The prince is very fierce

Chapter 16 You can’t go there…


Xiaoxiao snowflakes fell among the verandahs and pavilions of Longyin Pavilion. The lanterns at the corners of the eaves emitted a dim light. A few literary ladies who had not entered the attic were chatting under the maple trees with fallen leaves. There were noisy carriages and horses on the streets. The sound came, making the tranquility outside the attic even more apparent.

The windows of the towering high-rise buildings are exposed, and the corners of the courtyard walls facing the street are visible.

Song Yufu, who was wearing a furry coat and skirt, leaned against the corner of the wall with her hands on her chest. She was not short, but the man who blocked her in the corner was so tall that he could only look up his little face and his almond-shaped eyes. There was a bit of nervousness, but more of an unconvinced feeling of 'I'm right'.

The fox fur on Xu Buling's body was covered with a few bits of flying snow, and there was a hint of irritation on his handsome face:

"Is there something wrong with you? Did I provoke you?"

It's natural for Xu Buling to be angry. He followed Mrs. Lu's instructions and came here to 'buy poems and defile himself.' He racked his brains to bring out all Li Qingzhao's poems. In the end, he was messed up by Song Yufu. Can he not be angry?

Judging from the current situation, most people in the building thought that he wrote "The wind lives in the dust and the fragrant flowers are gone" for Mrs. Lu. He was left speechless and could not explain it.

There may be some random gossip tomorrow morning.

And his reputation as a 'friend of women' is probably well established.

Where can a gentle and talented man who understands his daughter's thoughts find a second one?

When this matter reaches Mrs. Lu's ears tomorrow, Xu Buling can already imagine the outcome - mourning his misfortune, hating his inability to fight, you can even pretend to be a pig, and you can pretend to be a gentle and talented person, what's the use of you?

But Song Yufu obviously didn't know this. As a woman from a scholarly family, her reputation has always been more important than her life. Yes, that's right. She won't lower her head even if she doesn't want it. This is called the character of a scholar.

Facing the cold-faced Xu Buling, Song Yufu was not afraid at all, but said seriously:

"Xu Shizi, why are you so mean to me? You have real talent and knowledge, but you don't want to waste time explaining to those people. As the saying goes, 'A heap of bones is destroyed, and a crowd of words makes gold'. If you don't explain it, it will become true as time goes by. . I helped you clear your name, you should thank me..."

"Ha-thank you?" Xu Buling raised his hand to strike.

Song Yufu retracted her face into the furry collar, turned her face slightly, and still spoke sharply:

"You are a gentleman, and hitting a woman is unbecoming of a gentleman, so you don't hit me, you just scare me. I have already seen it..."


Doesn’t this mean ‘I am weak and I am justified’?

Xu Buring nodded, broke a branch from the bush next to him, and walked to Song Yufu:

"Hand out."

Song Yufu quickly hid her hands behind her waist and leaned against the wall stubbornly:

"You can't hit me. The rule is to correct mistakes. I'm not wrong. You can't hit people without reason... Even if you want to hit me, you have to tell me where I went wrong first, otherwise I won't change it and I will dare to do it next time... "

With Song Yufu's literary temperament, it is estimated that in order to "clear his name", he can spread the news that he is a great talent everywhere.

Xu Buling's eyes were slightly cold: "Don't interfere in my affairs from now on."

"Once a teacher, always a father, if you call my father sir, I have to take care of it... This is also for my father's reputation..."

Song Yufu leaned against the wall and refused to lower her head.

Xu Buling frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said coldly:

"If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. Do you understand this truth?"

Song Yufu nodded.

"I am the eldest son of King Yan. I am the eldest son of twelve states. I have two hundred thousand cavalry in my hand. I have been gifted with martial arts since I was a child. Am I not considered to be the best in the forest?"

Song Yufu thought for a while, slowly came back to her senses, and her eyes lit up:

"Is Prince Xu trying to hide his clumsiness?"

Xu Buling breathed a sigh of relief and said with a straight face: "Now do you know where you went wrong?"

Song Yufu nodded weakly, but quickly frowned and whispered:

"Is there anyone like you who is a clumsy person? You are desecrating yourself by buying poems. The point is buying poems. You write a poem yourself and pretend that you bought it..."

"I didn't write it."

Xu Buling raised the small branch in his hand and said in a deep voice: "I'm not a widow, how can I write such words?"

Song Yufu said "Oh~" and narrowed her eyes slightly: "It turns out that this is really written for Madam Lu. His Highness the Crown Prince actually has a heart with seven orifices..."

Xu Bu Ling's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand and grabbed Song Yufu's sleeve, pulled her out a little, and slapped her buttocks with the small branch in his hand:

"I asked you to be deserve a beating, right?"

Song Yufu screamed in surprise. It didn't hurt even though she was wearing thick clothes in winter, but her daughter's family had a habit of being spanked by men. She was already sixteen.

Song Yufu's eyes were filled with a bit of embarrassment, but she didn't dare to fight back, so she hurriedly stretched out her hand:

"It's not okay there... to fight... thugs..."

Xu Buling used a small branch to slap her little hand, but the force was not very strong.

Song Yufu frowned and didn't hide. It was obvious that she was used to being slapped on the hand by adults when she was a child.

Xu Bu Ling gave a symbolic slap twice and threw the twig aside:

"As long as you admit your mistake, don't go around spreading the word that I am a gentleman and a talented person. If you let me hear the slightest bit of news, I have plenty of ways to deal with you."

Song Yufu retracted her hands into her sleeves, her face turned a little red, and she muttered with her little hands:

"You can tell my dad no..."


"Then I am the only one in the entire Chang'an City who knows that you are a man of both civil and military skills, a deep city, young and mature..."

As Song Yufu was talking, she noticed that Xu Buling's eyes were getting colder. She quickly shut up and thought for a while:

"I'll keep it a secret for you."

Xu Buling squinted his eyes and looked at her up and down, not sure if this girl would sell him out right away. Just in case, he raised his hand and pulled the hairpin off her head.

The hairpin was made of white jade, without too many carvings. It only had the eight characters "The bright moon shines on the pine, the lotus is like jade" engraved on it. The handwriting was as sharp as gold hooks and iron strokes, and it was definitely made by a famous artist.

Song Yufu was startled and raised her hand to grab it in a hurry: "Xu Shizi, give me back my hairpin. This is the hairpin my mother left for me."

Xu Buling turned his palm slightly, and the hairpin fell into his sleeve: "I will return it to you when I leave Beijing. If you go out and say something... hum."

Song Yufu was a little anxious. She raised her hand to take the hairpin back, but she didn't dare to put her hand into the man's clothes and touch it randomly. She was so anxious that she tiptoed on the spot:

"No, a girl's hairpin can't be given to others... I promise not to say anything..."

Xu Buling snorted lightly: "It's good that you know you are anxious. I don't need a hairpin. I will keep my mouth shut and return it to you."

Song Yufu had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​snatching it back. After hesitating for a moment, she whispered:

"I promise not to say anything. Don't lose the hairpin... "

"Also, the poem was read from a rare collection of poems in the palace, not written by me."

Song Yufu nodded quickly, pretending to understand:

"I understand!"

Xu Buling acted fiercely: "A gentleman's word is as good as his bond. If you cause me trouble again, I will strip you naked and hang you up to beat you."

Song Yufu blushed and pursed her lips: "Xu Shizi, you are the son of a prince, a body worth a thousand gold, how can you say such words that only a pervert would say... I won't cause you trouble..."

While speaking, a commotion suddenly came from the street in the distance:

"There is an assassin!"

"It's the person from last time, catch her quickly--"

The sound of official swords being unsheathed came one after another, and dozens of wolf guards appeared in an instant on the buildings near Longyin Pavilion, chasing in the southeast direction.

Song Yufu was shocked. She knew that Zhang Xiang, the commander of the Investigation Department, was assassinated last time, but she didn't expect that this assassin would appear again.

Song Yufu turned around quickly, trying to pull Xu Buling to hide in front of the guards, but when she looked around, she saw only two shallow footprints on the snow beside the wall, and there was no figure.

"Huh? Where is the person..."

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