The prince is very fierce

Chapter 106: Phoenix cries blood and asks for forgiveness from the heaven!

In the long and silent night, the lanterns under the palace eaves emit a dim light.

Changle Palace is as deserted as ever, and it seems to be the same as it was ten years ago, but things have changed a lot.

The palace maids have gone to bed, and only the side hall of the Queen Mother's bedroom is still lit.

The pillars reflect the light of the candlelight, and the red curtains are gently swaying in the night wind. A figure stands in front of the black and white wall, leaving a lonely reflection on the huge peony flower.

After returning from Taiji Palace, the Queen Mother stood here, staring blankly at the painting in front of her.

"A man should live when he should live, and die when he should die..."

"With the national humiliation in front of us, why should the sons of the Xu family care about dying..."

"...but...there is no other way...only the Queen Mother can save me..."

"...If the Queen Mother is unwilling, I will not force her. If the Queen Mother is willing, I will repay her with the rest of my life..."

All kinds of words echoed in her mind, some of which were said by her and some by Xu Buling. Every word shocked her mind, making her, who thought she was steady, restless for a moment.

Save Xu Buling...

If it was just like this, she would agree without any hesitation.

The Xu family brought peace to the world, and their descendants were infected with serious diseases. As the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family, if she didn't save him, how could she live up to the teachings she had received since childhood...

Xu Buling stood up for the country today, at the cost of his life, to take back what should have belonged to Dayue. As the queen mother of Dayue, if she stood by and watched, how could she live up to the phoenix robe on her body...

And she didn't want Xu Buling to die...

Hongluan couldn't lose Xu Buling, her only support...

Save him, he must be saved, there is no reason not to save him.

The way to save him...

The queen mother shook her head with difficulty, and her eyes showed deep entanglement.

How could it be possible...

How could there be such a method...

How could she agree to such an unreasonable detoxification method...

She is the daughter of the Xiao family who married out. She was born into a family of nobles. Her ancestors had served as prime ministers for generations. As a descendant, her personal integrity and reputation are more important than her life. She has never lost her integrity in the deep palace for ten years. How could she ruin her reputation for this...

She is the queen mother of Dayue, the mother of a country, the legitimate mother of the current emperor, and a role model for women in the world. She has been conscientiously fulfilling her duties as a queen for ten years since entering the palace. If she saves Xu Buling with this method, how can she live in the world with dignity? The face of the Song family and the face of the Xiao family will all be lost in her hands...

Cannot save...

Absolutely cannot save...

...How can she feel at ease if she doesn't save him?

Xu Buling was originally harmed by a bad person. Now he is loyal to the country and his life is in danger. If she stands by and watches, can she live with dignity, but can she also live with her conscience?

It's not okay to save him, and it's not okay not to save him. She is just a woman. What choice should she make?

The Queen Mother clenched her hands tightly, tears burst out of her eyes, her breathing was short, she wanted to be hysterical, but she still maintained her usual demeanor.

The night wind was rustling, and the deep palace was cold.

Time passed little by little, and there was only one breath in the hall, and the huge peony painting.

The Queen Mother stood in front of the painting, the sun rose and set, and the palace lanterns were lit and extinguished. The maid called out countless times outside the door, and Qiao E came in and persuaded her several times and went out again, but she didn't move.

I don't know how long it took, the Queen Mother saw the little man on the table, and the half string of candied haws in the little man's hand...

The little man had a bright smile and held the candied haws. It looked a little ridiculous, but she would never forget it in her life.

The picture of handing over the candied haws is still lingering in her mind. Aibeduo Bookstore

The Queen Mother's eyes gradually calmed down, and gradually became a little dazed.

Looking back, ten years in the palace are not as worth recalling as the half an hour on the street...

The rest of my life will probably be like this...

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother's face suddenly showed some determination.

Rather than staying in the palace and dying of old age without anyone knowing, perhaps people who should live should be allowed to live...

Xu Buling is the prince of Su Wang, and he is willing to die for the country, but he should not die at this time...

The world is not peaceful, and the disputes of the Three Kingdoms may sweep the people at any time. We need a Xu Lie to shock the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms and various princes. If Xu Buling dies, who will be this person...

Xu Buling has great talent, knows the honor and disgrace of the people, and has the twelve states of Xiliang to rely on. Who else has this qualification...

Compared with the world, what is her life?

A man should die when he should. Although she is a woman, she is also the daughter of the Xiao family. She should be as brave as a man...

Xu Buling can sacrifice his life for the honor of the country, so why should she, a righteous man for the country, cherish her life...

I'm sorry to the Song family and the Xiao family.

At least she, Xiao Xiang'er, is worthy of the people of the world!

The Queen Mother trembled slightly, snorted sharply, walked quickly to the table, picked up the brush, and wrote lines of words on the white rice paper.

"I have been in the palace for ten years. I have been managing the palace and enforcing etiquette. I have no children, but I have fulfilled my duties as a concubine. I have never slacked off for a moment and lived up to the Song family.

Our ancestors taught us: the righteousness of the world comes first, etiquette, honor, life and death, reputation, nothing can be abandoned.

Xu Buling risked his life for the righteousness, and I saved him, living up to the teachings of our ancestors.

Xu Buling risked his life, so why should I, Xiao Xianger, care about my life? I will only die.

If my ancestors are in heaven, if you feel that it is not right, I will be a pig, dog, cow or horse in the next life, and I will bear it alone!"


Writing quickly.

After the queen mother finished writing, she picked up the golden paper cutter, cut her finger, and wrote her name on the rice paper with blood.

After that, she returned to the bedroom and took out a bottle of poison and a wine pot from among the dazzling array of ingenious objects.

The poison was prepared when she was a widow in the deep palace and was about to go crazy due to loneliness and despair. It has a little flower fragrance and can be relieved in dreams after drinking it, but she finally resisted and did not drink it.

She poured the poison into the wine pot, set up an incense table in the main hall of Changle Palace, and lit three incense sticks.

The queen mother, wearing a fiery red phoenix robe, knelt on the futon, lit the blood letter to sacrifice to the ancestors of the Xiao family, and put it in the brazier.

"I will give you my life in exchange for his!

The sin of infidelity shall be paid with my life!

The heavens and the earth shall bear witness to this!

As the calm words came out, the Queen Mother's troubled eyes gradually calmed down.

The rice paper turned into ashes in the flames, and the green smoke rose.

The Queen Mother raised her beautiful face and watched the faint green smoke float up, rising to the dome, passing through the eaves and green tiles, and reaching the sky.

It was as if the heavy burden on her heart was finally put down. The Queen Mother collapsed, sat sideways on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled.

She stared blankly upwards. It was the majestic and solemn dome of the hall without any human presence. The green smoke had dissipated between heaven and earth.

Perhaps in this way, death is also meaningful...

It is better than being locked up alone in the deep palace, looking at the endless loneliness until the day she dies of old age...

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