Mother, are you killing people? 50 taels of silver to be shared among three rooms? Where do we have so much money?!

Yang Tiesuan stood up irritably and kicked the stool under his butt.

Mother, you can pull our whole family to sell it!

Seeing the eldest son and the eldest daughter-in-law like this, Mrs He gasped heavily, pointed at them, and was speechless for a long time.

Mr. Yang spoke at this time. He first cleared his throat, and then looked at the seat where the second and third bedrooms were sitting.

What's your opinion?

Yang Tiezhu glanced at the old man Yang, and said in a sullen voice, Father, I just became a relative, where is the money?

Yang Tiegen saw that the second brother had opened his mouth, and he hesitated after him.

Dad, do I have any money, you don't know?

Mr. Yang sighed. He really knew that when the second child got married last time, the family didn't give him a penny, and it was all the money that the second child got himself.

As for the youngest couple in Yang's family, they are the most difficult.

Yang Tiegen was an honest person, and the He family held him firmly, saying that the additional money he earned only used half of the money, but every time Yang Tiegen came back from odd jobs outside, the money would be almost taken away by the He family. Yang Tiezhu was the same, but Yang Tiezhu was less burdened at that time, had no children and a wife, and was much more expensive than Yang Tiegen. Among the three sons of the Yang family, only Yang Tieshuan can get some money from under He's eyelids, but Yang Tieshuan always works odd jobs after three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, so the money he can get is very small.

Mr. Yang sighed heavily, but did not speak.

He jumped up at this time, jumping three feet high on the kang, and the spittle stars flew straight and started scolding.

The first to bear the brunt is Yang Tiezhu.

As long as the He family trains three sons at home, then whether it is Yang Tiezhu's fault or not, he is the one who bears the brunt.

You don't have money, what kind of extravagance did you put on when you got married? It's an offer and a gift, as if you're a big landlord with a lot of money... and your boss, you don't have money, you hang out with people every day, every day. Also betting on Ye Zixi... and you, the third child, every time the old lady asks you for some money, you will cry and lose your face, does the old lady owe you something or something...

Yang Tiezhu is indeed not welcomed by the He family at home, but if he encounters Yang Xuezhang, the precious son that the He family cares about most, then even Yang Tiesuan will have to stand aside, let alone Yang Tiegen. So at this time, Mr. He scolded the three sons without showing mercy at all.

But no matter how He scolded, the three sons held their heads and remained silent. Yang Tiegen didn't say anything because he really had no money, Yang Tieshuan didn't say anything because he still wanted to save some money to play, and Yang Tiezhu didn't say anything because in his heart, since the money had been given to his wife, it wasn't his. , so he also has no money.

Later, Yang Tiesuan was annoyed by his mother's scolding and began to refute it...

As soon as Mr. He saw his eldest son supporting her, the focus of the abuse turned to Yang Tiesuan. Mrs. Wang couldn't see it and stood up to defend the man. It made He scolded her in the end...

Mr. Yang sat there with his head sullen, smoking the cigarettes with great strength, and he didn't know who he was trying to hit, as if he could pull the cigarettes out of gold.

All of a sudden, he was choked and coughed hard, as if to cough out his lungs. Mr. He kept swearing there, and the sharp voice pierced the old man Yang Yang Xué jumping.

He suddenly stood up angrily, threw the dry tobacco bag in his hand, and the tobacco pot hit the door with a 'bang'.

The people in the room immediately quieted down and stopped making trouble, and all looked at Mr. Yang with a frightened expression.

Mr. Yang's face looked even older in the dim light. His black and red face was full of ravines, and a man who was only 50 years old looked like he was 60 years old. At this time, his face was slightly twisted, but his eyes were full of fatigue...

Is it still noisy? Is it still noisy? Can the noise solve the problem?

Grandpa Yang's sudden anger stunned everyone, as well as the He family. Mr. He fell down on the kang and closed his mouth, probably because of the excessive force just now, his chest was still heaving.

Yang Tiesuan and Mrs Wang stood there, not daring to say anything.

After a while, Mr. Yang said slowly: Fourth, tell me-

Everyone's eyes suddenly shifted to Yang Xuezhang, who had been sitting there from beginning to end, where Mrs. He was jumping up and down for her—

Lin Qingwan suddenly despised this scholarly man.

18 years old, 18 years old should be called a man. Many men as old as Yang Xuezhang have already married, and they have taken up the heavy burden of the family early. And he, still oblivious to Bai Xue's reading there, hid in the protective shell that He's erected for her, spent his family's money on meals provided by his family, and looked down on everyone with a look of superiority.

Lin Qingwan knew that Yang Xuezhang had taken the exam more than once, which was no secret in Luoxia Village. But an adult man, who failed several times in a row, still couldn't help but ponder, and didn't stop to check whether it was his own reason...

Some people are not suitable by nature, then, they are not suitable. Why don't you recognize the reality and see yourself clearly, and then go the other way?

Lin Qingwan didn't know how to take the exam, but she had seen a post like this in her previous life, On Ancient Talents and Today's Civil Servants. She didn't read it in detail, she only read the conclusion, that is, the examination of talents in ancient times was no easier than the examination of civil servants in the modern world.

, are all 10,000 people to squeeze such a single-plank bridge, some people squeeze through, some people can't squeeze through, some people can't squeeze through and still don't give up, and some people just change the road...

Lin Qingwan's thoughts still bear the deep imprint of her past life, and some modern people are flexible and alert, so she can't understand the thoughts of people at this time at all.

Everything is inferior, only reading is high, this is the ideological fetters of many people here. Therefore, she knows that all roads lead to Rome, but the people of the Yang family don't understand it, Yang Xuezhang doesn't understand it, the He family doesn't understand it, and neither does the old man Yang. Otherwise, Mr. Yang and Mr. He would not have gathered them all here at this time...

In fact, after he came, Mr. Yang understood what Lin Qingwan meant as soon as he opened his mouth. What's the idea? In fact, it is to take money. If you need to make up your mind, will you call all of them to discuss it? Only when you move your mind will you have the current situation...

Yang Xuezhang stood up straight, with one hand behind his back, as if the Master asked him to answer the question.

He put on a pose, and probably felt that the way people looked at him made him extremely uncomfortable, so he changed his standing position, then cleared his throat and said, I...

I didn't say a word for a long time, maybe because Mr. Yang suddenly called him by name, so he wasn't ready to say anything.

In the end, Yang Xuezhang blushed and dropped a sentence, I think this is an opportunity for our family— After speaking, he hurried back to the kang corner.

A chance for our home? This hat is so buttoned up!

After Yang Xuezhang sat there, he probably also felt that his speech just now was very unconvincing. After thinking about it, he added another sentence. If you win this time, you will not only save a lot of land tax for your family, but you will also have a place to be exempted from labor. If you are a scholar, you can also work as a master to earn some money for your family. Of course, if you are a student, The court will also distribute rice, grain and silver coins.

It seems that Yang Xuezhang didn't make him stupid when he read, and he knew how to draw a cake for everyone first. As for whether there will be cakes at that time, then we will talk about it later.

Lin Qingwan didn't know whether this statement convinced others. But she knew, at least persuaded Mr. Yang and Mr. He.

When Mrs He heard the description given to her by her son, her face turned red with excitement. Lin Qingwan looked at her sharp eyes, and the corners of her eyes twitched, and Old Man Yang's hands began to tremble.

It's not that Mr. Yang is vain, but it's a deeply ingrained thought in his mind-that is, honoring the ancestors. There is finally a person with status in the family, and the most important thing is to be exempt from tax. Although the tax of the Daxi Dynasty was not heavy, it was not too light. It could be exempted a little, and a lot of grain could be saved in one year.

These points deeply stimulated the brain nerves of this old man Yang. When he thought that his son could become a scholar, his blood vessels swelled up...

☆、Chapter 39

Mr. Yang took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and asked Yang Xuezhang, Then, is that friend of yours confident? Don't get the exam questions when the money is collected.

At this time, Mr. Yang, Yang Xuezhang, and Mr. He didn't have the thought that using cheating to be admitted to the show was a despicable act.

In their thinking, just like what Yang Xuezhang said, it is not uncommon for the scientific examination to sell questions and buy questions to go to the back door. Their hearts couldn't help but tremble...

When Mr. Yang said such words, it means that he has made a decision on this matter. He showed a satisfied smile, and Yang Xuezhang breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the following, it is to discuss the issue of money.

Seeing that Mr. Yang had already made a decision, Mrs. Wang poked Yang Tieshuan to signal him to speak, and Yang Tieshuan impatiently pulled her hand away.

The house was quiet again--

Since Mr. Yang has made a decision on this matter, it means that the money must come out. As for who will pay, who will pay more, and who will pay less, then it depends on each person's ability...

Wang Shi quickly made a small calculation in his heart, Yang Tiezhu and Lin Qingwan looked at each other, Yang Tiegen sat there with his head sullen, and Yao shi looked sad.

Wang's abacus was the fastest, so she jumped out first.

Father, Xianggong and I also hope that the fourth brother can pass the exam this time. How well the fourth brother passed the exam, there will be a scholar from the family, saying that it is a lot of face, and the tax can be exempted, and the fourth brother will be a conservator. , our family's Dalang Erlang Saburo can also follow along with them...

I have to say that Mr. Wang is very accommodating to people's minds, and nodded his head straight with smiles all over the faces of Mr. Yang, Mrs. He and Yang Xuezhang.

But—— First, sell well, cater to people, and make people happy, and then it should be describing his own difficulties. But parents, you all know that Xianggong is idle every day, and I can't control him. I ask him to do odd jobs to subsidize the family. We have worn a new piece of clothes, and we really can't do anything about it... As he spoke, Wang started to cry, which was different from the usual mourning, but the kind of crying that was extremely pitiful, whimpering and whimpering.

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