The prince is very fierce

Chapter 19 The girl is so pretty

The night was quiet and the cottage was silent.

Ning Qingye's eyes were a little wary, but more of a puzzlement. He pursed his lips to relieve the discomfort in his throat, and then spoke weakly:

"Why didn't you leave?"

Xu Buling was repairing the window and said casually: "I just walked a short distance and saw you lying on the ground. The weather is so cold, you will definitely get frostbite by tomorrow morning, so I brought you here... There should be no one living in this yard. I was afraid that the landlord would come over to make a fire, and there was no firewood..."

His voice was gentle and magnetic, just like talking to an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, without any arrogance of an ordinary rich boy.

Ning Qingye closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment, his complexion gradually recovered, his breath became smoother, and his mind gradually became clearer. He tilted his head to look at Xu Buling who was talking to himself, and was silent for a long while:

"Why did you save me?"

Xu Buling blinked his eyes, slightly amused: "When you meet someone who is about to die, you can't just leave him alone, um... just now you said that I am a good person and don't kill people, I think you should be a female knight, the kind of person who is moral..."

Ning Qingye sat up with difficulty, holding the furry fox fur on his body, still a little alert:

"You report me to the police and arrest me, which is a great achievement... If you save me, the murderers of the Investigation Department will definitely make trouble for you..."

Xu Buling heard this, shook his head and smiled:

"I am the eldest son of Su Wang Xu You, you are so bold to kidnap me, I will not cause trouble for the Investigation Department when I go back, what trouble can there be?"

Ning Qingye was stunned, and then he remembered how transcendent Xu Buling's identity was. How could a Investigation Department dare to cause trouble for the Xu family of a different surname? She thought for a moment:

"I have heard of General Xu's reputation. Today, I had no choice but to offend you... My name is Ning Qingye. I owe you a favor and will repay you in the future..."

Xu Buling shook his head, took the wine gourd from his waist, and handed it to Ning Qingye:

"Killing an official is equivalent to rebellion. I saved you because I don't want to watch you freeze to death. If you are a traitor, cut off your relationship with me and pretend that what happened tonight never happened."

Ning Qingye took the wine gourd and nodded slightly: "I assassinated Zhang Xiang just to avenge a personal vengeance. Ten years ago, Zhang Xiang killed my mother. People in the martial arts world take revenge when they have vengeance and repay kindness when they have kindness. It is not rebellion..." As he spoke, he picked up the wine pot and took a sip from his slightly pale thin lips. The broken jade was very hot, and it was inevitable that he could not bear to drink it in his weak body. He held it in for a long time before he recovered his breath.

Xu Buling curled his lips: "The girl is really pretty."


Perhaps because she had never seen such a straight man's way of flirting with girls, Ning Qingye raised her eyebrows slightly with a bit of inexplicable. In the past, she would definitely fight back, but the other party had done her a favor, so she just smiled and changed the subject:

"Your name is Xu Buling?"

"Yes, girl, have you heard of my name?"

Ning Qingye thought about it and nodded slightly: "I used to hear from the masters in the martial arts world that there was a genius in Xiliang, who seemed to have 'dragon tendons, tiger bones, and unicorn strength', a martial arts genius that is rare in a century... An old Taoist priest from Wudang Mountain even ran over to take him in as a disciple, but unfortunately that person's status was too high, and he looked down on those who mixed in the martial arts world, so he drove the old Taoist priest out...Is he talking about you?"

Xu Buling nodded. In the past, he was arrogant and indeed drove many martial arts masters out of the door.

"I was young and ignorant at that time. If those seniors in the martial arts world come to visit me now..."

"Will you become my disciple?"

"I will give them some travel expenses so that they won't feel so embarrassed when they leave."


Ning Qingye blinked, hesitating to speak, and finally just shook his head and smiled. His temperament is naturally cold, and this smile really has a bit of the coldness of a snow lotus blooming.

Ning Qingye took a short break, and his strength was mostly restored. He opened the fox fur and sat down on the wooden bed. He picked up the long sword on the ground and looked at Xu Buling standing next to him:

"Are you poisoned?"

Xu Buling nodded, a little helpless: "The girl has good eyesight."

Ning Qingye pondered for a while, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Xu Buling's wrist, feeling it a little.

Xu Buling didn't resist, but just smiled.

Ning Qingye felt the pulse for a moment, and then a bit of caution appeared between his eyebrows. He looked at her carefully again:

"Last time in Sun's shop, I saw that you looked weak and had been drinking strong liquor for many years, so I guessed that you were really poisoned by the 'Dragon Locking Gu'..."

Xu Buling took back his hand: "Miss, do you have a way to detoxify?"

Ning Qingye shook his head: "The Dragon Locking Gu is a strange poison. The martial arts of those who are poisoned will be reduced to one in ten. Once you force your qi to move, you will either die or be disabled. Most of them will not live more than three years if they lie down honestly. I haven't heard of any way to resolve it... You can move freely, so your martial arts must have been very high in the past."

Xu Buling smiled friendly: "In the past, you were only a little worse than the girl, and you were also a hero. Now you are not much different from a useless person."

When a warrior loses his skills, it is equivalent to a gentry losing his family and property. Few people in the world can bear such a blow.

Ning Qingye's eyes showed some sighs, he moved to the side a little, patted the bed board and signaled Xu Buling to sit down:

"It's very uncomfortable usually, right? I heard that if you are infected with the dragon-locking Gu, you will suffer from the pain of thousands of ants gnawing at your heart day and night, and it's worse than death."

Xu Buling sat side by side with Ning Qingye on the bed: "Drinking strong liquor can temporarily suppress the poison, but it's actually nothing."

"Who hurt you?"


Xu Buling frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head gently:

"I don't know, I'm investigating secretly. If it's a revenge by a gangster, it's okay, but if..."

Xu Buling stopped talking here, looked in the direction of the palace, and sighed softly.

If, as he thought, the emperor was behind this to make the line of Prince Su extinct or to reduce the power of the feudal lords, he might not have left Chang'an alive.

Ning Qingye sensed the worry in Xu Buling's mood and hesitated for a moment:

"Your family is so good, detoxification should not be a problem. The disease comes from the heart. If you relax, you may live two more days."

Obviously, Ning Qingye is not very good at comforting people.

Xu Buling nodded and smiled, and his eyes turned to the green-bladed long sword between the two of them.

The sword is three feet and two inches long, the hilt is wrapped with green rope, and the scabbard must be newly matched, which is a bit inappropriate.

Xu Buling used to be obsessed with martial arts, and he knew more about weapons than poetry and books. After taking a few glances, he picked up the long sword, flicked his finger and the sword came out three inches, showing a cold light under the dim light of the fire stick.

Xu Buling's fingers rubbed over the edge of the sword:

"Good sword... Is this a sign of sadness?"

Ning Qingye looked at the slender sword blade, with a bit of sadness in his eyes:

"My mother's sword died at the hands of Zhang Xiang ten years ago. The sword was taken away by the court and was only snatched back today."

Xu Buling put the sword back into the scabbard, thought about it, but had nothing to say.

Ning Qingye was obviously a man of few words, and Xu Buling was also a man of few words, so the room fell silent.

Ning Qingye raised his hand, hooked the hair by his ear, and took a sip of the wine gourd to drive away the cold and quench his thirst. Perhaps he felt that the current atmosphere was a bit strange, but he didn't know how to communicate with this powerful prince's son.

After half a night of tossing and turning, it was already early morning.

Xu Buling didn't stay for long. He picked up the wine gourd and stood up: "I'll take my leave first. The Imperial Guards will search the city soon to find me. I'll say hello to the Imperial Guards and tell them that you have escaped from the city. You can rest here for a few days."

Ning Qingye naturally believed what he said because he didn't harm Ning Qingye when he was unconscious. He hesitated for a moment and asked softly:

"Why are you helping me?"

"Everyone has a desire for beauty. Men are all like this."

Xu Buling said casually and went out to close the door.

Ning Qingye was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to react. His cold face showed a bit of annoyance. After scolding "lecher" vaguely, he lay down.

But soon, she found a furry fox fur coat beside her. Thinking of Xu Buling's poisoning and cold body, she sat up quickly. She was seriously injured and her steps were unsteady. She staggered to the door: "Hey~ Wait..."

Opening the door, there was a snowstorm outside. There was only a series of footprints on the snow on the fallen leaves. There was no human figure.

Ning Qingye blinked, stood for a while holding the gorgeous fox fur coat, and finally just shook her head and smiled. Perhaps she felt that this little prince was not experienced in the world and was a little too stupid...

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