The prince is very fierce

Chapter 15: Too much bullying! (60/349)

Thanks to Mr. [Kaga Ai] for the 10,000 reward! Finally, the repayment is faster than the increase...


Chang'an City is still brightly lit.

In Qingshi Alley of Dayefang, two lanterns were swaying outside the wine shop, and all three wine tables were occupied.

Beside the fence of a restaurant near the alley, Zhu Manzhi was lying on the table with a large wine bowl in front of him. The reflection of the lantern was reflected in the bowl. He hummed from time to time, boredom written on his face.

Xiao Ning is gone, Daning is gone, even Mr. Xu is gone, how can we live this life...

Zhu Manzhi felt lazy. He felt that he had no energy in his body, he had no motivation to patrol the streets, and he didn't even want to earn money. In the past, you could go outside the palace in the name of patrolling the streets, but now you can't run outside the city...

"Why can't I fly..."

Zhu Manzhi felt that his days were like years. He picked up the big wine bowl and prepared to take a sip.

It's a pity that she usually only drinks rice wine and yellow rice wine. Duanyushao is too strong and cannot be tolerated by ordinary drinkers. She almost choked to death after taking one sip, so she coughed twice and quickly put it down.

Shopkeeper Sun put a towel on his shoulders and shook his head as he looked at it: "Little girl, if you don't know how to drink, you still have a bowl. Isn't this a waste of time..."

"Huh~ I know how to drink." Zhu Manzhi's face turned red, he took another sip, and then muttered: "Shopkeeper Sun, you are well-informed, do you know my father?"

Shopkeeper Sun was familiar with everyone. He took a bowl of wine, sat down across the wine table, and said with a smile:

"What does it look like? From that road? As long as you come to the shop and have a drink, I might remember it."

Zhu Manzhi sighed, sat up and supported his chin with his hand: "My father doesn't drink. Well... he is very good at farming. He dug three acres of land by himself in half a day..."


The drinkers at the two tables next to him laughed out loud when they heard this.

Shopkeeper Sun said "Hey", turned around and waved his hand: "Why are you laughing? I don't think about the kind of labor it takes to dig three acres of land in a long time, and you are still running around in the world with such sharp eyesight..."

The drinkers at the two tables laughed: "How can there be a master of martial arts who goes digging in the ground..."

"What's so strange about farming? I've seen all the old masters squatting in the alleys selling paintings and serving as waiters to pay for drinks... Going around in the world is just a matter of 'nothing is owed' to either, and you have to pay back all the favors, big and small. You have to avenge both big and small grudges. If you are good at martial arts, you don’t need money to eat? If you don’t have money, you have to owe favors and make enemies. How can you feel comfortable earning it yourself..."

The drinkers at the two tables smiled and nodded. It was natural for them to understand. If they didn't understand, it was useless to talk.

Zhu Manzhi pouted and thought for a while: "This is true, my father also said so."

Shopkeeper Sun picked up the wine bowl and took a sip: "Then your father must be a figure. I'm a young man at my age, so I generally can't understand this. What kind of weapon does your father use?"

Zhu Manzhi snorted: "Use a sword, but my father doesn't have a sword. He just taught me with branches, and I didn't learn much..."

Shopkeeper Sun nodded: "Swordsmen...well...there are a lot of swordsmen in the world. Swordsmen never leave their swords. If they don't have swords, they either seal the swords in a box and go into seclusion, or they lose the swords and never get them back. Your father has both. possible."

The drinker next to him became a little interested when he heard about the swordsman, and turned around: "I heard from my friends in the Jianghu that a swordsman came out from the east. He single-handedly picked up the swordsman and killed several masters. It seemed that he wanted to go to the Lu family in the East China Sea. , could it be your father?"

Zhu Manzhi frowned and thought for a moment: "Probably not, my father is very kind. That swordsman was ruthless and would kill all the men of the sect he found. It's not like my father..."

Shopkeeper Sun thought about it for a moment, shook his head and chuckled: "He who is heading towards the Lu family in Donghai must want the title of 'Sword Master'. You will know who it is in a few days."

Zhu Manzhi hummed, then lay down on the table listlessly, staring at the wine bowl in a daze...


In the middle of the night, I don’t know what time it was, most of the people on Yufeng Mountain were already asleep.

Creaking, creaking——

Xu Buling worked hard to detoxify, the Queen Mother rolled her eyes dizzy, and suddenly there were footsteps and voices outside the room:

"Mrs. Lu?"

"Is the Queen Mother resting?"

"Have been resting for a while..."

! !

Xu Bu Ling froze suddenly, not even daring to breathe out.

The Queen Mother was lying on the couch dizzy. She felt Xu Buling stop, and opened her eyes in confusion and dissatisfaction. After she realized what she was doing, her face suddenly turned white again, and she pushed Xu Buling with wide eyes.

"Good brother, bah - hide it quickly..."

But this situation is obviously too late.

Xu Bu Ling covered the Queen Mother's mouth and signaled her not to speak.


Mrs. Lu and the Queen Mother were close friends who talked about everything, and they didn't have so many rules in private. Light footsteps walked past the window and stopped in front of the door. I pushed it and found that the door was locked. I was confused, 'Hey! ’ made a sound.

The Queen Mother's heart was about to jump out of her chest. She blinked anxiously and signaled Xu Bu Ling to hide quickly.

Xu Buling made a 'shush' gesture, but before he could move, a voice came from outside:

"Queen Mother?"


Dong Dong——

There was a knock on the door.

The Queen Mother was anxious, ashamed, angry and uncomfortable. With her eyes rolling rapidly, she could only open Xu Buling's hand, pretend to be sleepy, and said softly:

"Hongluan...what's wrong?"

"I can't sleep at night, so I came here to talk to you..."

"I've already fallen asleep...if you have anything to say, just tell me..."

There was silence outside the room, and he sighed quietly:

"I came here to say thank you. If you hadn't said that Furong Temple was effective, Ling'er wouldn't have recovered so quickly..."

The words were friendly, without the sour taste of the past. Maybe she was really exhausted from the tossing these days.

The Queen Mother pursed her lips, was silent for a moment, and comforted softly: "Hongluan, Bu Ling will get better soon, you should relax... I can read the face, maybe Bu Ling... That boy, at first glance, looks like he will live a hundred years..."

"I hope so... Do you like Ling'er too?"

The Queen Mother was stunned and shook her head quickly: "I don't like it. "

"Hehe... I can see that Xiao Ting is not doing well. You have been closer to Ling'er these days... Actually, we are both widows and have no children. It is naturally more comfortable to have a nephew..."



Outside the room, he changed the subject and was a little proud: "Ling'er, this child, only listens to me. He is not very close to you in his heart. In the afternoon, he said that you are nagging and nagging. Alas~ I scolded him and said that you are an elder and it is not easy to live in the palace. You should be more considerate..."

Yes, it turns out that he came here to show off.

The queen mother's face suddenly darkened, and she pursed her lips and looked at the man above coldly.

Xu Buling was full of black lines and moved slightly.


The queen mother hurriedly covered her mouth, and her soul was almost scared out of her wits.

"What's the matter?"

" are the one who is nagging...Get out!"

"Hehe~This is what Ling'er said, not me, sleep peacefully..."

"Get out~! "


The footsteps left the door briskly. It seemed that he came to confront the Queen Mother and felt much better.

The Queen Mother's face flushed. She didn't dare to move until the footsteps outside the room disappeared. She raised her hand and pushed Xu Buling:

"You go away too. Neither of you is a good person. You come to bully me in the middle of the night. Go find your aunt..."

Xu Buling had no words to say, and whispered:

"She is my aunt... She can't cure the poison..."

"I am still your aunt... Ah-be gentle, I'm going to poison you..."

"Good baby~"


I recommend a book called "I am a killer without feelings" by Zhongqiu Yueming.


I am a killer like a pigeon;

I am without feelings;

I am also without money...

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