. When he walked to a small bamboo forest, he suddenly heard a subtle sound of "click, click, click" in the distance.

Although the sound of horse hooves was noisy and the distance was relatively far, Xu Buling still accurately captured this inaudible little sound from the many messy noises, and heard what made the sound - a strong bow.

Xu Buling was thrown to the border at the age of ten and lived with the soldiers. He had heard the sound of the bow being fully drawn, and his ears were calloused. Just from this sound, he could tell that it was a three-stone iron bow. One stone weighed 120 jin, and three stones weighed 360 jin. Those who could use a three-stone bow were definitely good players, and they were the elite among the elite in the army.

Xu Buling was immediately alert, but he did not react. He did not even move his eyes. He only glanced at the small bamboo forest with his peripheral vision. It was a hundred steps away, and the weeds were so overgrown that no one could be seen. However, after a careful look, he still saw the arrow painted black with ink in the gap between two bamboos.

The arrow was facing him!

Xu Buling did not change his expression, as if he had not noticed anything. He continued to trot forward while talking to Ning Yuhe, while paying attention to the small arrow.

At this time, the distance was still eighty steps.

Most archers can shoot an arrow through a willow bark from a hundred paces, but it is a pipe dream to shoot a martial arts expert to death from a hundred paces away. Therefore, the opponent did not shoot the arrow, probably waiting for the distance to close.

Xu Buling clearly saw that the direction of the arrow was pointing to his heart, and he would die if he was hit. He was still a little confused about this - if the person behind the scenes attacked him, he would not be able to kill him. Could it be someone else who had a grudge against him?

While thinking, the distance was shortened to fifty steps.

Xu Buling saw that the arrow moved slightly and turned to Ning Yuhe next to him.

Seeing this scene, Xu Buling immediately understood - they were here to find out his details.

In this case, Xu Buling naturally could not be exposed. He just rode his horse and rushed forward, waiting for the opponent to shoot Ning Yuhe, and then he chased him in anger and then the "poison" took effect.

Tap, tap, tap——

The horse's hooves moved briskly, and soon they were thirty steps away. For the top martial arts masters, this distance was no different from face-to-face contact.

At this moment, a whistling sound of an arrow breaking through the air suddenly came from the bamboo forest:


The huge force of the three-stone iron bow turned the black arrow into an invisible afterimage, pointing directly at Ning Yuhe's chest.

Ning Yuhe was also a top master. He became alert after hearing the sound of the arrow breaking through the air. He did not hesitate at all, and did not even waste time looking at it with his eyes squinting. He quickly leaned back to avoid it.

But the distance of thirty steps was too close. Ning Yuhe was talking to Xu Buling with his head tilted, so he was naturally slack. He was caught off guard and dodged. Even if he could avoid the vital points, he could not escape unscathed.

The arrow of the three-stone strong bow had no arrowhead in the stone, which was enough to make a hole anywhere on the body.

If there were no accidents, the arrow would have hit Ning Yuhe. Ning Yuhe could only forcefully turn his body away to avoid the heart, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

At this moment!

Xu Buling, who was walking on the left side of Ning Yuhe, seemed to have just noticed it, with a look of astonishment on his face. He stepped on the stirrups without hesitation, and rushed out to block Ning Yuhe. 29GG


An anxious scolding.

Ning Yuhe's eyes turned from fear to astonishment in an instant, and he looked at Xu Buling who was desperately blocking the arrow in disbelief.

The white robe was blown up by the flying wind, and the anxiety and astonishment in the man's eyes fell into his eyes.

This extremely short moment made Ning Yuhe understand one thing-he really regarded himself as a master!

Or he had already regarded him as the closest person. No reason or purpose is needed. It is already like this in the subconscious mind, just like a father who sees his child fall or a husband who sees his wife fall into the water will reach out and grab them without hesitation. They don't care about their own lives, but only want to protect the people close to them.


The arrow rushed over and was close in the blink of an eye.

It was aimed at Ning Yuhe's chest. Xu Buling rushed to the front and became Xu Buling's back. If it was shot, it would be a piercing of the heart.


At the moment when Xu Buling pounced, Ning Yuhe cried out in a hurry, stepped on the stirrups with both feet, pounced forward, hugged Xu Buling in the air, and forced Xu Buling down.




The horse neighed and raised its front hooves.

The meteor-like arrow scratched a hole on Xu Buling's shoulder and broke through the air, disappearing from sight.

Ning Yuhe fell on the dirt road while holding Xu Buling, and rolled several times. He didn't care that his Taoist robe was covered with dust, and he used his hands to support the ground to stop rolling.


Ning Yuhe's face was pale, and he looked around anxiously.

As soon as Xu Buling fell to the ground, he gritted his teeth and forced his energy to force out the little Dragon Locking Gu in his body. After rolling several times, his face was twisted and livid.

At this time, veins on Xu Buling's forehead bulged, and he looked like he had 'forced qi movement, causing the dragon-locking poison to take effect'. The skin wound on his shoulder had dyed the right shoulder red. He held Ning Yuhe tightly with his left hand to block her by his side, and looked at the bamboo forest with angry eyes while coughing violently:

"Who are you... cough cough cough——"

After coughing hard a few times, he finally forced out some poisonous blood, and his face was hideous and furious.

Ning Yuhe was held so hard that she couldn't breathe. She didn't care about the ambush, and anxiously pointed at the swaying branches in the woods: "Where is it! I'll chase him!" Seeing the blood on Xu Buling's shoulder, he was in a panic and tried to press the wound.

Xu Buling finally met a thug behind the scenes, so he naturally couldn't let it go. He made an angry posture and ran towards the bamboo forest. Unfortunately, after he broke through the bamboo forest and came to the place where the arrows were shot, there was only a corpse on the ground, with a feather arrow stuck in the back of his neck, and he fell to the ground dead.

While Xu Buling coughed, he carefully searched the surroundings with his ears. The arrow behind the assassin's neck was shot from a hundred steps away. The person who was really observing him had long lost his trace.

Xu Buling took out the wine pot from his waist and took two sips. He pretended to be in agony and squatted down to look at the body on the ground. He was dressed in black and had no markings on his body. He must be a death warrior who was arranged to come. He swallowed a poison pill when he was shot by the arrow. It seemed that in order to prevent him from catching him and asking for information, he was extremely cautious and could not have left any clues.

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