As soon as Lin Qingwan heard the word burden, she thought of the burden that Yang Tiegen gave her yesterday.

She picked up from under the table the black bag that had been thrown under the table after she came in last night. At that time, because the burden was a little heavy, and the fishy smell was particularly heavy, she threw it under the table.

Yang Tiezhu weakly instructed her to open it, and Lin Qingwan untied the burden and opened it.

I saw a large piece of black and brown bear skin inside. The bear skin was still covered with traces of flesh and blood. Inside the bear skin was four bloody bear paws, and there was a small bag next to the bear paws. Lin Qingwan opened the small bag and looked at it. There were two black-cyan bile-like objects inside, which she estimated should be bear bile.

Yang Tiezhu called Yang Tiegen to him, whispered the address of a place to him, and asked him to lead Lin Qingwan to deal with those things. After he finished speaking, he seemed to have lost his strength, and he stopped talking and closed his eyes.

The three discussed in a low voice, and Mr. Yang stayed to watch Yang Tiezhu, while Lin Qingwan and Yang Tiegen dealt with the things in the bag.

Lin Qingwan and Yang Tiegen left the hospital, and Yang Tiegen led the way in front.

He knew that the place Yang Tiezhu told him was a place to collect mountain goods.

Luoyun Town is not big, and it takes a while to get there after a few laps.

The boss was a middle-aged man with a shaggy beard, and he was very puzzled when he saw them come in. Because most of the people who came to him were regular customers, and he knew almost all of them, but the two were very familiar with each other.

Lin Qingwan smiled at the boss, and then said that Yang Tiezhu asked them to come. She introduced to the boss that she was Yang Tiezhu's daughter-in-law, and next to him was his younger brother.

The boss smiled enthusiastically and said, Last time I heard that kid say that he is going to get married, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

Lin Qingwan greeted the boss two more times, and handed him the burden that Yang Tiegen was carrying.

The boss opened the bag and looked at it, spread out the bear skin to take a closer look, and checked the bear's paw and the two gall-shaped objects. After reading it, he asked, All sold?

Lin Qingwan nodded.

The boss thought about it for a while and said, Everything is good, and this bear skin is also very complete. Tie Zhu and I are both old acquaintances, so let's go, I'll pay a total of 50 taels of silver for these things. Brother and sister, you can see do you accept?

This price is not far from the estimate given by Yang Tiezhu. After thinking about it, Lin Qingwan nodded in agreement.

The boss was also a kind person. After taking the things and putting them away, he handed Lin Qingwan a bag of silver.

The silver is all 5 taels of small silver ingots, 10 in total.

After Lin Qingwan took the money and thanked the boss, she walked out of the shop with Yang Tiegen.

Yang Tiegen also breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little happy. He didn't expect to sell so much money at those few points, and now he finally doesn't have to worry about the second brother's medicine money.

On the way back, Lin Qingwan told Yang Tiegen to tell him not to tell his family that Yang Tiezhu was hunting and selling money.

Yang Tiegen thought about it and agreed. He also knew that he had told his family, but he probably couldn't stop it. If the mother makes a fuss again and asks to take the money back to buy the exam questions for the fourth brother, there will be no real cure for the second brother's illness.

Don't doubt, He's absolutely unwilling to come out of this kind of thing.

The two returned to the medical center, Yang Tiegen went to the cubicle, and Lin Qingwan went to collect the money for the medicine.

On their way out, the old doctor heard that the patient was awake, and went to see Yang Tiezhu's injury. It is said that 5 pairs of medicine need to drink 5 more, and then you can change to ordinary medicine later. The old doctor did some calculations, and found that the money for adding medicines and gold for creating medicines and consultation costs a total of 36 taels of silver.

Lin Qingwan paid a total of 40 taels of silver, and told the old doctor that it was time to give back more and make up less. Because Yang Tiezhu is still immobile and empty, and he has to live in the hospital for a few days, he has to pay for the rent. In fact, Lin Qingwan didn't want to go back now that she could go back. Seeing the people in that room, she was afraid that she couldn't bear to chop the knife up.

Lin Qingwan returned to the cubicle, and Yang Tiezhu was already asleep.

Yang Tiegen was ready to go home, because the place was small and there was no place to stay, he said that he would send Yao Shi to help tomorrow.

Yang Shi decided not to leave today, and she came to guard Yang Tiezhu today. After tossing for a day yesterday, Lin Qingwan didn't sleep for another night, she wanted to change her.

Lin Qingwan gratefully smiled and said yes, the third siblings will come tomorrow, so let the Yang family go back too. She is too old to be here forever.

Mrs. Yang spoke to Yang Tiegen again, saying that if someone in the family asked who paid for the medicine, they would push it on her. Don't say it now, someone will ask him. The Yang family has a son who is a shopkeeper in the county, and everyone in the village knows that he has a lot of money.

Yang Tiegen nodded in agreement.

After Yang Tiegen left, Lin Qingwan went to the hospital to borrow a crock pot. The hospital often accommodated patients who could not move, and these things were not bad. There is even a small kitchen. The family members of the patients can also use the kitchen to cook some meals, and rice noodles can also be provided, but they all have to be charged.

Lin Qingwan simmered the jī that Yang brought, and went out of the hospital to buy some rice noodles and vegetables. She wanted to make it easier for her to provide it in the medical center, but the one provided by the medical center was much more expensive than outside. Now the situation is not good, Lin Qingwan wants to use one penny as two penny.

After Lin Qingwan came back, it was not far from dark.

The stew was almost done, so Lin Qingwan washed some shiitake mushrooms and put them in, then sautéed two vegetables, and warmed up the steamed buns that Yang brought.

After bringing all the food, Yang Tiezhu woke up after sleeping for a while, and Yang was talking to him.

As soon as Yang Tiezhu saw Lin Qingwan's eyes

When the light came on, Lin Qingwan and Mrs Yang carefully lifted him up and leaned against the quilt. Yang Tiezhu only moved a little, and then he grimaced in pain, and neither of them dared him to sit too high.

Lin Qingwan asked Yang to eat first, and she came to feed Yang Tiezhu some soup.

Because the old doctor said that the patient could only eat light liquids at first, Lin Qingwan smeared the oil off the soup and brought a small bowl to feed him.

Yang Tiezhu leaned there, letting his daughter-in-law feed him, but his eyes were a little wet.

He thought he was dead this time and came back, but when he thought of his daughter-in-law at home, he was full of unwillingness. I didn't expect it to come through...

After he woke up just now, the Yang family told him some of the Yang family's reactions.

He had known for a long time that this would be the case, and it was not what he expected, so he didn't feel too sad.

Between Yinzi and him, Mr. He would only choose Yinzi. Between Yang Xuezhang and him, Mr. Yang and Mr. He would only choose Yang Xuezhang. Even if this side is his life, there is the fourth-ranked scholar...

Fortunately, he kept a mind, fearing that he would not be able to hold on and leave his daughter-in-law alone and suffer later, and let the third child give the hit directly to his daughter-in-law, instead of giving it to the family. It's a way to live...

After this time, he also thought about it. From now on, he only has a daughter-in-law, an aunt, and a third brother. The rest of the Yang family will not cause any waves in his eyes...

After Lin Qingwan finished feeding him the jī soup, she poured out the stewed medicine on the stove and brought it over to feed him. A medicine of 5 taels of silver can only be boiled for one day, and drink exactly three meals, one bowl each in the morning, noon and evening.

After Yang Tiezhu had finished drinking the medicine, and Mrs. Yang had finished eating, the two helped him lie down together. After a while of tossing and turning, Yang Tiezhu lost his spirits, and fell asleep shortly after lying down.

Lin Qingwan just returned to the table and ate some steamed buns with jī soup.

After eating, take the dishes to the kitchen to wash them. Lin Qingwan went back to the small room, and Mrs. Yang asked her to rest first. She came to watch the night tonight.

Lin Qingwan thought about it for a while, and went out to the doctor at the hospital to ask for another small room, which was next to where Yang Tiezhu lived. After all, they still have to stay here for a few days, they can't have no place to sleep every night, and no one can survive that.

After sleeping for more than two hours, Lin Qingwan got up and changed to Yang again. After all, Mrs. Yang was too old to stay up all night. She had already fallen asleep beside her bed.

After changing Mrs. Yang to rest, Lin Qingwan turned around only to find that Yang Tiezhu was also awake, looking at her with bright eyes.

She glared at him and sat down beside Chuang.

You didn't scare me to death this time... Until this time, when Yang Tiezhu's condition stabilized, Lin Qingwan revealed a little of her own worries.

Yang Tiezhu looked at her with guilt on his face, and repeatedly said that he would never do it again. After a while, suddenly he blushed and called out his daughter-in-law in a low voice.

Lin Qingwan looked at him suspiciously, and then looked at his shy little face, and suddenly remembered something.

Are you...are you...thinking about Gong... Lin Qingwan asked uncomfortably, not daring to stare at Yang Tiezhu, her face flushed with shame.

Yang Tiezhu nodded slightly, but also very embarrassed.

Lin Qingwan quickly stood up and bent over to get the chamber pot. She remembered that the guy told her that there was a chamber pot in the room.

After getting the chamber pot, Lin Qingwan stood there not knowing what to do, she was at a loss and embarrassed.

Yang Tiezhu was also very embarrassed, but he couldn't hold back anymore. Originally, he was awake when Yang was here, and he was too embarrassed to speak. When Lin Qingwan came, he thought that there should be nothing between husband and wife, so he called his daughter-in-law.

Who knew that it would be embarrassing to tell my daughter-in-law about this. Her daughter-in-law's skin was thin, and her face was blushing as if she was about to drip blood.

But no matter how shy, people have three urgency, and this thing cannot be tolerated. In the end, Yang Tiezhu ordered Lin Qingwan to help him out. During the period, both of them could not wait to cover their faces.

After scrambling to finish, Lin Qingwan felt that she was sweating all over, and Yang Tiezhu was also very tired. He was already weak and tired for a while. After a while, Yang Tiezhu fell into a deep sleep again.

Lin Qingwan went out to wash her hands, and sat next to the room again, blushing and thinking for a long time, not knowing what she was thinking. After a while, seeing that Yang Tiezhu was fast asleep and the surroundings were very quiet, she also slept on the bedside for a while.


The next morning, Yang Tiegen brought Yao Shi along with Lin Qingwan and Yang Tiezhu's thick clothes, as well as a needle and thread basket. This is Lin Qingwan's replacement. After all, after serving Yang Tiezhu, eating and drinking medicine, there is nothing to do, so you can't just sit here in a daze.

Lin Qingwan asked Yang to hurry back and have a good rest for a few days, because Yang was also tossed a lot these two days.

Yang Tiezhu also told Mrs. Yang that she should bring some wound medicine back. Da Hei and Er Hei had some injuries on their bodies, but they were all minor wounds and nothing major.

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