The prince is very fierce

Chapter 16 The person has passed away, separated by Yin and Yang.



The deep morning bell rang from the bell and drum tower of the Imperial College, and the sound of reading aloud was like a tide.

In the courtyard behind the Imperial College, Song Yu stood in front of the painting table in the peach blossom forest, sketching a picture of a beauty on the peach branch in front of him. Sometimes he crumpled the rice paper on the painting table into a ball and threw it into the wastebasket beside him. It was not because he was impatient, but simply because he was not satisfied with the painting.

When he threw an unknown number of papers, the ball of paper accidentally hit the edge of the bamboo basket, bounced and fell under the peach tree.

A breeze rose quietly.

A snow-white hand appeared in the peach forest, picked up the ball of paper and put it back into the bamboo basket.

Song Yu raised his eyes, and he didn't know when a middle-aged man appeared in front of him. He had no beard on his chin and a handsome face, but there was lingering sadness between his eyebrows, and he looked a little more old.

"Jia Yi, long time no see."

"Your Majesty."

Jia Yi, wearing a white scholar's robe, looked at the scroll under the peach branches, but after a quick glance, he turned away and walked slowly into the teahouse.

Song Yu continued to paint the scroll until he stopped writing again out of dissatisfaction, then put down his brush, walked slowly into the teahouse, sat on the ground in front of Jia Yi, and fiddled with the tea set on the small stove.

Jia Yi was taciturn, just sitting upright. Even if he was sitting in front of him, ordinary people would not feel the slightest breath as long as they did not look up, as if he did not exist.

Song Yu was not surprised by this, because Jia Yi was a death warrior trained by Cui family in Youzhou since childhood, the most outstanding master in the family, just like Lao Xiao beside Xu Buling, who could carry his master out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses by himself.

It's a pity that things are unpredictable. No matter how outstanding the guards and death warriors are, they can defend against people, but not against heaven.

Jia Yi followed Queen Cui into the palace. Queen Cui had never been plotted against by the palace maids vying for favor, but she died of a heart disease. Even if Jia Yi had great abilities, what could he do?

Gurgle Gurgle——

The two men sat opposite each other in front of the small stove, and the tea gradually boiled, emitting white mist.

Jia Yi looked at the teapot calmly, and took a breath after a long time, his voice a little shrill:

"The prince called me here, is there something important?"

Song Yu brewed tea seriously, as casual and elegant as always: "Just reminiscing about the past."

Reminiscing about the past originally refers to the exchange of reminiscing about the past between friends, but for Jia Yi, after the death of his master, all the past things were nothing meaningful except the unforgettable scars.

"Throughout the ages, those who are called 'true gentlemen' are often villains. You and I are not friends."


Song Yu was not angry at this offensive evaluation: "The merits and demerits of people will be determined by future generations, and there is no need for you and me to worry about it. I asked you to come here today because I want to borrow something from you."

Jia Yi picked up the teacup, ignoring that the tea was still boiling hot, and took a sip gently: "What is it?"

Song Yu was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "Ten years ago, the Iron Eagle Hunting Deer, Prince Su and the Emperor had a rift, and they have long been at odds with each other, and there is no friendship as before."

Jia Yi's expression was calm: "As far as I know, the emperor has never expressed the idea of ​​reducing the power of the vassal states. "

Song Yu shook his head: "How can you guess the mind of a king... Last winter, the prince of Su went to the capital and was ambushed in the Weihe River area. He survived and escaped to Chang'an by chance, but was poisoned by the dragon-locking poison... Do you know Xu Buling?"

Jia Yi thought for a moment: "According to my adoptive father, the prince of Su is a master of martial arts. If he is given time, he may be the best in the world. His talent is far better than mine. But his character is impulsive and bloodthirsty. He is too sharp and too strong, and it is easy to break. "

Song Yu nodded and sighed softly: "He is an evil dragon among humans, but he is tied with reins. An evil dragon is an evil dragon. It will either break out of its cocoon and become a dragon, or break its halberd and sink into the sand. How can it tolerate others? Pulling the rope to drive. After Xu Buling entered the capital, he has been secretly investigating the matter of the Dragon Locking Gu. He has been patient for a year. If he can't find any clues, he may have to take risks. "

Jia Yi frowned: "What does the prince mean?"

Song Yu sat on the ground with his knees propped up, picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Back in the capital, I, my brother, and Xu You were as close as brothers, and Buling was also my nephew. Now that Buling is in a desperate situation, how can I, as his uncle, sit idly by... I gave him a message a few days ago, and I'm afraid he will soon find the case library, and then he will have to enter the palace. "

Jia Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at Song Yu carefully for a long time:

"The Dragon Locking Gu is the holy one. ? "

"Yes, the evidence is destroyed."

"Why not just kill Xu Buling and cut off the roots?"

"If he was not killed at that time, it would be difficult to avoid suspicion in Chang'an, so he could not be killed."

Jia Yi took a deep breath and was silent for a long time before looking at Song Yu:

"Prince, what do you want to borrow from me?"

Song Yu tilted his head to look at the portrait in the peach forest, and sighed softly:

"Xiao Wan is weak in nature, but she is born stubborn. She is alone in the underworld. I am afraid she has been waiting at the Naihe Bridge for several years. I haven't finished my work yet, so I can't go down to see her. I hope you can go first and continue to protect Xiao Wan. "

The cold wind blew, and the teahouse became quiet.

The long silence lasted for a long time, leaving only the "puff" sound of the tea boiling.

After an unknown amount of time, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the courtyard, and a woman's anxious shouts came closer and closer:

"Prince! Prince! Prince Xu is drunk and beating people, go and stop him, don't beat Master Xiao to a pulp..."

Song Yu stood up, raised his hand and saluted Jia Yi, then turned and walked out of the courtyard, following Song Yufu to Wenqu Garden.

In the courtyard full of peach trees, Jia Yi stood up and walked out of the teahouse only after Song Yu left.

Silently, he arrived at the painting table.

The scroll was hung on a peach branch. A young girl in a silk skirt was trotting in the forest of peach blossoms, holding up her skirt. She turned back to reveal half of her face, with a little panic.

"Who are you... Don't paint me... I'm angry..."

The echo echoed in his ears, as if he had returned to the peach forest in Youzhou.

Jia Yi walked closer, raised his hand and gently touched the scroll, looked at the signature of Xu Danqing in the lower left corner, and some memories came to his mind...

Xu Danqing painted three paintings that year, one was hung in the imperial study, and the other was hung here. The painting that Xu Danqing was most satisfied with was taken away by the Cui family and given to the young lady who was waiting to be married.

The young lady rarely went out and didn't care about things outside. She didn't know how great an honor it was for a woman to be painted by Xu Danqing. She just thought that the bad scholar was annoying, and he painted her running away, and painted it so beautifully.

The young lady wanted to burn the painting, but fortunately he had heard of Xu Danqing's name, so he kept it after persuasion, and the young lady gave it to him.

He was a dead soldier, with no property or family, and even no fixed residence, so he buried the painting under the peach forest in Youzhou, and only he and the young lady knew about it in the world.

The young lady should have lived in that peach forest all her life, and lived happily all her life, but it was the emperors and generals in this world who would not care about the thoughts of a girl...

Jia Yi looked at the scroll in front of him, was silent for a long time, and whispered softly: "The emperor is not worthy of the young lady, but he put the young lady in a cage. He should go down and apologize to the young lady in person..."

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