The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 431 Desperate Chen Jin

Li Xiuxian and others are extremely fierce, but in front of the Flying Tigers who are well prepared, have outstanding marksmanship, have tacit cooperation, and focus on anti-terrorism training. This group of ordinary police officers in Wan Chai, whose main goal is to subdue criminals, is still several levels behind.

At this time, they also faced the trouble of being suppressed. At this time, four guys had been shot.

The Flying Tigers were even very smart, deliberately hitting their thighs and arms in non-fatal places.

While making them lose the ability to resist, they are still lying on the ground unable to move, and they need rescue from others.

"Brother B, this can't go on. Let alone sneak attack on them, it's impossible to even get close."

After another round of shooting, the two members of the Flying Tigers moved to the front, with only one member from behind suppressing them.

Moreover, the other party would pick up grenades and bullets from drug dealers from time to time. Ma Jun immediately discovered the opportunity.

He climbed up to Li Xiuxian at the front and took the initiative to give him suggestions.

"Ahem, what can you do?"

Li Xiuxian coughed twice, and then Ma Jun realized that smoke was still coming from his chest and his left hand was even wet.

"Brother B, were you shot?"

"Not dead yet."

Li Xiuxian rushed to the front and met the most ferocious firepower from the Flying Tigers at the beginning. It would be strange if he didn't get shot. After all, he didn't have the reaction speed as strong as Zhang Pin.

However, it was precisely because he took the lead that everyone at the Wan Chai Police Station, who had already fallen four officers, did not make any move to retreat.

"The people inside must be from the Flying Tigers. Their equipment is too powerful. There is no way we can beat them with short guns."

When Li Xiuxian said it was okay, Ma Jun didn't ask any more questions. In this case, he was lucky not to die.

"Now their firepower has suddenly weakened, and they may be out of bullets. You guys will cover me later, and I'll charge right up!"

Ma Jun was a very hard-working guy in the past, but now he is working with Zhang Pin. Not only is he being trained as a reserve team leader, but after being promoted several levels in a row, he is also recommended to take the probationary inspector exam.

Although he failed the interview, he identified Zhang Pin as the boss.

Now Zhang Pin brought them to do something. Seeing that there was no progress, he was ready to stand up and attract firepower.

Hearing Ma Jun's words, Li Xiuxian was stunned and couldn't help but look at him again.

Ma Jun's words sounded simple, and he also said that the Flying Tigers inside were out of bullets.

However, those were the Flying Tigers, and if they were to hit someone with bullets, one would be enough to kill them.

Ma Jun said that if he rushed forward, he would use his own life to open up the situation.

"I'm going too, Brother Jun. It's useless for you to go alone. The two of you will have one more chance."

Just when Li Xiuxian was hesitating, a frail but cold-looking guy crawled over.

It was Chen Jin. He specially applied to be transferred from the Central District Serious Crime Team because he thought Zhang Pin was very cool in what he did.

When the two said this, Li Xiuxian himself suddenly became excited.

He was originally a fierce general, but now that he heard that the other two were so brave, he subconsciously prepared to charge together.

It was just that he inhaled too hard and coughed twice.

Previously, a flying tiger team shot almost all the bullets into his chest. Even though he was wearing a body armor, he didn't know how many bones in his chest were broken at such a close distance.

"Okay, then it's up to you two to stay alive!"

Li Xiuxian took a breath and began to give instructions to the other guys through the earphones.

Most of the guys who can work with Li Xiuxian are very courageous and brave people.

At this time, I heard that it was just suppressive fire, and there was no need to rush forward. Naturally, no one was afraid.

So after a while, a total of fourteen guys behind him, including Li Xiuxian, all stood up and fired in the direction of the unfinished building.

Bang bang bang bang——

In an instant, countless rounds of bullets poured out, all hitting the walls and rooms of the unfinished building.

The entire unfinished building stirred up a large amount of dust.

The member of the Flying Tigers who was picking up bullets and grenades while shooting didn't react in time and was hit by several bullets. Even with a body armor on him, he couldn't help but take several steps back.

"not good!"

This member of the Flying Tigers was selected and brought over by Liu Tianbao, so there is no need to say much about his strength.

As soon as he saw this situation, he naturally knew that the opponent was likely to launch a charge.

If there are still three people here, they are confident that they can directly defeat the opponent's counterattack.

But he was only one person. Under such intensive bullet fire, no matter how well-equipped he was, he had no time to fight back.

However, the Flying Tigers did not retreat. He bent his body and carefully avoided the bullets. Instead, he took a few steps closer to the window on the back wall and leaned directly against the wall.

No matter how these people fight back, they will eventually rush up through this window.

As an elite member of the Flying Tigers, and already prepared to die here, this guy has already risked his life.

Ma Jun and Chen Jin, as soon as Li Xiuxian and others stood up to shoot, they had already avoided their shooting range from the side and started running towards the unfinished building.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, approached the window here with the help of suppressed fire and just took a few breaths.

Seeing the two men approaching, Li Xiuxian and others immediately stopped firing to prevent accidental injuries, and at the same time quickly changed their magazines.

"cover me!"

Ma Jun just opened his mouth, but Chen Jin spoke first.

And while he was talking, he first threw a grenade inside, and then, without waiting for the grenade to explode, he put one hand on the window and prepared to turn over and go in.

"Depend on!"

"Depend on!"

Ma Jun felt that he was working hard enough and brave enough, but seeing Chen Jin, he still felt that he was no match for him.

The Flying Tigers hiding behind the window also cursed when they saw the grenade.

He was hiding behind the wall, and of course he heard the two approaching.

It's just that there's a wall between them, so he can't take the initiative. After all, there are people coming in from both sides of the opponent. If he wants to attack, he has to lean out.

Even if he already had a life-threatening fighting strategy, he couldn't stupidly let himself face more than a dozen guns.

After all, his mission was to delay the group behind them so that Zhuo Jingquan could find a chance to kill them.

After seeing the grenade being thrown in, his first reaction was to duck aside.

But what he never expected was that someone would take the initiative to get in at this time.

With such a stunned move, most of Chen Jin's body had reached the window, and his eyes just met his.

But the grenade has not exploded yet.

"You still don't have the bracelet?"

The members of the Flying Tigers didn't know that the bomb thrown by Chen Jin would not explode.

He was thinking in his mind, and his body was instinctively avoiding the explosion, but after seeing Chen Jin's body, he subconsciously raised his hands slightly, preparing to point the gun at the opponent.

As soon as Chen Jin stepped on the window, he saw that there was only one Flying Tigers inside, and the opponent's gun was pointed at him.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely take the opportunity to let go of the arm climbing out of the window, and then fall back to avoid the opponent's gun and subsequent bullets.

But Chen Jin is not an ordinary person, this guy is really preparing to fight.

So not only did he not retreat, but with a fierce force, he threw himself towards the opponent's gun muzzle and the person behind the gun muzzle.

Bang bang bang bang——

At such a close distance, the members of the Flying Tigers, whose marksmanship was outstanding, failed to hit Chen Jin.

Because although his body instinctively chose to shoot, his previous actions were to avoid the grenade explosion and he was retreating to the side.

So after pulling the trigger, the rear force of the gun directly caused his already twisted body to fall to the ground. The muzzle of the gun was also violently raised and fired towards the ceiling.



Chen Jin threw his body and hit the Flying Tigers hard, and then his long-charged fist hit the opponent's chin hard.

He wanted to throw a grenade with one hand and climb out of the window with the other hand. He had already thrown his pistol on the ground and did not bring it in.

At this time, after punching the Flying Tigers, Chen Jin touched the opponent's body with his hands and felt the pistol on the opponent's waist.


But before he could take out the opponent's pistol, the Flying Tigers reacted and quickly reached out and slapped Chen Jin hard on the back of the hand that was holding his pistol.

Then, before Chen Jin could react, he sharply bent his right leg and hit Chen Jin's back heavily, causing him to stagger and lean forward.

Seizing the opportunity, the Flying Tigers immediately turned over and overturned Chen Jin who was on top of him.

At the same time, when he turned over, his right hand touched his waist, grasped the handle of the pistol inserted in the holster, and pulled it out directly.

His pistol was already loaded, and his best shot during training was 89 seconds.

In other words, it only takes one second for him to pull out his pistol and shoot Chen Jin's head, which is pinned beneath him, at the same time.


But even in less than a second, he couldn't get it.

Because when he was fighting for his life with Chen Jin before, he forgot that there was more than one person rushing towards him.

Ma Jun had already come in at this time.

When he first saw Chen Jin throwing a grenade in, he subconsciously turned his body to the side.

Just like that, Chen Jin seized the opportunity and climbed up the window.

When Chen Jin jumped in and the grenade had not exploded, Ma Jun knew that the grenade Chen Jin threw in did not have a ring.

So he quickly climbed up to the window, ready to go in and help.

But just as he climbed in, he saw Chen Jin being pinned down by the opponent, and the Flying Tigers were drawing their guns from his waist.

So he quickly ran over, locked the other person's throat, and then pulled the person up with force.

Da da da da da——

Puff puff puff puff——

As soon as Ma Jun pulled the man up from the ground, before Ma Jun had time to exert force, a series of bullets flew over, and then all hit the members of the Flying Tigers in front of him.

Shooting at such a close range, even if the members of the Flying Tigers were wearing the latest bulletproof vests and received more than a dozen submachine gun bullets, the opponent would immediately bleed from the mouth and lose sight of his eyes.

As soon as Ma Jun heard the gunfire, he quickly pushed the opponent's body, rolled over, and then hid in the corner of the room.

The gun was not fired by Ma Jun, nor by Chen Jin who was lying on the ground.

It was fired by a flying tiger team member who was walking over from the opposite side.

Originally, in order to cover Zhuo Jingquan's attack, Liu Tianbao and others deployed the two elite Flying Tigers behind them, leaving only one person on the other side to suppress them.

Because compared to the front where the space is completely open, there is only a small window on the back that allows people to pass through.

With the well-trained shooting skills of the Flying Tigers, one person is enough to suppress it.

After all, even if the opponent breaks through, the skills trained by the Flying Tigers are enough to defeat several.

But despite all their calculations, they underestimated the number of tough men in Wan Chai Police Station.

We can't even call them fierce generals, but we have to call them life-threatening.

So after seeing that the Flying Tigers guarding here were being suppressed, a Flying Tigers staying behind in front came over here with their guns raised, ready to help their men.

But before he could come over, he saw the horse army jumping in and preparing to attack his man from behind.

When the member of the Flying Tigers who came to support saw this situation, he immediately opened fire on the Ma army without thinking.

Unexpectedly, Ma Jun suddenly pulled his man up and blocked him in front of him.

But he couldn't stop pulling the trigger.

"No! Ayan!"

At such a close distance, he hit the opponent's chest with more than ten shots in a row.

The member of the Flying Tigers who came to support was very aware of the power of the firearm in his hand. At this moment, Ayan's chest and internal organs were definitely shattered into pieces.

Even though he knew that he and his friend would die here today, the Flying Tigers who killed their friend by mistake were still very sad.

But after the sadness, he was filled with anger.

So he raised his head, trying to find the horse army that had just escaped, preparing to kill him.

Da da da da da——

But it was obviously impossible to vent his anger.

Chen Jin was originally kneed by a member of the Flying Tigers, and was knocked to the ground and beaten for a while. He couldn't breathe, and he was ready to wait for death.

But he didn't expect things to change so quickly. First, Ma Jun pulled Ayan of the Flying Tigers up, and then he watched helplessly as Ayan was beaten to death.

He was lying on the ground, thinking about how to fight back, when he touched a gun from beside his body, and it was also a submachine gun.

This was the gun in the hands of the drug dealer before. It was picked up by A Yan of the Flying Tigers and was originally intended to be used as a backup.

But before he had time to use it, he fell to the ground in shock because of a grenade, and the submachine gun also fell to the ground at that time.

After he stood up, Chen Jin was pinned under him.

The two of them were close to each other. Of course, he had no intention of using a submachine gun, but was about to draw a pistol, so the gun was still on the ground.

After Chen Jin touched the submachine gun, he felt happy.

Because he saw that the member of the Flying Tigers who was walking over was very close to him, but his eyes were not on him, but on looking for the hiding Ma Jun.

So he simply didn't get up, raised his submachine gun, aimed at the opponent's lower triangle, and pulled the trigger.

Puff puff--

How to put it this way, no matter how advanced the body armor is, it is obviously impossible to protect the user's crotch area.

Chen Jin went from bottom to top, aiming at the opponent's position without body armor.


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