Who knew that Yin was wrong, Lin Qinglan didn't learn it, but Lin Qingwan, who was listening by the side, learned it.

The embroidery master is a middle-aged widow, usually indifferent and quiet, but she has a good heart. Seeing that Lin Qingwan was in a difficult situation in the Lin family, she thought that she was originally here to teach double-sided embroidery skills. Who knew that the master who taught her would not be able to learn it at all. In addition, Lin Qingwan worked very hard in learning embroidery, so she taught Liu's mother and daughter behind her back. got her a lot. After she finished her studies, she told her this requirement again, saying that it was a contract that all embroidered mothers who had learned double-sided embroidery had to abide by.

The original owner Lin Qingwan thought that the master of this craft had some quirks, but now Lin Qingwan is very clear about the reason.

In this world, everything is rare and precious. To put it bluntly, double-sided embroidery is embroidery, but it is more rare than other embroidery products, and the embroidery workers are rarer.

If it is valuable, it is worth very little in the world. If the streets are full of double-sided embroidery, the embroidery will not be sold for a hundred taels or even a few hundred taels of silver.

No more than three pictures can be circulated in a year. To put it bluntly, it is just a way for embroiderers who know this craft to protect their own interests.

Lin Qingwan admired the Grandfather who made this agreement very much. That person was very wise, and did not depreciate the value of double-sided embroidery because of the petty profit in front of him.

Double-sided embroidery may not make you a lot of money for a while, but it can make money for you for a long time. In the future, you can even teach it to your daughters and granddaughters. To exaggerate, you can be a cornucopia. It just can't let you live a rich life, but there is absolutely no problem with food and clothing.

The so-called, put a long line to catch big fish, but that's it.

Therefore, Lin Qingwan is also very willing to abide by this agreement, after all, it also protects her own interests.

Seeing that Lin Qingwan's attitude was firm, the shopkeeper Su promised that she would give priority to the sale of embroidery products to Jinxiufang in the future, so she didn't say anything else.

Lin Qingwan walked out of the gate of Jinxiufang with the enthusiasm of the shopkeeper Su, and smiled while stroking the silver in her arms.

I was very excited and a little proud, this was the first large amount of money she had earned after going through it for so long.

Originally, I just planned to make some money to supplement the family with such craftsmanship. I didn't expect that the things she embroidered could really be sold, and the price was good, so I couldn't help but feel a little overjoyed.

Recently, the family is really spending money like water. She has 30 taels of private house in her hand, plus the remaining 10 taels of silver for Yang Tiezhu's medical treatment. After this period of time to buy things and buy things, there are only more than 20 taels of silver left. Now that there is such a large amount of money in her hand, Lin Qingwan has always been worried that the money will not be enough, but she can finally let it go.

Passing by a shop selling fabrics, Lin Qingwan remembered that she forgot to buy what she was going to buy. Seeing that there is cotton for sale here, I walked in.

We weighed ten pounds of cotton and pulled some dark fabrics. She was going to make two pillows for Yang Tiezhu. Recently, Yang Tiezhu could sit for a while, but due to the lack of suitable pillows at home, she could only lie on the kang all day long, which made Lin Qingwan feel really distressed.

After buying good things, Lin Qingwan hurried to the medical center.

When I went to the hospital, Yang Tiezhu had already changed his medicine. The old doctor told them that after drinking the decoction this time, they don't need to drink any more. Now the most important thing is to take care of the wounds and bones and not use force.

The three got on the bullock cart, and Yang Tiegen drove the bullock cart out of the town.

Yang Tiezhu saw that his daughter-in-law had bought a lot of things in large and small bags, and asked her what she bought.

Lin Qingwan said that the cotton and fabric he bought wanted to make two large pillows for him, lest he had nothing to trust every day and could only lie on the kang.

Yang Tiezhu held his daughter-in-law's hand with sweetness in his heart.

I feel that my life has not been in vain, how can I find such a good daughter-in-law! He looks good and treats him well. He must have burned Gaoxiang in his last life. In this life, the old man will treat him so kindly!

Back at home, Lin Qingwan and Yang Tiegen were busy with Yang Tiezhu, and then carried everything in again.

Mr. He stood at the door of the main room and looked at this side with a sinister face.

However, Mr. He's face has always been bad these days. Apart from seeing Yang Xuezhang, he can still show some smiles. Everyone has a nose, not eyes, or eyes.

Since Yang Xuezhang came back that day, he hadn't gone out and stayed in his house all day long. Anyway, Lin Qingwan never saw him.

The old man Yang also had a solemn expression, and he sat on the kang with a frown and smoked cigarettes all day.

The atmosphere at home was very bad, no one spoke, and it was surprisingly quiet all day long.

Because I went to town in the morning and didn't have time to cook, Lin Qingwan brought back the gruel and corn cakes made at home at noon, and the couple ate casually.

After eating, Lin Qingwan packed up the dishes and went to wash them, and heard a few words from Mr. Yang in the main room, mixed with the voices of Wang Shi and Yang Tiesuan. Because there was no movement after only talking for a while, Lin Qingwan didn't care.

After dinner in the evening, Mr. Yang rarely asked Yao Shi to come over and invite her and Yang Tiezhu to the main room.

Lin Qingwan and Yang Tiezhu looked at each other and went with Yao Shi.

Everyone in the family seemed to be there.

Mr. Yang and Mrs. He were sitting on the kang as usual, next to Yang Xuezhang and Ermei Yang, and on the left side of the kang sat the couple in the big room and a few boys in the big room. On the right is Yang Tiegen, the two little girls from the third room did not bring it.

Lin Qingwan followed Yao shi in without saying a word. She moved a stool and sat down beside Yao shi.

Grandpa Yang saw that everyone had arrived, and knocked

Knocked the cigarette pot and said slowly: A lot has happened in our family recently—

Mr. Yang stopped for a while, and he probably didn't know how to talk about what happened.

Let's not talk about the previous things, let's talk about the future... Mr. Yang sighed again, Xuezhang-Xuezhang is not too young now, and he is also an 18-year-old boy this year. From the age of 6, Kaimeng went to the private school in the village. After so many years of ups and downs, no matter how difficult it is at home, you have never broken your writing and repairing... In the most difficult year, my father sold two acres of the family land to you. The training of the teachings...

Yang Xuezhang sat there with his head down, and did not speak, listening to the old man Yang.

He listened to what he wanted to say with trembling lips, but in the end he didn't say anything.

... The life at home has been very difficult, you all know it. It was not until the second child came back that the life at home gradually got better... The family built a large tile house and bought a few acres of land, Xue Zhang You can also go to the town academy to study. This is the credit of the second child... This time, your second brother went hunting in the mountains to get you money for the exam and was injured... The exam question was also deceived...

The old man Yang spoke in a slow tone, with a little trembling in the middle.

It's useless to say anything now, I just want to say that now there is no ability or money at home for you to continue your studies, you still have so many brothers and sisters, and so many nephews and nieces... The money at home is also impossible. Spend it all on you alone... In the future, you can go home and study by yourself. You have studied for so many years. If you want to continue to take the exam, your family has no objection. But don't go to the academy...

Maybe Mr. Yang had already told Mrs. He and Yang Xuezhang in advance, so Mr. He didn't say anything even though Mrs. He was trembling with anger. Yang Xuezhang sat there with his head down and didn't react.

Mr. Yang raised his head and looked at the couple in the big room, as well as the children who were dragged by Wang to increase the weight.

Boss, are you satisfied now?

Before waiting for the couple in the big room to react, Mr. Yang waved his hand and let them all disperse.

Everyone dispersed one after another, and the door to the East House was closed and the lights were turned off.

Grandpa Yang saw his younger son sitting at the corner of the kang in despair, covering his old face, his straight waist also collapsed, and the cigarette stick in his hand fell to the ground.

Fourth, don't blame your father, you are not the only son in the family, they have supported you for so many years, there is really nothing you can do...

Yang Xuezhang did not speak, and walked back to the Westinghouse with no focus.

He screamed, and his voice cut through the silent night.


It was getting colder and colder, and although there was no snow, the wind was piercing.

People are wearing cotton-padded clothes to keep out the cold, and the kang is burning at home. The cat is reluctant to go out at home. But no matter how reluctant to go out, life is always going to pass. Some hard-working men in the village went to the town to find some odd jobs. Others could not find work in the town and went to the county.

The Yang family lost a lot of money this year. Seeing that there was nothing to do at home, the He family rushed Yang Tiegen and Yang Tieshuan to the town to find odd jobs. Yang Tiegen meant to do odd jobs from the beginning, while Yang Tieshuan was a lifelong entanglement, and he had never been beaten by the He clan.

After all, this year was different from the past. The family knew that the money in He's hand was emptied by Yang Xuezhang, so Yang Tieshuan went honestly because he couldn't help it.

There were Mr. Yang, Yang Xuezhang, the injured Yang Tiezhu, and a few women left at home. Lin Qingwan didn't care about things outside the window, she just wanted to raise Yang Tiezhu's body.

During this period of time, Yang Tiezhu's body has also stabilized with the help of Lin Qingwan. Aside from the wound on his left shoulder and left arm, he couldn't move, but he was able to get down and walk around, and he could even help Lin Qingwan to lift some heavy things.

However, Lin Qingwan was afraid that his right hand would forcefully pull on his left shoulder, so he usually wouldn't let him do it. As long as he showed any signs of wanting to help her, Lin Qingwan would not give him a good face.

When Yang Tiezhu saw that his daughter-in-law didn't give him a good face, he immediately got up and honestly recuperated in the house, and did nothing.

The days went by like this, and at this moment, what Lin Qingwan had been waiting for for a long time finally happened——

As soon as Yang Tiesuan left, Wang became even more lazy. I usually cook the family's meals and take care of a few children, and there is nothing else.

As usual, when there is no work at home, Wang's likes to go around to play and tell people right and wrong. A lot of things happened during this time, and she didn't have time to go out.

When she was free, she ran out of her old way.

It's amazing to go out, and she actually hears a shocking news.

Wang's head was blown to the ground by this shocking news, but she couldn't show that she didn't know, so she could only say a few words perfunctory and switch families.

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