The Pokemon Era: I Have Lived Ten Thousand Years

Chapter Fifty-Three: The Appearance Of The Elite Four 【The Last Free Chapter】

Chapter Fifty-Three: The Emergence of the Elite Four

Gold City, Mysterious Ferry.

In less than half an hour, Chen Fan arrived at the location shown in the invitation letter.

If you want to go to the place Mewtwo said, whether you are a player or an NPC, you need to take this ferry.

Because he didn't want to be too high-profile, Chen Fan bought a mask before coming and put it on his face.

For the players, most of them still want to see the excitement when they go to this copy of the Terri world.

But Chen Fan is different, he went to Mewtwo's secret base completely for his own business.

In this case, if he was born with his true face, it would definitely cause commotion.

He is not afraid of causing some small troubles, the main thing is that his time will be wasted.

It's fine if it's an ordinary time.

However, at this critical time, every minute is extremely precious.

However, not long after Chen Fan boarded the boat, there was a sudden commotion outside the boat.

The commotion was accompanied by the surprise of countless players.

Soon, someone faltered and began to speak in a bluff.

"Elite is here??"

"Damn it, I don't have dizziness??"

"The four Elites are also on board?"

"Why is the NPC also summoned?"

"My day!"

Chen Fan, who was sitting in the boat, was not attracted by the sound when he heard it, and sat alone, quietly watching the sea scenery outside the window.

And the four Elites who are extremely admired and awed by the players uploaded one after another, and the first person who appeared in the crowd was Du Elite.

As always arrogant, as always indifferent.

When he got on the boat, he walked to the deck alone, and did not sit in that position like the player.

Lord Agatha watched Du go to the deck, she bent over, leaned on crutches, found a random place step by step, and sat down.

Bruno is a simple and honest guy. Seeing that Lord Agatha had found a seat, he immediately sat next to Lord Agatha.

As for the last Lorelei goddess.

Originally she was going to sit with Bruno and Lord Agatha.

However, in the next second of his action, he found a player wearing a mask.

Wearing a mask is not surprising, after all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are enemies.

In order to prevent enemies from coming to the door, wearing a mask is not to attract attention.

All this can be reasonably explained.

However, for some reason, Lorelei was immediately attracted to this mysterious masked man after seeing it.

"Can I sit here?" A few seconds later, Lorelei came to Chen Fan's side and asked in a captivate tone.

However, regarding Lorelei's words, Chen Fan quietly looked at the scenery outside the window and ignored the stunner around him.

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't say a word, Lorelei, who was still hesitant, immediately sat down.

At this moment, she has confirmed that the masked man beside her is definitely Chen Fan.

"Little brother, do you want some water? My sister has water here!"

"Little brother, are you hungry? Sister, can you peel me an apple?"

"Little brother, why don't you look at me? Is it because you despise my sister?"

After confirming that the other party was Chen Fan, Lorelei began to flirt with Chen Fan unscrupulously, trying to annoy Chen Fan in this way.

But for all Lorelei's actions, Chen Fan still sat there, motionless, not even a little emotional.

"Who is that masked man? Why did Elite Lorelei go over and ask in person?"


"My goddess!!"

"Who is that guy? Is he from Power Trip? Can Lorelei girl Shendu be ignored?"

The appearance of this scene surprised the players on the ship.

For players, when facing NPCs, especially powerful NPCs, almost all players bow their heads.

Have they ever seen an NPC humbly try to please a player?

Especially if it's still... a top powerhouse like the Four Elites.

The players naturally didn't know what happened inside, but just from this scene, everyone could guess that the masked man must have a lot of background.

"The ship is about to start, trainers, please sit down!!"

A few minutes later, as the radio sounded on the ship, both players and NPCs on the ship sat up one after another.

This time Mewtwo invited not only players, but one-third of them were NPCs.

For example, the four Elites, who were originally training in their own dojo, suddenly received an invitation letter, and then came here.


A loud siren sounded deafeningly by the sea.

After the sound, the ship begins to slide, heading for Mewtwo's mysterious base.


In a full two hours, the giant ship was approaching a mysterious island.

At the same time, the players sitting on the boat complained about the authenticity of the game.

During the two hours on the boat, the players were simply overwhelmed.

Almost 80% of the players vomited because of the occasional huge waves rolling over the sea.

Fortunately, the suffering has passed, and the giant ship can reach its destination in less than five minutes.

After seeing the destination not far away, the players gradually stopped complaining.

Five minutes later, with a sound from the radio, the giant ship also stopped heavily on the shore, and the shaking on the ship was completely reduced countless times.

After the players settled down, before they had time to appreciate the wind around them and inspect the surrounding environment, the voice of the system rang a sentence in each player's ears.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for entering the instance of [Mewtwo's Revenge], please rush to the castle within ten minutes."

After these words sounded, the players immediately went to the ancient castle on the island.

Everyone was excited, but they didn't realize that the danger was coming!

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