Lin Qingwan opened the door, and it was Mrs Wang standing outside the door. I saw Wang shi standing there with a smile on his face, rubbing his hands together in excitement.

☆、Chapter 45 The second step: make some money

After closing the door and turning around to enter the room, Lin Qingwan was still full of indignation.

Pooting his mouth, he came to sit on the edge of the kang.

Yang Tiezhu took her hand and coaxed: Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, it doesn't make sense to be angry with someone like my sister-in-law.

Lin Qingwan glared at her angrily, and said, Why are all of your family top-quality goods? You can't see the poor eating meat? You were lying in the hospital and no one asked you if you were alive or dead. After finally coming back, I made a soup for you. There are people who care.

Yang Tiezhu smiled bitterly.

Why give her food? I didn't see her accepting my favor when I gave her food. I didn't come when I helped, but when I was eating meat, I hurried over to ask for it. It's really annoying.

Yang Tiezhu hurriedly coaxed: Yes, yes, we won't give her to eat, and her saliva is drooling.

Lin Qingwan was immediately amused by his remarks, and in a blink of an eye, she threw the unhappiness brought by the Wang family into the clouds.

You lie down for a while, I'll wash, go to town, and come back all covered in ashes, it's really uncomfortable.

After taking a shower, Lin Qingwan put on thick clothes. Sitting under the lamp with her hair down, ready to do embroidery.

She took out the purse she picked up at Jinxiufang in the morning and embroidered it, thinking about the ruler she bought in the morning while embroidering.

The ruler she bought was exactly as Shopkeeper Su thought, and she was going to use it to make a large piece of embroidery, but she hadn't decided what to embroider yet.

In fact, Lin Qingwan had some ideas about what to embroider, but she hadn't made up her mind yet.

During the period of taking over the work of Jinxiufang, every time she took out the purse embroidery, Lin Qingwan unearthed a lot of good things from the memory of the original owner.

The original owner, Lin Qingwan, is not only a good embroiderer, but also learned an unfamiliar lesson, that is, double-sided embroidery, the specialty of the Su embroidery masters who taught her embroidery.

In general, few people will teach others such skills that are not passed on. But Liu Shi paid a lot of money to invite this embroidery master, originally for her double-sided embroidery. I want Sylvia Lin to learn this craft, and I will add some capital to myself in the future. Who knew that Lin Qinglan was impetuous and could not sit still. She didn't learn much, but Lin Qingwan, who sat beside her and accompany her all the time, learned 80% to 90%.

No one knows about this, only everyone who teaches them embroidery knows.

However, this embroidery master is very taciturn, and has never mentioned it to Liu Shi and Lin Qinglan, so Liu Shi has no idea that the master that he paid a lot of money to invite has not made his daughter, but has made Lin Qingwan cheaper. And the original owner Lin Qingwan was a little transparent at home, and she didn't like to talk or show off, so she didn't say it.

Seeing that Lin Qinglan couldn't learn how to learn, Liu Shi had to dismiss the embroidery masters and find other ways. This matter has since sunk into the long river of history.

Only Lin Qingwan's older brother Lin Qingting knew something, because Lin Qingwan had embroidered a belt for him with double-sided embroidery. Lin Qingting loves it like a treasure and takes it with him every day. Because only one side of the belt is exposed, no one else can see that the belt is actually two sides of one body.

Lin Qingwan planned to embroider a pair of double-sided embroidered kang screens this time, although she did not know how much a double-sided embroidered kang screen was worth. But looking at Liu's eagerness to learn from Lin Qinglan, he also knew that this craft was valuable.

It was quiet outside, she was thinking about the problem while embroidering her purse, and more than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Yang Tiezhu, who has been watching his daughter-in-law embroider a purse, has seen his daughter-in-law embroidering for so long, not only his neck is sore, he estimates that his daughter-in-law's neck is also sore. Moreover, the oil lamps lit in the house at night are not very bright, so it takes a lot of eyesight, so I quickly called Lin Qingwan to tell her not to embroider and do it tomorrow.

Lin Qingwan twisted her stiff neck, put down the purse in her hand, collected the things, and was ready to sleep on the kang.

When she was sleeping on the kang, she was still designing in her mind the patterns she wanted to embroider, as well as some complicated details.

The next morning, Lin Qingwan went to the kitchen to bring her and Yang Tiezhu's breakfast back to the house to eat.

Because the day she and Yang Tiezhu came back from the hospital, Mr. Yang had spoken. After that, Lin Qingwan didn't have to cook at home, as long as she took good care of Yang Tiezhu. So, for now, Lin Qingwan doesn't have to do housework. Just take good care of Yang Tiezhu, open a small stove for him, and the two of them will be fine to wash their clothes.

After breakfast, Lin Qingwan washed the tableware and chopsticks in the kitchen and returned it, and began to prepare to start embroidering her double-sided embroidery.

She is going to embroider a pair of kang screens. The object is not too big and it does not take a lot of time. After getting it to Jinxiufang to test the water, I will see if I want to embroider a large piece in the future.

She bought the embroidery frame yesterday, came back to wipe it, and placed it under the window.

Lin Qingwan cut out the ruler and stretched it on the embroidery frame. She didn't draw flowers, and when she got to the point where she could embroider double-sided embroidery, she could see flowers as nothing.

In other words, if you can only embroider well by drawing flowers, then you can't learn double-sided embroidery at all. Because the double-sided embroidery has different patterns on the front and back, all of which are completed at the same time in one stitch, the pattern has no effect at this time.

Therefore, embroidering double-sided embroidery requires special attention and cannot be distracted, because if one is not good, all previous efforts will be abandoned and rework will be required, which will be very troublesome at that time.

After Lin Qingwan stretched the base fabric, she took out the embroidery thread and started threading the needle. The embroidery thread was bought at Jinxiufang. Good silk embroidery thread, and it has been divided into shares. One embroidery thread is one strand, and one strand is divided into two strands, which is one fleece.

A root embroidery thread divided into 12 strands is a thread. The finer the thread is divided, the more refined and smooth the embroidery is.

The kind of embroidery thread that Lin Qingwan bought was one thread, and the price was many times higher than ordinary embroidery thread. It cost her a tael of silver to buy these embroidery threads, which was a little more expensive than the ruler.

Lin Qingwan's needle threading movements are very slow. This is her personal habit. Through these slow movements, she can slowly let go of her mind, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of completely letting her mind go.

After threading the needle and drawing the thread, Lin Qingwan sat down in front of the embroidery frame and stabbed the first stitch slowly.

After the first needle was pierced, it could be seen that although Lin Qingwan's needle speed was not fast, she was firm.

She didn't stop embroidering until almost noon, and the breath on her chest could finally relax.

Before she started, Lin Qingwan was always worried that she would not be able to embroider well, after all, these are not what she knew by herself. After the needle was placed, she realized that many things were engraved in the depths of her soul.

This state is very strange, as if she is Lin Qingwan. She may not be proficient in the things that Lin Qingwan knows at first, but after getting used to it, the feeling will come out naturally.

It was only at this point that Lin Qingwan really felt relieved. She believed that this embroidery would be completed perfectly, and she no longer had the anxiety and hesitation in her heart.

Daughter-in-law, you're tired, come here for a drink.

Yang Tiezhu, who was lying on the kang, saw his daughter-in-law relax his shoulders, and finally dared to speak. Maybe he didn't know embroidery, but the demeanor and posture of his daughter-in-law sitting in front of the embroidery frame told him that her daughter-in-law was focused and focused, so he didn't dare to disturb him.

Lin Qingwan stood up, shook her neck and twisted her shoulders, and went to the table to pour herself a glass of water. After drinking, he poured another cup for Yang Tiezhu and brought it to him.

After drinking the water, Yang Tiezhu said, Daughter-in-law, what are you embroidering, so carefully?

Lin Qingwan smiled, and she could see that she was in a very uncomfortable mood. I embroider something good, and after embroidering it, take it to the embroidery workshop and sell it to see if it can be sold at a good price.

Yang Tiezhu knew that his daughter-in-law had picked up the work in the embroidery workshop and went home to do it, so he felt a little bit sorry for his injured left shoulder.

If he was fine, his daughter-in-law wouldn't have to work so hard every day.

Looking at her man's expression, Lin Qingwan knew what he was thinking, and she couldn't help but comfort her: I'm idle anyway, so it's good to make some money to make up for it.

Yang Tiezhu thought about it for a while, and felt that this was the truth, so he didn't bother about this issue. But he still did not forget to tell Lin Qingwan not to be too tired and not to embroider for too long at a time to avoid hurting her eyes.

Lin Qingwan certainly understands this truth. In the deep memory of the original owner, she knows that there are many women who are full-time embroiderers. After middle age, their eyes will fail, which is caused by long-term eye fatigue, so she usually pays great attention to eye care. , embroider something for a while, then take a break, look into the distance and do the eye exercises that I did when I was in school in my previous life.

After resting for a while, she went to heat the pig's trotter soup left over from last night on the stove. Since there were no side dishes in it, she went to wash some lotus roots, chopped them up, and threw them in. This time, she also added some huáng beans. go in.

Because it was Yao's cooking today, Lin Qingwan simmered the pig's trotter soup and was about to go to fight Yao's hands. By the way, the two of them could still talk.

Walking into the kitchen, Yao Shi was cooking.

Seeing Lin Qingwan come in, Yao shi smiled at her and said that she would have to wait for a while before the meal was ready.

Lin Qingwan gave her an angry look, saying that I came to the kitchen just to eat?

Yao shi smiled again, knowing that Lin Qingwan came to fight her. Give her the position of the stove and let her help her make the fire.

Yao shi was cooking on the stove, Lin Qingwan sat next to her and helped her make the fire, and the two chatted with each other.

Lin Qingwan glanced at the gruel that was being boiled in the pot, and couldn't help but ask in confusion, Why does the family eat gruel at noon?

Yao Shi was silent for a while, and said, Today, when my mother-in-law gave me the ingredients, it was like this. After a pause, she added: Mother-in-law said that the family will make gruel in the future, anyway, there is no farm work now. , you don't need to eat so well.

Lin Qingwan was silent.

Yao Shi covered the pot and let the gruel slowly boil in the pot.

The wotou had already been steamed, so Yao shi moved a small stool and sat beside Lin Qingwan, the two of them were fascinated by the stove together.

How did Yang Xuezhang get the 50 taels of silver?

When they were in the medical center, Yang Tiezhu discussed with the two of them that the money in He's hand should be enough for Yang Tiezhu to pay for the exam. Maybe others have no idea about the money in He's hand, but he still knows how much money Yang Tiezhu gave to He. According to Yang Tiezhu, He's hand should be no less than 50 taels of silver.

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