After dispersing the spirit soldiers, Zhang Chen fell to the ground.

After searching the corpse, Zhang Chen found nothing.

This situation was within Zhang Chen's expectations. When Zhang Chen saw the intruder wave his hand and take out a sword, he knew that he should have a storage space.

After searching again, Zhang Chen specifically looked for things on the corpse that had spiritual energy reactions.

Soon, Zhang Chen found that in addition to the spiritual energy fluctuations on the clothes, only a ring on the right hand of the corpse had a weak spiritual energy reaction.

The style of the ring was relatively simple, and there was not even a pattern on the ring. After Zhang Chen picked up the ring, he tried to inject some spiritual energy into it.

Almost at the same time, a small pile of debris appeared on the ground.

Zhang Chen did not take some of the debris, but only took the elixir, some jade slips with weak spiritual energy, and books. Zhang Chen did not touch the remaining talismans and other things. Compared with Zhang Chen's talismans, the effect of these talismans was much worse.

At this time, in a distant plane, countless lights were burning quietly in a huge room of Lingtian Sect. Suddenly, one of the lights went out.

At the same time, a voice suddenly came.

"Huh? A soul lamp went out?"

Then an old man dressed in black appeared next to the extinguished soul lamp.

"The soul fire has not been consumed. It seems that it was killed. However, seeing that the soul fire reacts so slowly, it should not be under the control of my Lingtian Sect... This soul lamp belongs to the branch sect. Let the branch sect handle the affairs of the branch sect." After the old man finished talking to himself, he took out a wooden sign and stuck it on his forehead. The next moment, he threw the wooden sign directly.


The wooden sign turned into a stream of light and disappeared.


Zhang Chen was identifying these things one by one at this time. Books were okay, but Zhang Chen didn't dare to take pills casually. If he took the wrong medicine, he would be in big trouble.

So Zhang Chen put all the things into his storage space and then went out of the cave directly.

Returning to the place where he had been squatting before, Zhang Chen continued to observe the situation of the hunting lodge. Zhang Chen believed that if one person was missing, the remaining two would definitely come out to look for him, and at least they would go to the previous cave to check.

Sure enough, the next morning, the remaining two hurriedly walked out of the hunting lodge and ran all the way to the cave.

This time, the two of them did not guard but rushed into the cave directly. Because of the cover of those stones, Zhang Chen could not see the situation inside. He waited for nearly 10 minutes before slowly moving to the entrance of the cave.

After entering the cave entrance, Zhang Chen did not find any danger. He took out the Xuanyuan Sword directly, summoned four spirit soldiers and rushed deep into the cave.

However, Zhang Chen kept a watchful eye and let the spirit soldiers walk forward for a distance first, so that Zhang Chen could know the other party's movements.

Soon, Zhang Chen sensed that the spirit soldier walking in front had lost contact with himself.

Zhang Chen immediately summoned another spirit soldier to make up for it and quickened his pace.

Soon, the sound of fighting came from the front, and the roars even shook the soil in the cave and fell down.

Zhang Chen frowned. It seemed that he couldn't fight in the cave for too long. He had to fight quickly or he might die here.

When Zhang Chen thought of this, he rushed up with his spiritual energy.

The two invaders in front were fighting with the spiritual soldiers, or to be more precise, beating them violently.

Zhang Chen had released more than a dozen spiritual soldiers in succession to hold the other party back, but now it seemed that the other party was still at ease.

"Sure enough, someone is in charge! Third brother, you come to stop these puppets, I'll kill him!" The invader that Zhang Chen had been following before immediately threw down the spiritual soldiers in his hand and rushed towards Zhang Chen after seeing Zhang Chen appear. At the same time, a long sword appeared in his hand.

"Okay!" The invader called the third brother also took out his own weapon, which turned out to be two scimitars, which directly blocked the group attack of the spiritual soldiers.

Zhang Chen saw the sword rushing over, pinched the sword formula, and stabbed him with the Xuanyuan Sword.

Unexpectedly, the invader was well prepared. The sword in his hand suddenly changed into gold and stabbed towards the Xuanyuan Sword.


A clear sound sounded, and both swords tilted to the side.

The intruder holding the sword retracted his long sword at this time, and his face changed drastically when he saw that the tip of his sword had cracked.

"What kind of sword is this! It can even destroy the magic weapon blessed by the sharp gold formula!" After saying this, the intruder looked at the Xuanyuan Sword floating in the air with greed.

"No matter what level of treasure it is, it will be mine after you die!" As he said this, the intruder flipped his hand and took out another talisman, and then threw it at Zhang Chen as if it was free.

All kinds of colorful talismans turned into various ice cones, flames, soil blocks, and sharp arrows in the air and shot at Zhang Chen densely.

Zhang Chen looked at so many things flying towards him, quickly attached two talismans to his body, and then directly operated the magic of gathering sand into a tower, condensing a light curtain with a yellowish luster from the surroundings, wrapping up the whole Zhang Chen.

The next moment, various attacks hit the light curtain.


The passage where Zhang Chen was collapsed instantly, crushing Zhang Chen underneath.

The intruder laughed when he saw this scene, "You dare to fight me in the cave, you are really looking for death!"

However, he did not see the Xuanyuan Sword that had circled behind him at some point and rushed towards him. After the Xuanyuan Sword drew an arc across his neck, the intruder's voice stopped abruptly, leaving only a chuckle, and soon the intruder fell down.

As a burst of yellow light surged, Zhang Chen came out unscathed. He looked at the fallen invader with a frosty face, "If I wasn't sure, why would I fight you here?"

The invader on the other side had just dealt with all the spirit soldiers when he saw his companions die, and immediately roared.

"How dare you!"

After roaring, he put the willow-leaf double swords in his hands together and swung them towards Zhang Chen.

A white crescent-shaped blade light rolled in the air and immediately rushed towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen felt the blade light coming and reacted quickly, summoning four spirit soldiers to block in front of him one by one, and retreated at the same time to open up space.

However, Zhang Chen obviously underestimated the blade light.

The blade light almost instantly passed through the bodies of the four spirit soldiers and rushed towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen's face changed, and the soul talisman was directly attached to his body three times. At the same time, the magic of gathering sand into a tower was instantly activated, and the yellow light curtain appeared again.

The next moment, the blade pierced directly into the yellow light curtain and pierced into Zhang Chen's body.

Wow! Zhang Chen was forced to bleed by the impact of the blade, but now is not the time to care about these. Zhang Chen gritted his teeth and drove the Xuanyuan Sword, directly slashing at the body of the remaining invader.

With a gurgling sound, Zhang Chen was completely relieved when he saw the invader's head fall to the ground through the light curtain.

It was not easy. The sneak attack and a group of spiritual soldiers were injured. Fortunately, the battle is over!

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