The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 16 Shocking news of sudden changes

Kunlun once again returned to peace, but the traces left by the previous battle could not be erased for a while.

"Really, I don't know what these demons are thinking. Are they here to attack or to cause destruction? Now I have to be busy for a long time!" Quail Bird stood on Zhang Chen's shoulders and walked around the Kunlun Palace. While complaining about the savagery of the demons.

Zhang Chen looked at the quail's current appearance. He really couldn't imagine that this chatty, digging hole bird was actually the last phoenix in the world.

"Okay, you've been talking about it for almost an hour and you still haven't gotten over it. Since it's been destroyed, let's start over."

"No! You don't know, these guys in Kunlun are all idiots! They can only do manual labor, and only I can do this kind of building maintenance! My leisurely life is gone forever!"

Zhang Chen was completely defeated by Quail. For more than an hour, he felt more tired than fighting the demons.

Fortunately, a spiritual beast came from a distance. After saying hello to Quail, he said to Zhang Chen, "Master Quail, Mr. Zhang, Xingtian just woke up and said he had something to tell you."

Zhang Chen felt as if he had seen a savior when he saw this spiritual beast, and said hurriedly, "What! You have to do this quickly!" Then he turned to the quail and said, "I'm leaving first!" After saying that, Zhang Chen didn't care. The spiritual beast that came to inform him ran away.

"Master Quail, what's going on with Mr. Zhang? Why does it feel like someone is chasing him from behind?" The spirit beast who came to notify looked at Zhang Chen's back and said confused.

"Don't worry about him. He's in a hurry to be reincarnated. Just in time, don't leave once you're here. Let me tell you, this demon clan! I really don't know why..."

From this day on, there appeared a spirit beast who avoided the quail when he saw it. There was also a spirit beast who suffered from insomnia for the first night in Kunlun.

In the Kunlun Dungeon.

It is not as dark and dirty as shown in movies and TV shows. Instead, within a few steps there are Luminous Pearls and Dust-proof Pearls, giving Zhang Chen the illusion that this place is outside rather than underground.

In the innermost room, Xing Tian was sitting cross-legged on the futon. After feeling Zhang Chen's arrival, the red light on his breasts flashed away.

"You came."

Zhang Chen looked at the calm Xing Tian, ​​"I heard you have something to tell me?"

Xing Tian didn't answer but talked about other things.

"When I was young, I followed Yan Emperor and watched him conquer all directions. At that time, my goal was to fight with Yan Emperor. After that, Yan Emperor lost and our tribe also declined. My goal was Revitalize the tribe. Later, Emperor Yan said that he wanted to conquer the whole world. My goal was to conquer the world, but it was a pity that I died in the end. After I died, I thought a lot. I wanted to live for myself once, and I discovered my hatred. , so my goal in coming back to life was Xing Tian, ​​until I met you."

Xing Tian stood up, stretched out his hand, and stared at it with his eyes.

"Can you tell me a goal of your own?"

Zhang Chen didn't expect that Xing Tian only asked himself this question, but Zhang Chen could really tell Xing Tian this question.

"I don't know what your own goals are, but I can give you a sentence. How big your heart is, how big your world is. This world is too big and too small. It can be big enough to contain mountains and rivers. The river is so small that it can fit in your heart, and everything you see is your heart. There is nothing wrong with following your heart. "

Xing Tian fell into deep thought for a long time, then breathed a sigh of relief, "Follow your heart... I understand. I'm done talking about my business. Let me talk about you guys. I'm just using it to attract firepower. The purpose is actually to prevent you from going to the rescue. I just want to talk about it." But Emperor Yan didn’t expect that my power would increase hundreds or thousands of times, which is why I’m in the current situation.”

Zhang Chen was shocked after hearing this.

"You mean that Emperor Yan underestimated your strength and asked you to block the spiritual beasts of Kunlun Mountain, but he has already led his army into the Kunlun Territory?!"

Xing Tian nodded, "After I came back to life again, I went back to find Emperor Yan, but at that time Emperor Yan had already set off, so he sent me here to hold you down."

"No, I need to inform them immediately."

Zhang Chen turned around and left. Halfway through, Zhang Chen turned around and shouted to Xing Tian, ​​"I'll give you a suggestion, get out of this world and see! The world outside is even brighter!"

After shouting, Zhang Chen rushed out of the dungeon.

After going out, Zhang Chen hurriedly gathered Mr. Jiang, Jian Wu, Quail and a group of important spiritual beasts together, and told them what Xing Tian had said before.

"We need to get in quickly."

"No! What if Xing Tian lied to us!"

"I also agree to go in and take a look."

A group of people were having a heated discussion, and then Mr. Jiang, who had been silent, spoke up, "Disciple, what do you think?"

When the spirit beasts present saw Mr. Jiang talking, they all quieted down and looked at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen bowed to Mr. Jiang, and then glanced at the people around him, "Master, everyone in Kunlun Mountain, I think what Xing Tian said should be true. Although a strong man like him is an enemy, I feel that he should have the pride of a strong man and will not lie.”

Mr. Jiang smiled and nodded, looking at Jian Wu, "You are the master here, what do you think?"

Jian Wu raised his hands to Mr. Jiang and said, "You have always tried to offend me. How can I dare to make the decision now that you have shown up?"

Old Jiang shook his head and reached out to touch Jianwu, "You, you are also a sly guy, so I'll tell you." Old Jiang said in a steady tone, "What Xing Tian said should be true, because a long time ago, there were two passages to Kunlun Domain, but one of them was too risky, so it was gradually forgotten. Now that Xing Tian said that Emperor Yan has led the army into Kunlun Domain, we must hurry up."

No one refuted Old Jiang's opinion, but the selection of people to go to Kunlun Domain later became difficult.

The passage on Kunlun Mountain can only take in a maximum of three people at the same time, at most once a day, and no matter who it is, everyone wants to go to Kunlun Domain in the first wave.

In the end, Old Jiang overcame all the opposition and led the team himself, plus Zhang Chen and the quail, there were exactly three people, Jianwu guarded Kunlun Mountain, and other spirit beasts entered in the next few days.

After deciding the candidates to enter, Zhang Chen took the quail and followed Old Jiang to the sacred mountain behind the Kunlun Palace.

"Quail, you are not honest! You said that I had to kill Jianwu and use his blood to get to Kunlun Domain. Jianwu is so strong, how could I kill him?!" Zhang Chen rolled his eyes at the quail on his shoulder.

Quail was a little embarrassed, "Haha, didn't I think you were a spy of the demon clan at that time?"

Zhang Chen was furious when he thought of this.

"How dare you say that? Is there a spy as unlucky as me? The first time I met you, I fell into the trap you dug. The second time I met you, you tricked me into killing Jianwu. The most important thing is that since you are a phoenix, why do you have to turn into a quail?"


Quail cried twice proudly, "Pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger! I like to do this kind of sinister things the most!"

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