The prince is very fierce

Chapter 73 Waiting for the opportunity

After the thin and dense drizzle moistened everything, as the rising sun appeared in the sky again, the countryside of Chang'an City turned into midsummer. The sudden increase in temperature dissipated the humidity of the past few days, directly causing the merchants in the streets to The number of soldiers dropped sharply, and by noon the streets were empty.

On Zhuangyuan Street, Liu Yunlin, deputy envoy of the Criminal Investigation Department, walked out of the restaurant, smelling of alcohol. Behind him was Tang Jiao, the head of the Tang family in Youzhou, who was dressed as a scribe in a long robe.

Tang Jiao was, as Hua Jingting said, more like an official pursuing an official career than a wanderer. The reason for coming to Beijing this time is to be awarded the title of Ten Wukui, and to raise the reputation of the Tang family in Youzhou to a higher level. However, how to seal this Wu Kui is obviously a university question. The emperor writing two words casually and doing it in front of the people are two different things. Since Tang Jiao came to the capital, he naturally wanted the emperor to show up and watch him compete with others. Then 'Longyan Dayue' will give him a military leader. The candidate for this one-on-one challenge must also be suitable, otherwise the court will bring Eunuch Jia out to compete with him, and this person will lose his fortune.

Therefore, during the days when Tang Jiao came to the capital, he was visiting various places to establish relationships and try his best to sort out the matters surrounding his appointment as Wukui. He even paid a visit to the Xiao Mansion on Kuishou Street and had long forgotten about the humiliation he suffered on the road. The back of my head.

At this time, Tang Jiao had a friendly smile on his face, as if he were treating an old friend. He walked beside Liu Yunlin, whose status in the world was completely different, and said: "... Mr. Zhang was attacked by the thief Zhu Liuye. Hurt, our Tang family has also been secretly investigating. If we find the fish that slipped through the net, we will personally bring his head to the capital to punish him..."

Liu Yunlin expressed a warm expression and waved his hand: "Master Zhang is injured and resting at home. I am in charge of selecting the military leader. The head of the Tang family has been famous in the world for many years. There must be one of the ten military leaders. As for the Holy One coming to observe in person, I will Naturally, I don’t dare to say it lightly. I have already sent a message to the palace, and there will definitely be a confirmation in the near future. "

Tang Jiao's face suddenly became a little more eager. He raised his hands and clasped his fists: "Then I will help Deputy Ambassador Liu."

"Where, where... it should be..."

Liu Yunlin smiled and chatted for a few words, then got on his horse and walked out of Zhuangyuan Street. After walking around the street a few times and making sure that no one was following him, he entered a courtyard near the Imperial College again...

I know, I know——

Summer cicadas make a slightly harsh sound in the peach blossom forest of the Imperial College. The originally bare peach forest has long been transformed into greenery all over the courtyard.

Song Yu stood under the eaves of the teahouse, sheltering from the scorching sun, while holding a pen and gently sketching on the rice paper.

After a while, Liu Yunlin dressed up as a soldier, carried two baskets of rice paper into the peach blossom forest, came to the teahouse, and took off the hat used to protect his head from the sun:

"Your Majesty, it has been arranged. Liu Pingyang and Han Zhongyu can hand over a message to the Holy One at any time and ask the Holy One to come out of the palace, do you think?"

Song Yu focused her eyes on the scroll with a dull expression:

"Suolong Gu likes cold and fears heat. The weather is very hot, and the cold poison is bound to be more ferocious. It has been poisoned for nearly two years, and the poison has almost entered the lungs. It is difficult to suppress it with strong alcohol... It's just that Xu Buling rarely goes out these days. Look. I can't tell if it's poisonous. I need to find someone to test it first. Once I'm sure that the cold poison can no longer be suppressed and there is no way out, I will throw the things out and ask the emperor to leave the palace. "

Liu Yunlin nodded: "No."

Song Yu was silent for a moment, then turned his attention to the Bell and Drum Tower of the Imperial College - there was a scholar lying on a huge carved dragon pillar reading to enjoy the cool air.

"Has Meiqusheng done anything unusual recently?"

Liu Yunlin shook his head: "Since Mei Qusheng returned to Chang'an, under the supervision of his humble position and Mr. Liu and Han, he has not had any other contact with Xu Buling except Longyin Pavilion. Thousands of people watched that day, but they didn't say anything special... On the contrary, Xiao Qi, the eldest lady of the Xiao family, met Xu Buling a few days ago..."

"Xiao Qi is very intelligent, but this matter has nothing to do with the Xiao family. There is very little that can be understood and nothing can be seen. When I met Xu Buling, I am afraid that she noticed something was wrong... It is better to take action as soon as possible. If the Xiao family also intervenes At this point, the situation is in chaos..."

"No! I will arrange it right away..."

Liu Yunlin bowed slightly and quickly retreated...


It's the end of April in a blink of an eye, and a little while later it will be the fifth day of May. The time of the year when Yang Qi is at its strongest, just like the sun at noon, so May is also called the "Poisonous May".

In Prince Su's Mansion, Xu Buling meditated in the cool and comfortable stone pavilion of the back house, calming down and carefully regulating his energy and blood.

It is not good to detoxify too quickly. It is like a river that has been blocked for more than a year and suddenly removes the stones blocking the river channel. The original river channel has shrunk and dried up, and is suddenly washed away by the raging torrent. If it is not regulated, it will easily become injured. bone. After coming out of the Xiao family's house last time, Xu Buling didn't go out again and was quietly recuperating at home.

Locking Dragon Gu likes the cold and fears the heat. It is relatively quiet when the weather is cold, but is as ferocious as a savage beast in the hot summer. Last summer, the poison almost killed him, but Aunt Lu got a lot of ice cubes to use as an air conditioner for him. Only then did he get through all the difficulties and dangers. Weichang

Now that the Dragon Locking Gu has been unlocked, there will no longer be the pain of thousands of ants gnawing at the heart. It is easy to leave the capital secretly, but escaping is obviously not advisable.

What Xu Buling wanted was to be sent out of Chang'an by the emperor in an "honest and fair manner".

Using his martial arts skills to escape secretly, he would have to stay in Suzhou City and be a coward in his next life. This was not what Xu Buring wanted.

Therefore, the plan still had to go according to plan. Obviously, the detoxification matter could not be spread out. Resting at home was just a joke, lest the mastermind behind the scenes would find out that the dragon-locking poison had been solved.

As for the Queen Mother's baby, she has been very peaceful recently. She is staying in the palace to take care of herself and has not posted any posts asking Xu Buling to go and detoxify.

According to Xu Buling's guess, Xiao Qi should have said something to the Queen Mother's baby after that night. It was impossible to confess, otherwise the Queen Mother's baby would have rushed over and cut him off. It was probably just some insinuations that made the Queen Mother smell something was wrong, so she stayed calm and didn't mess around.

Xu Bu Ling's poison had been almost cured, and if he cured it again, it would be gone, so he didn't go to see the Queen Mother at night... Mainly because he didn't dare to go, what happened last time was too ridiculous, and I felt sorry for the Queen Mother's baby.

Xiao Qi's reaction was also in line with the identity of a strong woman. She swallowed Anqi without any strange expression and continued to deal with the tedious affairs of the Xiao family that day. She seemed to have forgotten about losing her virginity. But he must have been avoiding snakes and scorpions, and they never saw each other again after that day.

Now is a critical juncture, and Xu Buling cannot have too much involvement with the Huainan Xiao family. He can only resolve this misunderstanding that is not bad for him until he returns to Suzhou safely.

Miss Xiao is one year younger than Aunt Lu, only twenty-seven, and she is a well-matched family girl. He is now nineteen years old, so it shouldn't be a big problem if he is a few years younger. He can just get married, but it's hard for Aunt Lu to explain...

Thinking of this, Xu Buling frowned and had a headache - Su Wang Xu You was his father, and it was impossible not to admit it regardless of his body or memory.

Grandfather Xu Lie had a son in old age, and his father was only in his forties. Like him twenty-two years ago, he came to Chang'an City to study.

His mother-in-law, Princess Su, was a young lady from the Lu family of the East China Sea. She was only sixteen at the time and was traveling in the south of the Yangtze River, playing with her seven or eight-year-old Aunt Lu, who was burning yellow paper.

After that, his mother ran to the capital and was chased by his father. Judging from the time, she should have got on the train first and paid for the ticket later. Because his mother gave birth a few months after becoming a princess.

At that time, Aunt Lu heard that his mother had come to the capital, so she rushed to the capital to play. As a result, they met a few times and then passed each other. When he was born, Aunt Lu was only ten years old, and then she married The Queen Mother's baby and Xiao Qi's eldest nephew.

Although they are not related by blood and the age difference is not big, if he and Xiao Qi get married, they will naturally be related to each other.

King Su calls Mrs. Lu his adopted sister...

He called Mrs. Lu aunt...

Mrs. Lu calls his wife aunt...

King Su called his wife his daughter-in-law...

Mrs. Lu called King Su...

Mrs. Lu called him...

Thinking of this, Xu Bu Ling shuddered. He could already imagine Mrs. Lu holding the scissors, standing beside the bed in the middle of the night, feeling aggrieved...

How about letting Aunt Lu break off the engagement...

So how do you calculate the matter of worshiping the boss...

Too young to count?

Somewhat reluctantly...

In the stone pavilion, Xu Buling rubbed his forehead and fell into a dead end unknowingly...

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