The prince is very fierce

Chapter 2 A tall tree attracts the wind, a capable aunt

Early this morning, Xu Buling was sitting in a small boat fishing in Qujiang Pond, while eight sergeants stood waiting outside the waterside pavilion.

As a time-traveler, Xu Buling went fishing outside the city. Naturally, he was not trying to cultivate his health and pretend to be literary.

The Dayue Dynasty should be estimated to be between the Tang and Song Dynasties, but after the Spring and Autumn Period, the history of the world became chaotic, and Xu Buring had no idea of ​​the future situation.

And Xu Buling himself is the legitimate son of King Su. He was so famous when he was a child that he was called "Dragon Muscles, Tiger Bones, Qilin Jin". When he grows up, he will probably be a strong man similar to "Lü Bu, Xiang Yu, Lao Ai".

Even if he became famous at a young age, Xu Buling's father, King Su, was still a hereditary and hereditary vassal king with real power, sitting on the territory of the twelve states of Xiliang and commanding 200,000 Xiliang troops.

The soldiers are strong, the horses are strong, and the achievements are great.

If there is another invincible heir who overthrows the barbarians in Mobei, what reward should the emperor on the dragon throne give?

Above the prince is the emperor!

I don't know if it was for this reason, but the original Xu Buling went to Beijing to study for three years according to his ancestors' instructions, and encountered an assassination on the way.

On the verge of death, Xu Bu Ling traveled through time and was escorted to Chang'an City by the only remaining old servant. He was also poisoned.

After all, Xu Buling had lived for decades before, and he could guess with his toes that there was something complicated behind this matter.

After arriving in Chang'an, he was naturally careful to protect himself. If he could avoid seeing people, he would do so and try to survive until he could leave Beijing in three years.

With Ke Xu Bu Ling's status, it's not easy to stay at home and be an otaku.

Xu Buling was not a new student at the Qidian Orphanage. King Su felt that Xu Buling was young and a fool, so he arranged a guardian for him.

Speaking of the guardian, Mrs. Lu, Xu Buling is hard to describe.

Mrs. Lu's name is Lu Hongluan. She is the legitimate daughter of a wealthy family and has a very high status. She is related to the Queen Mother as her aunt and niece.

What's more important is that Mrs. Lu and Princess Su, also known as Xu Buling's mother, are sisters who worship the emperor and burn yellow paper.

Mrs. Lu is a widow with no children and has nothing to do at home all day long. She takes very good care of Xu Buling, her 'nephew born from heaven'. She knows exactly what time she gets up every day, what she eats, and where she goes. It's a development game.

Although Xu Buling was seventeen or eighteen years old, he was a normal man in his heart. He couldn't stand being stared at by a widow every day, so he could only hide outside the city and go fishing.

It's a pity that it's really hard to hide when a woman stares at someone with such enthusiasm.

Xu Buling was fishing and doubting his life when the sound of footsteps came from the Qujiang Pool.

A beautiful woman in palace attire wearing a fire fox shawl walked over. She was as graceful as jade and as beautiful as an immortal. She was carrying a vermilion food box carved with auspicious animals.

The eight guards bowed slightly when they saw this:

"Mrs. Lu!"

"Let's all go down and have a rest."


Xu Bu Ling had a headache, but a bright smile appeared on his face:

"Aunt Lu."

Mrs. Lu stepped onto the boat and raised her hand to open the food box. Inside was a plate of longan:

"No, when you came to Beijing last year, you were poisoned by a gangster plot, but you can't give up on yourself. Longan can drive away cold poison and is better than wine. It was originally prepared for the Holy One. I specially asked for it from the Queen Mother. You Taste it.”

When Xu Buling came, he was plotted and poisoned, and his martial arts skills were at a loss. The cold poison can only be suppressed by drinking. Although the court has been investigating this matter, there has been no result.

Facing Mrs. Lu's concern, Xu Buring smiled and opened his mouth to catch the longan:

"I didn't give up on myself. When I was ambushed in the Weihe River, my martial arts skills were at a loss. I haven't found out who the murderer is yet. If you ask me to hide my clumsiness, I have to find something to do, right?"

Mrs. Lu continued to flick the dragon's eyes: "I asked you to hide your stupidity, but I didn't tell you to hide it. Have you ever seen a young man in his late teens sitting by the lake fishing all day long as a hermit?"

Xu Bu Ling twirled a longan and pushed it away, bringing it to Mrs. Lu's lips:

"Okay Aunt Lu, I will go back to the Imperial College to study tomorrow, and in the evening I will take the loser out to molest good women."

Mrs. Lu showed a bit of annoyance: "Nonsense, you are not the stupid son of a rich man, why are you teasing a decent woman? Hiding one's stupidity and desecrating oneself is a matter of course, and being a dandy also requires a certain standard...well...such as buying a horse when you have nothing to do. Eat the meat of a good horse, buy a painting and calligraphy painting and burn it to keep warm, do things like burning musical instruments and boiling cranes, making big mistakes and making small mistakes one after another, making others angry to death, and there is nothing you can do about it..."


Xu Buling nodded seriously: "Okay, okay, I understand."

Mrs. Lu was only then satisfied and said softly: "Remember not to act on your own initiative and act like your romantic heir. With your status, it doesn't matter what ridiculous things you do, but if you arouse the suspicion of the Holy Emperor, you will never be able to recover." End."

Xu Bu Ling nodded slightly and smiled.

In Chang'an City, Mrs. Lu was probably the only one who treated Xu Buling sincerely.

Although Xu Buling has been hiding from Mrs. Lu, he is aware of Leng Nuan.

However, it was very embarrassing for Mrs. Lu to ask him to hide his shame and act as a domineering prodigal with no ambitions.

I have been through a lot of being forced to work hard, so what does it mean to be forced to become the second generation ancestor?

The poison in Xu Buling's body has not been cured and he may die suddenly at any time. This is a top priority, but if Mrs. Lu doesn't listen to her words, it can kill people.

After watching Mrs. Lu leave, Xu Buling lost interest in fishing, so he called it a day and returned to Prince Su's Mansion.

Compared with the colorful lanterns of several surrounding mansions, Prince Su's Mansion on Kuishou Street looks a little dull.

Prince Su's Mansion was a mansion awarded to the Xu family by the imperial court. The Xu family stayed in Xiliang all year round and it was basically empty. There were eight guards plus Xu Buling and the old servant, a total of ten people.

As for the beautiful maids, Mrs. Lu was guarding her tightly for fear that Xu Buling would be raped by an unscrupulous girl, and all the cooks were men.

Speaking of which, Xu Buling was a little pitiful.

Snowflakes were falling in winter, Xu Buling walked through the corridor and walked to the study room, and when he looked up, he saw an old servant sitting on the steps outside the door.

The servant's name is Lao Xiao, who was Xu Buling's bodyguard. He was assassinated near the Weihe River last year, and it was Lao Xiao who desperately protected Xu Buling from escaping.

At this time, Lao Xiao put his crutches on his knees, his servant hat tilted askew, licking his fingers and flipping through a picture album. In the moonlight, the five characters "Pictures of Jade Trees in the Spring Palace" were faintly visible.


"Ouch~ The young prince is back, a rare visitor!"

Ding, the old servant, put his hands into his sleeves and stuffed the album into his sleeves. He stood up with a cane and came to him with a flattering smile:

"I said you can't hide, young prince. Mrs. Lu is a widow and has nothing to do. She keeps an eye on your every move every day. Even if she doesn't see you for three days, she will send the Royal Guards to search the city. You should just stay and study in the Imperial College. ”

"Let's get down to business."

Xu Buling picked up the wine gourd and took a sip. Seeing such a "capable aunt" on the table, he felt the bitter wine entering his throat and his heart aching.

Old Xiao followed with his walking stick and said with a chuckle: "Little prince, the 'Long Locking Poison' you were infected with is a poisonous Poison passed down from the Miao border. A few days ago, I heard some alchemists say that the investigation was carried out ten years ago. The 'Dragon Locking Gu' appeared in Si Qing's suppression of the Jianghu family, and the Detective Department may know the news..."

Because Dayue used martial arts to rejuvenate the country, there were many people who practiced martial arts. As the saying goes, "Xia uses martial arts to disrupt the ban." There are too many people in the world who refuse to obey the rules, which naturally hinders the rule of those in power.

Ten years ago, when the new emperor succeeded to the throne, he sent heavy troops to eliminate those who refused to obey the rules. The Detective Department was established at that time, specifically responsible for this aspect, and also monitored the various princes. Like wolves and tigers, they were called the "Wolf Guards" .

Xu Buring was not surprised that the Criminal Investigation Department knew about the 'Long Lock'. He tilted his head and asked Lao Xiao:

"Is there any way to sneak into the Detective Division?"

Old Xiao shook his head: "The Detective Department has too much power. It has been monitoring various princes and aristocratic families for many years, including our Prince Su. I'm afraid we won't be able to get in."

Xu Buling frowned: "How about cultivating spies?"

Lao Xiao touched the armrest of the crutch: "Of course it is possible... There are several new wolf guards in the Dog Camp of the Detective Division. Among them is a little girl who is only sixteen years old. I have been watching it for a few days because I have a simple mind...

...I gave the girl a message a few days ago, and I should check out Fulai Building in Dayefang. Fulai Building has some troublesome backgrounds, so the girl will definitely suffer, so we can just wait and see. "

"How hard is the background of Fu Lai Lou?"

"I don't know. Anyway, you are not as tough as the young prince."

Xu Buling nodded, took his sword and went out.

It has been a year since he came to this world. Although Xu Buling has never been to other places, he has a relatively clear understanding of Chang'an City.

Each of the 108 squares has a square guard. In addition to the regular imperial guards, three wolf guards will be left in each square. There is no curfew at night, and it is common to play music and dance in bustling squares.

Dayefang is located near the Imperial City, with brothels, teahouses, cloth shops, jewelry houses and other entertainment places in succession. It is considered a famous gold-selling cave in Chang'an City. The Longyin Pavilion on Zhuangyuan Street even has a saying that "the son of a rich man who enters the door will leave when he leaves." The expression "breeze on both sleeves".

Xu Buling rode his horse through Dayefang, which was crowded with pedestrians, and came to the back street. When he looked up, he saw a female police officer sitting on a tea stall outside a restaurant.

Wearing standard black clothes, with a token hanging from his waist, and a wild goose feather knife on the table, he is dressed in standard wolf guard attire. She has a pair of big eyes and is wearing a turban. She looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. Her breasts are magnificent and beautiful.

"Young prince, this is the girl."

Old Xiao held his cane, looked at the female wolf guard in the wine shop in the distance, and muttered seriously:

"I checked in the past few days. My surname is Zhu and my given name is Manzhi. I am from the Fenhe area. He was born in the city. He worked as a police officer after his parents disappeared. He was transferred to the capital last month."

Xu Buling looked at it for a few times and frowned slightly: "How long does it take for a young child to be trained before he can go into the record library to check the files?"

Lao Xiao thought about it for a while: "The case documents warehouse is an important place, and people from the Criminal Investigation Department are not allowed to enter it casually. There are three thousand wolf guards, divided into 108 Tiangang Disha, and only the wolf guards with the prefix Tian can enter the case documents warehouse...

...The job of a police officer is to catch thieves after all. With great achievements and great abilities, he will soon be able to break into the Tianzi camp. "

"How much credit does it take?"

"The Criminal Investigation Department has issued a reward list for the brave warriors in the world. The reward is more than a thousand taels of silver. At least a few must be caught. If you give the chief officer some money as a reward, it should be about the same."

Xu Bu Ling nodded and waited quietly near the tea stall with his sword in his arms, while Lao Xiao pretended to be a storyteller and talked nonsense.

What follows is naturally the cliche drama of a female detective getting into trouble, Prince Xu heroically saving a beauty, and completing the tasks assigned by Mrs. Lu in a domineering manner...

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