Mud legs are mud legs, even if you put on silk and satin, you can't change your essence. A slight flip of the hand from someone powerful and powerful is enough to make you fall to pieces. In the future, I will stay in my hometown honestly, at least not to implicate my daughter-in-law and children...

The carriage drove the four people on their way back to their hometown, but the four people in the car did not have the joy and pride they usually had when they returned home...

☆, Chapter 64, Chapter 65

When the carriage arrived at Luoxia Village, it was already very late, so Xia Hongzhi got off the carriage and called for the door first.

Da Hei Er Hei was unfamiliar with him, and barked in the yard.

Yang was just about to go to bed when she heard someone shouting outside, and then heard the big black and the two blacks, and guessed who was looking for her for something.

But ordinary acquaintances, Da Hei and Er Hei, would not be called so fierce.

Mrs Yang walked out of the house wearing clothes, and when she got to the yard, she heard the voice of her eldest grandson Hongzhi.

Is it Hongzhi?

Xia Hongzhi responded from outside the courtyard, Grandma, it's me. I'm back with my parents.

Excitedly, Yang hurried forward to open the courtyard door. There was no light outside, only a 'gas death wind' lamp hung next to the carriage, emitting a dizzying light. After hearing Yang's voice, Mr. Zhou got out of the carriage, and after getting down, he carried his daughter Xia Lan down.

As soon as she saw her mother-in-law Yang, Zhou's tears came out.


The Zhou family also worked very hard during this time. Xianggong went to prison, and she was so worried outside that her hair was almost white. Usually, I don't dare to show a fragile expression in front of my children, for fear of increasing the panic in the children's hearts. This way, I returned home uneasy, and when I saw her mother-in-law who had always been open-minded and kind to her, she couldn't bear it any longer.

Mrs Yang hurried forward to hug her daughter-in-law, What's wrong? Why are you crying? Where's Dacheng?

Mrs Zhou cried twice before she stopped sobbing, for fear of scaring Mrs Yang. She turned around and opened the curtain of the carriage, went up to help Xia Dacheng down, and asked the driver to help her.

Xia Dacheng's hip and back injury was very serious, and the two of them took great pains to remove Xia Dacheng from the car.

Even so, Xia Dacheng was throbbing in pain.

Oh, my baby! When Yang saw the situation, he knew that it was not good, and he didn't care about crying, so he hurriedly stepped up and helped Xia Dacheng into the house. Xia Hongzhi and Xia Lanju couldn't get in the way, they got into the carriage and took down the family's salute.

When the coachman saw that it was delivered, and the money was paid in advance, he turned around and drove away in the carriage.

After entering the house, Mrs. Yang placed Xia Dacheng on the kang in the main room. This kang was usually where she slept, and it was already very warm. He asked the two grandchildren if they had eaten, and he didn't bother to ask what happened to his son's injury, so he went to the kitchen to cook in his clothes.

The Yang family ordered a large pot of multi-grain noodles, and even extravagantly beat a few eggs into the noodles, preparing to let his daughter-in-law, son, two grandchildren eat two.

Yang's eyes were poisonous. Although he didn't ask the children, he didn't say anything, but when he saw the appearance of his son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren, he knew that they were all guilty.

The noodles were served hot, slightly huáng noodles, oily green chopped green onions, and two poached eggs lying on the noodles.

The Zhou family and the children were already hungry, so they set off at noon, and they didn't even have any extra money for lunch. Horse carriages are expensive to hire, and they have to travel at night, so the price is even higher. After paying for the car, Zhou's remaining money was only enough for Xia Dacheng to sell another pack of wound medicine to bring.

Mrs. Zhou brought a bowl of noodles to feed Xia Dacheng first, Mrs. Yang took the bowl and let her eat it herself, and she came to feed her son.

Zhou Shi and Xia Zhihong both ate deliciously, only Xia Lan thought that this side was not tasty, and it made her throat squeak.

It is true that most of the villagers in Luoxia Village eat coarse grains, and they are reluctant to eat fine grains and exchange them for money. Although Yang has a son who can earn money, Yang is frugal by nature and eats coarse grains mixed with refined grains. This time, when Yang's noodles were made, he also kneaded some white noodles into it, but after all, it is mixed noodles, so it is normal that there is no white noodles.

Xia Dacheng's family eats refined grains all day long in the county, how could they be used to coarse grains? Every year when Xia Dacheng came back with his wife, son and daughter, Xia Lan felt that the food at home was not tasty.

But if it doesn't taste good, you have to eat it. Although Xia Lan is only ten years old, she also knows that the situation at home is different from before. Their family may never go back to the county, but will stay in the country and become her in the county. The little friends said that the country is muddy.

Thinking about it, the 10-year-old girl burst into tears. Afraid of being discovered by his parents, he only dared to cry and dare not speak out.

Xia Hongzhi sat opposite his sister eating noodles, and when he saw her crying, he reached out and touched her head. He secretly made a decision in his heart that he must study hard in the future, and then take the whole family back to the county.

A thirteen or fourteen-year-old child, even if he is stable, still thinks a little simple. The only way for a countryman without a background to get ahead is to take the imperial examination. But the way to take the imperial examination is not that easy, so Xia Zhihong has a long way to go in the future.

Over there, Mrs. Yang fed Xia Dacheng noodles, and grinned as she watched her son take a bite, and tears came out.

Dacheng, my baby, what a sin you are.

Xia Dacheng smiled, but the smile looked very ugly on his boneless face.

Mother, I'm fine. I'll talk to you after the meal is over.

In fact, Xia Dacheng doesn't know what to say to his mother now, he doesn't know

If he told his mother, would she think that he was not a weapon. He knew that his mother would definitely not think so, but after all, after a long time, returning from such a downfall always felt an indescribable sense of embarrassment.

Yang Shi wiped away her tears, didn't speak any more, and fed her son's noodles one bite at a time.

After everyone had eaten, Mrs. Yang put the two children back in the house, and then sat down in front of the kang again, waiting for Xia Dacheng to explain the matter to her.

Xia Dacheng saw Yang's appearance and knew that he couldn't hide it, and indeed he couldn't hide it, so he could only tell Yang's one by one.

While listening, Mrs Yang scolded the vicious principal. But Yang's heart is also clear about this matter, so he can only scold and relieve his anger, and there is no need to think about revenge. Their family is all mud legs, and anyone else can crush their whole family to death with a single finger.

After listening, Mrs Yang cheered up and comforted Xia Dacheng, tidy up the main room, and asked Xia Dacheng and his wife to go to bed first.

Yang's house is three large tile-roofed houses. He usually lives on the kang in the main room. The east is the room where Xia Dacheng and his wife come back to live, and the west is Xia Hongzhi's room. Xia Lan used to be small. Live with grandma. Xia Dacheng's family came back in a hurry today. Yang's two houses did not have the kang, so they arranged Xia Dacheng and his wife in the main room. The kang in the east and west was only set on fire. Xia Lan went to sleep in the east room.

It was late at night, but no one in Yang's family could sleep.


Xia Dacheng originally thought that if his family came back naked, it would add a lot of burden to the elderly mother, and life would definitely be difficult in the future.

Who knew that Yang Shi told him that he didn't have to worry about taking good care of his injuries, she still had enough money here.

Xia Dacheng didn't believe it. He didn't know whether his mother had money or not. He gave him the annual support. No matter how much he saved, he wouldn't be able to support such a large family for long. In particular, the family's fields are still being planted by others, and Yang's source of income is some of the food provided by the tenants. In addition, Yang's own embroidery can not be spared to sell, and he pays some filial piety every year.

In order to convince her son, Mrs. Yang could only tell Xia Dacheng that she and Tie Zhu's wife and daughter-in-law had done some small business together, and they could make a lot of money every day.

Xia Dacheng asked curiously what kind of petty business it was, and Mr. Yang said it all. Hearing that my mother can share a lot of money every day, although the money is not much, it is enough for the family to live, as long as it is not a problem to eat frugally, Xia Dacheng can't help but temporarily put down his heavy heart.

After letting go, he fell asleep. Although the injury on Xia Dacheng's body was not fatal, it was still quite serious. It took a hundred days for his muscles and bones to move, and he would have to lie down on the bed for several months at least.

Before he came back, Mrs. Zhou had seen his injuries in the county town. The doctor prescribed wound medicine and also prescribed a few pairs of Chinese medicine, so Xia Dacheng didn’t need to go to the hospital anymore, he just used it to keep him at home and pay attention to changing the wound medicine. .

Yang's is a young man. When he was young, he was able to raise his only son after losing his husband. Today, he will not fall into trouble. Qiáng cheered up his spirits to comfort his daughter-in-law and two grandchildren who were still a little surprised.

After all, he arrived at his own home, and at least he didn't have to be afraid of sleeping on the street or not being able to survive. In addition, Xia Dacheng was only injured and could not survive without life. To have such a result, Zhou felt that it was a great luck. The whole family has changed their anxiety and anxiety when they first came back, and settled down to start their future life at home.

Yang Tiegen and his wife have been coming to the Yang family almost every day recently, and they saw that Xia Dacheng's family came back today. Seeing Xia Dacheng lying ill in bed again, he asked Yang's family in surprise and suspicion.

Yang shi didn't hide the two of them, and just said it one by one.

Yang Tiegen and his wife were shocked after hearing this, and hurriedly went back and told Yang Tiezhu and his wife.

When Yang Tiezhu and Lin Qingwan heard it, it was worth it, so they couldn't sit still and went to Yang's house.

This is the first time Yang Tiezhu has left the courtyard gate since he was injured. Lin Qingwan dressed him thickly before letting him go out. He put on a big padded jacket. Yang Tiezhu didn't look like an injured person, but his left shoulder still couldn't move, and was hung by a bandage on his chest.

After the last dose of medicine, the doctor in the hospital put a bandage on Yang Tiezhu's arms and shoulders, which is similar to wearing a bandage around his neck after a fractured arm in modern times. It's just that there were no bandages in ancient times, so the doctor used a clean white cloth to fix Yang Tiezhu's fractured shoulder, and then tied a cloth belt around his arm and hung it around his neck to prevent the movement from being too big and hurting the bones.

Lin Qingwan also wore thick clothes, and Yao shi supported her by the side. It snowed and the road was slippery, for fear that she would accidentally fall.

A group of people went to Yang's house, and when they went out, they attracted the attention of He and Wang.

It's just that no one pays attention to them, even Yang Tiegen, who has always been honest, doesn't speak when he sees them, unless Mr. He takes the initiative to talk to him. However, Mr. He has nothing to say to him now. He has already obtained the support, and Mrs. He treats them with a blank expression and indifference at the beginning.

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