Then there were many mainland police officers watching. They looked at the two of them very strangely. At this time, the atmosphere in the mainland was not open. Obviously, there was still a lot of criticism for two grown men hugging each other.


"These people from Hong Kong Island are just different. They are so courageous."

"It's just a foreigner's habit. It's a routine operation. I heard that in the UK, there are many people who collect feces for fertilizer. If they are single men, the price of a bucket is higher because their stuff is much denser."

Zhang Pin sat in the car going back and looked at the people coming and going in Yangcheng on the streets. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. When he was in Hong Kong Island, they kept publicizing how poor and backward the mainland was.

In fact, in the 1980s, Yangcheng, as the provincial capital of Guangfu, looked a bit simple, but it was not as backward as imagined.

I don't know if it was because of the differences in technology between the two parallel worlds, or because he was young in his previous life and had not seen the prosperity of Yangcheng at that time.

However, if you think about it, you will know that Guangfu, which has already started trade under the Qing government, will not lag far behind.

The streets here are well-proportioned. Although there are no high-rise buildings, the roads are clean and tidy, and they have all been paved with cement roads. Looking at the people coming and going, most of them are full of energy and self-confidence.

"Officer Zhang seems to be very interested in our mainland?"

Yang Jianhua was sitting in a car with them and saw that Zhang Pin had been looking at the people and buildings coming and going, and finally spoke tentatively.

"Yes, we are all Chinese. I have always heard that the mainland is very miserable. Now it seems that although it cannot be compared to Hong Kong Island, the vitality on everyone's faces is something that the citizens of Hong Kong Island do not have."

Zhang Pin nodded. He didn't pay attention to the other party's temptation. In fact, as a person with a red heart and knowing the future trend, he naturally knew that if he wanted to make a difference in the future, hugging his thigh would be his first choice.

"Oh, I heard that Hong Kong Island's economy is booming. Even working as a cleaner can earn several thousand yuan a month. Their lives should be happier. Is Officer Zhang wrong?"

Hearing his answer, Yang Jianhua was stunned for a moment before speaking.

"Although the income is high, it is also tiring. The pace of life on Hong Kong Island is very fast, and Hong Kong Island is chaotic. Capital has the final say in everything. It would be great if the government took over management earlier."

"No, Pinzi, don't talk nonsense."

The more Zhang Pin said, the more outrageous he said. Chen Jiaju, who was a little uncomfortable because he had just arrived, quickly pulled him and asked him to stop talking. After all, the ghost guy still has the final say in Hong Kong Island. If Zhang Pin's words let the political If the people here hear it, the police will probably not be able to do it by then.

Yang Jianhua also looked at him with suspicion, feeling that what he said was too outrageous.

After all, the gap between the mainland and Hong Kong Island is still very obvious. If it were not for the high ideological awareness, it can be said that as long as people in the mainland have some ability and knowledge, they can see how big the gap between the two sides is.

From the actions and eyes of the two people, Zhang Pin also knew that it was a bit early for him to express his stance. After all, it would still be ten years before the return of Hong Kong Island. In addition, there was indeed a huge gap between the two sides. It was really possible for him to act like this. will be mistaken for having ulterior motives.

Next, everyone in the car stopped talking. When they arrived at a building, Zhang Pin was arranged to rest, while Chen Jiaju was taken away alone to meet with the leader.

"Pinzai, people in the Mainland are too enthusiastic, and they don't seem to like joking."

In the evening, Chen Jiaju, who had a bruised nose and face, picked up a plate and sat next to Zhang Pin to complain.

Because he had just arrived, the mainland police felt that his current performance was not up to the task, so they arranged for him to participate in special training, hoping to train him into a local in a short time.

Others participating in the training were also very curious about him, a super policeman from Hong Kong Island, so the first day of training ended with everyone's enthusiastic exchanges, and Chen Jiaju also suffered a few more injuries.

"The target of our mission this time is Bao Qiang, whose real name is unknown. He is from Hong Kong. This person is a confidant of Chai Ba, the leader of the transnational drug smuggling group. He was caught by us for smuggling drugs in the mainland. He was originally going to do target shooting.

But it just so happened that the Hong Kong Island police discovered the body that Chai Ba used to transport drugs at Ming Sum Hospital, so Interpol decided to use this leopard to approach and arrest Chai Ba, so we are currently imprisoning him in a labor camp. According to the information we received, someone bribed the guards of the labor camp and wanted to rescue him in the near future. "

Yang Jianhua took Zhang Pin and Chen Jiaju to sit in a conference room. While introducing the situation, he handed two pieces of information to them respectively.

The two of them looked at the information in their hands. Before Zhang Pin could speak, Chen Jiaju suddenly shouted.

"What, if you carry fifty grams of drugs, you have to practice target! You printed the information wrong, is it fifty kilograms? You can't make mistakes with this kind of problem."

Zhang Pin rolled his eyes at the other party. He thought Chen Jiaju had changed his gender, so he actually went to check the information, but found that this guy missed the point again.

"Yes, fifty grams. Our country has always had zero tolerance for drug trafficking. If you are caught, you will be severely punished."

Yang Jianhua's tone was very serious. Chen Jiaju glanced at him and felt a little envious of the laws in the mainland.

Because he thought that the coke that Da Zui and others drank that night was actually selling drugs. They also found some drugs on the other party's possession. Unfortunately, Hong Kong Island's laws are not so strict.

He didn't even think about it. If Hong Kong Island also had such strict laws, then if all those gangsters and gangsters were caught and shot, there must be manslaughter. If you kill one and let one go, then more than half of them would slip through the net. .

"Then our mission this time is to sneak into the labor camp, and then sneak into Chai Ba's drug trafficking group from Bao Qiang, right?"

Zhang Pin didn't want to get entangled in this issue and started discussing the details directly.

"Yes, after you sneak in, you have to find a way to gain Bao Qiang's trust. Then our public security will cooperate and clean up Bao Qiang's subordinates step by step. When he has no one available, you will be introduced to Cai Ba's subordinates. .”

"Now we have almost trained you on your mainland habits, but in undercover operations, especially for drug trafficking groups, your skills are also a very important test. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the mission, I need to test your skills next. , Officer Zhang, you also need to participate this time."

When Yang Jianhua talked about training and testing, the expression on his face was very strange, and the same was true for Chen Jiaju.

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