The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 62 New Journey, the World of Zombies

Today's return space has changed dramatically. Not only does it have a ground, there are three more buildings, and the most important thing is that the surroundings are no longer dazzling.

Before, Zhang Chen would subconsciously close his eyes every time he returned to the return space, but now the light in the return space has returned to normal.

Zhang Chen appeared in the return space and was shocked to see everything changed in front of him.

At this moment, the system sound sounded.

"The previous return space was imperfect, so various lights merged into white light, but now due to the support of heaven and earth, the light has stabilized and has soil."

Zhang Chen came back to his senses, looked at the bare ground around him, pointed at the two new buildings next to the sky rail ahead and asked, "What are those two buildings for?"

The two architectural styles are quite strange. One is narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, in the shape of an inverted triangle. The other looks like a large platform, but it is a bit too thick, nearly one meter thick.

"One is the authority building, where you can improve your authority, and the other is the transmission platform. In the future, the sky rail building will only have redemption and lottery functions."

Zhang Chen frowned when he heard this, "Can you systematically explain the update this time?"

"The purpose of the authority building is to distinguish three different permissions. The teleportation platform is to standardize plane teleportation. There are only two tasks for the sky rail in the future, exchange and lottery. These arrangements are the system's preparation for the future."

Zhang Chen didn't understand, "Preparing for the future?"

"Yes, in the previous world, I met other time travellers, and the system activated emergency plan measures. These are follow-up plans."

Zhang Chen nodded and walked directly to the three buildings.

The system has said so much, and Zhang Chen has almost heard it, so let's go and see the actual situation.

Arriving on the platform, Zhang Chen found that the platform was divided into five areas, and any area could be teleported.

Just as Zhang Chen was tinkering with the platform, the system's voice sounded again.

"From now on, the following plane world is divided into two types. One is the mission plane. The mission plane is a sub-plane that relies on the main plane, which is the earth plane, to survive. These planes are all safe places. The plane is used to collect the origins of each plane and expand the return space. The other is to conquer the plane. There is no specific task to conquer the plane. Each conquered plane is an ownerless plane. If you help the system to obtain the conquered plane If you do, you will get huge rewards, but because it is an unowned plane, there is a high chance of encountering other travelers!"

Zhang Chen understood this. In other words, there will be no urgent missions like Zhang Chen's before in the future mission plane, and it will be safer.

But Zhang Chen didn't care, because no matter which plane he went to, he had to complete the mission after all. Although there was no urgent mission, Zhang Chen was sure that there would still be danger.

After understanding so many changes, Zhang Chen's time to return to the space was up and he was directly teleported out.

After leaving the return space, Zhang Chen suddenly thought of a question.

"System, when will the next transmission start?"

"This transmission will start in three days. Starting from this transmission, each transmission will be carried out one week later."

"The system is becoming more and more standardized now!" Zhang Chen sighed clearly.

After coming out of the return space, Zhang Chen looked at the condition of the brainworm larvae and found nothing strange, so he took a rest.

Three days passed by in a hurry. During these three days, Zhang Chen not only stayed with Lin Xue at home, but also went to the gym to practice.

As the next transmission got closer, Zhang Chen entered the return space.

[Warning to the host, the transmission will begin in ten minutes! 】

[Due to the system upgrade, future mission planes have been agreed to be arranged in sub-planes! 】

On the teleportation platform, as time passed, Zhang Chen's figure disappeared.

This is a city, but weeds and various plants have made this steel city lose its previous grandeur.

There are collapsed buildings everywhere, and tall buildings hundreds of meters high have been turned into ruins. There are abandoned cars scattered on the streets. The cars are rusty and have become a pile of scrap metal.

There were weeds everywhere on the ground, and dark red marks could still be seen faintly on the walls that had not yet collapsed.

With a flash of white light, Zhang Chen appeared on the roof of a building.

[Transmission successful! This world, the zombie world! Start posting tasks! 】

[Basic mission: Kill 100 mutated zombies! 】

[Advanced mission (optional): Change the direction of the world! Current progress is 0%]

[Rewards will be settled uniformly in the return space! 】

After hearing the system prompts, Zhang Chen was thoughtful.

This is a zombie world. I don’t know how it is different from the Resident Evil movies on Earth or other zombie movies.

Zhang Chen stood on the roof of the abandoned building. As soon as he took a deep breath, he was hit by the stench that filled the air.

"Cough, cough, cough, what does this smell like? It's so stinky! It smells worse than the insect liquids in the previous world!" Zhang Chen choked on the stench, coughed loudly several times, and cursed loudly.

What Zhang Chen didn't expect was that as soon as he finished scolding, countless roars appeared from all directions in the originally quiet abandoned city.



Countless roars led to more roars, and for a while, the originally quiet abandoned city became completely active.

Zhang Chen reacted immediately after hearing the sound and immediately stopped himself, but as the roars got louder, it was too late.

Listening to the roars of almost the entire city, Zhang Chen looked ugly, "Listening to these roars, there are at least tens of thousands of monsters here!"

As the sound waves got louder, Zhang Chen's face became uglier.

He is not an ordinary person, but he is not a god. If so many zombies really rush up, no matter how Zhang Chen resists, there will only be one result, being eaten.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen immediately prepared to fly away from the city, but just after taking out the Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Chen stopped his action.

Because there were overwhelming black spots in the sky at this time, rushing here.

As the black spots got closer and closer, Zhang Chen saw a pair of red eyes at a glance.


After cursing, Zhang Chen quickly opened the door of the rooftop of the building and walked into the building.

The building was quiet, without any roars, Zhang Chen did not relax his vigilance, this world has dangers that Zhang Chen could not imagine.

Zhang Chen carefully held the Xuanyuan Sword, opened a door, and asked the system, "System, what will happen if I am infected by the zombie virus?"

"According to your physique, if the virus is not forced out in time, you will become a zombie, but don't worry, the system will protect your consciousness from being devoured by the virus, and you will still be able to think."

Thinking about himself eating people like a zombie, the key is that he is still conscious, Zhang Chen shuddered and became more careful.

"It seems that I have to find some protective gear first, at least to cover some key parts."

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