However, everyone in Luoxia Village understands how Lin Qingwan came to be. This kind of argument is only used when the government is on the go.

Therefore, Lin Qingwan's marriage letter was written by herself, and Yang's was to sign it. Yang Tiezhu's marriage letter was written by him behind his back, and then he went home and asked Mr. Yang to sign it. In fact, it was also written by Lin Qingwan. Mr. Yang can't write and put a handprint on it.

Grandpa Yang saw that Yang Tiezhu came back with the marriage certificate and asked him to sign it, and only then did he know that his son was already planning his own marriage, and he felt more and more uncomfortable.

He sat on the kang smoking a dry cigarette in silence, but didn't know what to say to Yang Tiezhu.

Mr. He sat on the corner of the kang with his back to them with a sullen face. Since Yang Tiezhu came in, she ignored him, until Yang Tiezhu took out the marriage certificate and asked Mr. Yang to sign it, she still didn't say anything.

Grandpa Yang looked at Yang Tiezhu who was standing next to him, and then glanced at the old woman who was sitting with her back to them. He knew that the old woman was angry, but he was worried that the words he said a few days ago didn't happen.

Are you all ready? He asked in a hoarse voice after taking a breath of dry cigarettes.

It's almost done, I'm just waiting for the appointment tomorrow. Yang Tiezhu was exhausted, but he couldn't hide his joy.

He has been really busy these days. Not only do you have to find a matchmaker yourself, but you also have to buy the betrothal gifts yourself. Because I haven't done it before, and I don't know how to buy it, I went to Yang's twice to find out.

After the dowry was prepared, he carried it directly to the matchmaker and did not take it home. He knew his mother's temperament, and when he saw the dowry gift, he would make trouble again. In order not to block himself when he was overjoyed, he simply didn't say hello to the family about the dowry gift.

How are you going to arrange the wine set?

Mr. Yang looked at his second son, who was tall and strong, and was already an adult man. I don't know when it started, but Mr. Yang hasn't looked at his second son so carefully for a long, long time.

This child suffered when he was born. For the first half month, there was no milk at all, and he could only survive on rice paste every day. Later, he really couldn't see it, and regardless of He's obstruction, he just hugged the eldest sister and asked the eldest sister to feed him.

I kept feeding it until I was over a year old before I brought it back. At that time, Mrs. He had just had the third child, and she had no intention of taking care of him. In addition, Mrs. He had always had a prejudice against the eldest sister, and even brought the child at home. See you soon. The one-year-old child is just walking, and no one cares about the bruised nose and swollen face that often falls at home.

Not long after they separated, there were many children in the family, the eldest was 6 years old, the eldest daughter was only 4 years old, and the third child was in swaddling. He and Mrs He are both overwhelmed, let alone take care of the second child, who is only over one year old.

The little baby is only a little old, so he recognizes people, and often runs out to find the big sister. But he couldn't find where he was. He only knew that he wasn't here outside, so tired that he and Mrs He often went out to look for him.

In the end, Mr. He was annoyed and asked him to take the second child to the eldest sister's house for another two years, and then bring him back when he was older and more sensible.

When they were brought back, the children were already sensible and not very close to them. I usually speak very little at home. Whenever I go out to play, I go to my eldest sister. He didn't like to see him in the first place, so he hated him even more, and even ran over to quarrel with the eldest sister several times...

The estrangement is born in this way, and there is no reason for who is right or who is wrong. The only thing that can be wrong is that the old woman is too small, and involves the contradiction between the adults and the children...

If you put wine, you must keep it at home, and then you will have to trouble your parents.

Yang Tiezhu's voice pulled back Old Master Yang's thoughts. Mr. Yang coughed and was about to respond.

At this time, He's voice sounded.

There is no money at home to serve you wine. Can't you? Pay for it yourself! Mrs He still did not turn around, only her voice revealed her indignation and dissatisfaction.

Yang Tiezhu closed his eyes and put aside He's words, not wanting her to spoil his mood.

He took out a piece of silver from his arms and put it on the kang table in front of Mr. Yang. There are three or four taels of silver, which is more than enough to put wine in Luoxia Village.

Mr. Yang's face was extremely ugly, but he really didn't want to quarrel with Mr. He in front of the child.

With shaking hands, he put down the cigarette stick in his hand, took the marriage certificate on the table, dipped it in ink from the inkstone table, and put a fingerprint on the door. Then he pushed the handprinted marriage certificate and the piece of silver to Yang Tiezhu.

It doesn't make sense for my son to marry. The family doesn't have money for wine. Take the money and ignore your mother, she's always confused.

Mr. Yang didn't want to hurt the child's heart. Who knew that Mrs. He could not hold back anymore. The fire in her stomach had been suppressed for a long time. When Mr. Yang said that she was always confused, it was like igniting the fire of dynamite. She exploded all at once.

She turned around agilely and rushed towards Mr. Yang. He kept tearing at him, scolding while tearing: Yang Laoshuan, you are a bastard, I have fought with you. I have worked hard all my life and gave you a litter of cubs, and now you say I am old Confused……

Mr. Yang was almost stunned by He's anger, but he didn't want to fight with his wife in front of his son, so he could only block He's tearing with his hands.

When he finally pushed the He family away, he realized that Yang Tiezhu had left without knowing when.

The marriage certificate on the kang table has been taken away, but the silver coin still remains——

You, you... I don't even know what to say about you...


When Yang Tiezhu brought a matchmaker to hire him, the entire Luoxia Village

All sensational. The whip pào'crackling' resounded throughout the village, and a group of villagers came to watch.

When Mrs. Yang came out to greet Yang Tiezhu and the matchmaker, she also put a whip at the gate of the courtyard, which meant that the woman attached great importance to this marriage, which represented a welcoming attitude.

The red paper that was fried with whip pào was scattered all over the floor, which looked festive and lively.

A large group of villagers surrounded Yang's yard, and all of them said that Yang Tiezhu was generous and righteous. Not to mention the dowry, it is two points heavier than the usual marriage, and the dowry is also more——

Eight two eight!

When it comes to the betrothal fee of eighty-two-eight, everyone is smacking their lips. On weekdays, other people in the village get married, except for the betrothal gift, the most is sixty-two or six.

The most praiseworthy thing from the villagers is that the key woman is not a girl from a normal family, but a daughter-in-law bought by the man himself.

The fact that a bought daughter-in-law is treated so solemnly by the man can only show one problem, that is, the married man attaches great importance to the woman, and does not regard the woman as bought back. Everyone praised Lin Qingwan's good luck...

This is another matchmaker and a big gift. It really made a bunch of young daughters-in-law in the village red-eyed. They all praised Yang Tiezhu, the second son of the Yang family. Really happy for him.

Why didn't I think he was so heroic, generous, and imposing before, even the tall and sturdy figure and the scar on his face, which had always scared the village women, suddenly made people look handsome.

People are scrambling to tell the story of Tiezhu's great deal when he was hired by the Yang family...

This kind of generosity also stunned the Yang family.

Mr. Yang was silent, while Yang Tiesuan sneered and said that the second child was really generous, while Mrs. Wang's eyes were red, and she even provoked him in front of Mrs. He. Yang Tiegen and the Yao family have always been taciturn, neither speaking nor making remarks.

Hearing the crazy rumors outside, coupled with Wang's instigation, he felt distressed and shivered all over.

She only heard Yang Tiezhu say that he wanted to invite a sedan chair, set up a wine and be hired, but she didn't expect that the dead boy even invited a matchmaker to do the betrothal ceremony with great fanfare.

Forget the dowry stuff. Thinking of the gift of eight or two, He's heart bleeds.

However, she didn't dare to scold Yang Tiezhu in front of Mr. Yang, but she gave up after having a blast with her daughter-in-law, Wang Shi and Yao Shi, but every time she thought of those eight or two, she couldn't eat or sleep.

But she didn't dare to make a fuss, not only because Father Yang warned her again and again, but she also listened a little bit to what Father Yang said that day. It was just that when I remembered that eighty-two-eight was upset in my heart, I ran to toss with my daughter-in-law. Wang's and Yao's have been tormented by her crying father and mother for a few days.

In addition, Yang Tiezhu's marriage is not far away, and the family is busy preparing wine for him. It may be that He's heart is somewhat comforted by the silver, so there is no more trouble.

The appointment of the appointment gradually came to an end, and in a blink of an eye, it was not long before the day of marriage.

☆、I'm getting married!

These days, Lin Qingwan is too busy, not only to deal with some young daughters-in-law who come to her door every day to envy her, but also to make time for her own wedding dress.

Yang Shi and Yang Tiezhu discussed to buy some dowry for her.

Lin Qingwan didn't agree, but when she remembered the things about the Yang family that the Yang family told her, she didn't refuse.

After all, it is not good for a woman to marry without a dowry, and she is about to get married soon. Yang Tiezhu’s money is also her money. Buying something to accompany her as a dowry is better than buying something under the eyes of Yang Tiezhu’s mother. The qiáng of the human eye.

Lin Qingwan and Yang's two went to town a few times, and bought a big push. To the outside world, it was claimed that Yang's distressed the dowry she bought for her, and it was a gift for her nephew and nephew's daughter-in-law to marry.

Yang's life has always been very prosperous, and there is a son who works as a shopkeeper in a business bank in the county, so no one wonders where the money for selling these things comes from.

I bought four pieces of cotton quilts, and a few pieces of quilt covers. The basin for washing the face, the washbasin stand, the cage and wardrobe for the clothes, as well as the comb, the bronze mirror, the tub for bathing, the fabric for the clothes... I bought a whole car...

No wonder the book said that the dowry of women in ancient times was cumbersome, and some large families began to purchase dowries for their daughters from the moment she was born, and it was not completed until the daughters were married. Some people even pay attention to the dowry with the coffin, and almost arrange all the clothes and clothes for their daughters from marriage to food. Generally speaking, the meaning of the mother's family is that the daughter eats and eats her own, and does not need to be angry with her husband's family.

Of course, Lin Qingwan couldn't compare with the young ladies from other big families, but she also bought a lot of things, and it cost almost ten taels of silver.

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