Awakening Stele.

It is an important strange thing that allows human beings to have a chance to awaken extraordinary abilities.

It contains mysterious spiritual mist, which is what awakened people call psionic energy.

It is a godsend power that can draw out the potential of the human body!

Of course, people who can really pull and awaken supernatural powers are often a minority, not one in ten.

If the ability is awakened, the strength will be judged according to the reaction of the awakened stone tablet.

For those with weak abilities, the light of the awakening stone is dim.

Those who can't awaken their abilities, and they don't even have the qualifications to make the stele glow a little.

And the movements caused by those with powerful abilities will be very shocking.

The awakening stele will emit a vast and bright light, which is the embodiment of infinite potential!

Two years ago, when Mo Ningshuang awakened the SS-level Netherworld Absolute Ice.

That shocking purple-blue light enveloped the entire Awakening Square, and the light shot straight into the sky as high as 10,000 meters!

On that day, the Awakening Square could hear a pin drop, and they all stared blankly at that graceful figure.

The entire Dragon Kingdom was also deeply shocked!

Anyone in Lingzhou District who saw the awakening ceremony on the spot will forever imprint that scene in their minds.

Today, two years later, it is still the shocking scene that countless young people in Lingzhou District dream of creating.

Just like the noble boy who was the first to take the stage at this time, his heart was also burning while being nervous.

Full of ambition, eager to awaken high powers, and then shock everyone.

"S-level! S-level! S-level!"

Touching the stone tablet of awakening with the palm of his hand, the young man screamed wildly, his forehead was sweating from nervousness.


A few minutes passed, and a trace of white fluorescent light appeared from the stone tablet for a while, and then quickly faded away.

"Zhang San, conventional power system, F-level."

After the soldier announced the result of his awakening, the noble boy Zhang San's face instantly turned pale.

class f...

It is still the most common conventional system.

The ability is divided into six major factions, namely the elemental system, the special system, the weapon soul system, the magic beast system, the auxiliary system and the regular system.

Among them, the elemental system, special system, and weapon soul system are the strongest, and they are also the types of abilities that everyone desires to awaken.

The last three series are weaker, especially the regular series, which is even more popular.

It's okay if the level of the ability is high, but if it's low.

For example, Zhang San's f-rank is really too weak to be weaker, at most it just adds a little bit of strength.

No matter how he cultivates, he will not be able to become a true awakener.

For a moment, negative emotions such as despair, suffocation, and bewilderment eroded his mind, and he froze in place.

Is it really a mat?

how is this possible? !

He is a student of No. 1 Noble High School in Lingzhou District!

As soon as this result came out, the ordinary people who were watching below and the young men and women participating in the awakening also suffocated on the spot.

" is it an F-rank?"

"Grade F of the regular's unbelievable, they are the first batch of students to come on stage, and the students with the best comprehensive grades in Lingzhou District!"

"And the F-level ability, but it is very difficult to become a real awakener, even ordinary awakener universities are difficult to enroll..."

"Could it be that this year will be the same as last year, without even a genius with an A-level ability?"

"Is it really good to make people so desperate at the beginning?"


In the Awakening Square, some students who were about to be awakened no longer had the confidence they had at the beginning, and their faces were covered with sweat.

Especially those aristocratic students who were the first to awaken to power.

Even if the physical test is excellent on weekdays, the parents are awakened, and the genes are strong, but they are starting to become uneasy.

The awakening ceremony once in a lifetime, they really don't want to fail!

But the awakening ceremony is so cruel, and the successful ones are always a minority.

In the seat area, Zhang San walked down the awakening platform with his eyes blinded by the blow.

Mo Ningshuang looked at Su Ye with some worry in her beautiful eyes.

She was really scared, afraid that Xiao Ye would be hit like that boy.

The awakening of a student with a normal body and excellent body is so slim, let alone Xiao Ye with natural eyes...

Even Ye Huang, who was sitting on the other side of Su Ye, didn't have the confidence in his younger brother that he had at the beginning.

It can be seen from the slightly shaking Erlang's legs.


Cruel as it is, the awakening continues.

The outstanding students of No. 1 Noble High School in Lingzhou District came to the stage to wake up one after another, with nervous faces.

"Normal speed system, class f, next."


"Phantom Beast Iron Claw Cat, E-Class, next."

"Elemental fire element, fire snake, D-level, not bad!"


It wasn't until about sixty or so students woke up unsatisfactory, finally there was one that was acceptable.

"Yeah! It's an element system!"

The female student jumped up and down happily, flying with joy.

The already tense atmosphere at the scene was relieved after the girl's awakening results came out.

However, the awakened ones on the high platform frowned and smiled wryly.

Because of such an awakening probability, it is worse than last year!

After the awakening of dozens of students from No. 1 High School last year, there was even a B-level in the regular department.

But this year, there are nearly a hundred students, and only one D-level. Although it is from the elemental department, it is still horrible.

Such a result also made the military host in the middle of the field look helpless: "Don't be discouraged, the next one."

The slightly helpless words fell.

The rest of the students could only bite the bullet and continue.

But it turns out...

Still miserable.

A few hours later, most of the noble high schools in Lingzhou District have only produced a few B-level regular departments.

And on the live screen of Dragon Kingdom.

In the Jiangnan main area of ​​the Jiangnan Base City, many B-level and even A-level geniuses of various factions have been born.

Even the s-level Tianjiao has emerged!

This made all the young men and women in the center of the Awakening Square in Lingzhou District lower their heads in embarrassment.


"can not watch anymore."

On the honored seat, Zhou Ziyun looked at the unfavorable atmosphere of the scene, and stood up with his waist crossed: "My girl!"

Hearing this, Su Ye encouraged her, "Come on, Ziyun."

Regarding Zhou Ziyun's talent, he is still very relieved, after all, both parents are S-level existences.

Studying in the strongest noble high school in the main area of ​​Jiangnan, it is still in the top ten.

In this way, no matter how bad it is, it shouldn't be too bad.

"Susu, don't worry about my words, but you, you have to work harder."

As the little girl spoke, she felt a little unbearable in her heart, and hesitated whether to go up first.

Because once he awakens a high-level ability, when Susu awakens, he may be under pressure.

If the awakening fails, I'm afraid it will be...

Forget it, let's comfort Susu by myself.

"Mom, Brother Ye Huang, Sister Ningshuang, I'm going."

Turning his head and making a cute V sign, Zhou Ziyun walked straight down from the viewing platform.

The eyes of the scene were also attracted by her beautiful figure the moment she stepped down from the honored seat.

She is beautiful and cute in her own right, and sitting with Ye Huang, Mo Ningshuang, two monstrous characters, it is difficult not to be noticed.

Those in power who knew Zhou Ziyun's identity secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stared at the little girl.

Senior Tang is an S-level strong man, and his daughter is definitely not bad.

Maybe...a powerful ability of S-level will also be awakened!

In this way, they can save some face in Lingzhou District.

Although Zhou Ziyun is not from their Lingzhou District.

But since he awakened in Lingzhou District, it can be regarded as a support for Lingzhou District, isn't it?

"This little girl's background seems to be incredible! I hope she can awaken high-level abilities. The chances of awakening this year, I am dumbfounded. My son is actually an E-level regular system, alas..."

"It shouldn't be too bad to be able to sit with that unbelievably beautiful legendary girl!"

"It must be an A-level ability! Otherwise, the face of our Lingzhou District will be lost."

"She doesn't look nervous at all, is she really so confident?"


The common people at the scene experienced several hours of depression, and they were numb.

At this moment, seeing Zhou Ziyun, a temperamental girl with a strong background, resigned from the stage, there was a ray of hope again.

"Ziyun is here."

When the host soldier saw Zhou Ziyun, he rarely showed a smile.

As Commander Ye's confidant, he had naturally met the little girl a few times.

"Well, Uncle Zhou."

After politely saying hello, Zhou Ziyun took a deep breath, his cute little face tensed.

Others see her as confident, but only she knows that she is panicking, okay, just pretending to be calm.

Bai Yu's little hand didn't hesitate, and pressed directly on the awakening stone tablet, only to see that in the next moment...


Accompanied by an invisible buzz, a light blue soft light emerged from the stone tablet.

In the blink of an eye, it was already tens of meters high!

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