There was a gentle morning breeze in the courtyard. In the bedroom with the doors and windows closed, a woman with only lotus flowers and carp hidden in her bed was trying to get up in a hurry. She didn't even have time to find clothes to cover her body. She was barefoot and wanted to run to the outhouse, but she didn't expect that she just wanted to get up. Taking one step is a stagger.

Xu Buling raised his eyebrows. He spent the last night detoxifying and did not light the lamp. Only now did he have the time to carefully appreciate the scenery of white flowers.

The Queen Mother was already panicking. She didn't care about the strange appearance and clothes on her body. She ran to Xu Buling and said incoherently: "Don't drink, don't drink... Oops, spit it out..." As she said this, she raised her hand and patted Xu Buling hard. Bu Ling's back was raised, and he wanted to raise his hand to stuff Xu Bu Ling's mouth.

It’s no wonder that the Queen Mother is so anxious. She left the palace this time on the pretext of going to the imperial mausoleum. The poisoned wine has been prepared. She was afraid that Qiao’e would find out that she had been carrying it with her. Thinking that Xu Buling was bedridden and unable to move, Then he put it in the outhouse.

But the Queen Mother never expected that she would fall asleep, and Xu Buling actually got up early in the morning to find wine to drink. This wine was used to commit suicide... I just saved you with my life, but you don't think you died fast enough...

"Oh~ you are about to vomit..."

The Queen Mother was almost crying. She was jumping on the spot, raising her hands to grab Xu Buling's throat to make him spit it out.

Xu Bu Ling was naturally confused. He gently grabbed the Queen Mother's wrist and chuckled:

"What's wrong?"


The Queen Mother cried anxiously and shook her arms:

"Quickly throw up, you can't drink this wine..."

Xu Buling was confused and looked down at the wine bottle:

"It's quite delicious..."

"You're so good, hurry up..."

The Queen Mother had no choice but to grit her teeth and say: "It's poisonous. You'll die if you drink it. You'll vomit soon..."


Xu Buling blinked and raised his hand to scratch the bridge of the Queen Mother's nose:



The Queen Mother cried anxiously and patted Xu Buling's shoulder hard: "Quick, quick, quick... I really can't drink... I'm going to die soon..."


Xu Bu Ling looked carefully and saw that the Queen Mother's anxiety did not seem to be fake, and she did not seem to be flirting with him...

! !

Xu Buling's face with a hint of a smile immediately stiffened, and he frowned and said:

"Why did you prepare the poisoned wine for yourself?"


The Queen Mother's expression froze, but she didn't care. She slapped his chest with her hand: "Spit it out first, I beg you..."

Xu Buling felt it carefully, and found that something was indeed wrong at this time, but he only felt sleepy and not uncomfortable. It was probably the poison in the "Beauty Fragrance". This kind of poison has a strange smell and cannot be used to kill people. It is not very toxic and does not cause any pain. It is mostly used for suicide.

No wonder it tasted weird just now...

Xu Bu Ling frowned and looked at the Queen Mother's anxious face: "If you don't want to save me, just say so. Why did you prepare such a thing for yourself?"

The Queen Mother was already panicking, tears rolled down her face, but she was beating Xu Buling's body anxiously, with a bit of anger:

" are going to vomit!"


Xu Buling was silent for a moment, sighed softly, walked to the standing cabinet, took out a small porcelain bottle, took out a pill, and drank it with wine. The pills are made by Xinglin's holy hands. They can detoxify hundreds of poisons and regulate the inner breath. They can even detoxify the poisonous needles in Ning Yuhe, let alone such small things.

The Queen Mother followed behind and watched nervously until Xu Buling took the pill, still a little anxious:

"Spit out the wine first..."

"Spit it out and the medicine will be in vain."

Xu Buling's voice was soft, and he turned around and looked seriously into the Queen Mother's eyes: "Why do you want to commit suicide? If you don't want to save me, just say so."

The Queen Mother stabilized her mind a little, and then all kinds of thoughts returned to the sea of ​​anger. Her expression changed slightly, and she clenched her palms:

"It has nothing to do with you."

As he said that, he turned around and prepared to run out, completely forgetting that he was only wearing lotus flowers.


A crisp sound rang out in the early morning cabin.

The Queen Mother shivered, and then screamed "Ah--" and ran back to the back of the house in a panic. She looked around and couldn't find where her skirt and pants were thrown. She could only pull up the thin quilt and wrap it around her body, her face turned red. Red, a little ashamed.

Xu Buling sighed and walked into the house. He was still a little staggered because of his unhealed injuries.

The Queen Mother was obviously a little nervous, with a determined look on her face, but she subconsciously wrapped herself in the quilt and stepped back, her eyes evasive as she said:

"Don't worry about me, I am the current Queen Mother... If you lose your integrity, you deserve to die. You just need to live... Think more about the people from now on..."

"In order to save me, you risk your own life?"

Xu Bu Ling walked up to her, condescendingly, and raised his hand to touch her face.

The Queen Mother's eyes were panicked and a little angry: "Who do you think I am? I just don't want you to die. I will save you only if you are still useful to the world... I have no shame in living in this world. I don't want to live." My own business..." As he said that, he was about to bypass Xu Buling and get the half-pot of poisonous wine on the table.

Xu Buling raised his hand to block the way. After thinking for a while, his voice became extremely soft:

"The Queen Mother died in my room, and I still have to die... Sit down first, don't be so excited..."

The Queen Mother gradually regained her sanity, and now she just wanted to die. If she lived for another quarter of an hour, she would feel more self-blame and panic in her heart. The Queen Mother had a private meeting with a man. Just thinking about it was disgusting, and she couldn't sit down.

The Queen Mother gritted her teeth and tried to push Xu Buling away and get out of the corner. As soon as she touched him, Xu Buling swayed and held her hands against the wall before she stood firm.

Seeing this frail appearance, the Queen Mother was stunned, and then she remembered the important matter, staring at Xu Buling with her big eyes:

"Have you cured the poison?"


Xu Buling's face froze, he raised his hand to rub his forehead, sat down on the bed, and hesitated to speak.


The Queen Mother's anxiety gradually turned into astonishment, and then she walked up to him quickly, pressed Xu Buling's wrist, and carefully felt his pulse.

The Dragon Locking Gu was obviously still blocking the blood.


The Queen Mother stood up suddenly, her face pale, with disbelief and a bit of grief in her eyes, raised her hand and pointed at Xu Buling:

" lied to me? You...actually..."

She spoke incoherently, with indescribable indignation.

If Xu Buling was lying to her, then what were the two of them doing last night...having an affair?

The Queen Mother trembled all over, shook her head constantly, and slowly stepped back in disbelief. Her eyes were filled with mixed emotions, anger, shame, self-blame..., but more of disappointment, disappointment that Xu Buling actually used this method to deceive her kindness...

Xu Buling touched his chin, it was really hard to speak, and seeing that the Queen Mother had misunderstood, he could only say embarrassedly:

"Well... the poison is solved..."


The Queen Mother's eyes were red, and she rushed forward with grief and anger, carefully felt the pulse, and then said sternly: "The Dragon Locking Gu is still there, you... you... do you think I am a fool?"

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