
author’s words

sorry. Now, I think I have to make it as if there is no serial time of 11:00 PM. For the time being, I will post as a free series if I use it, and when it settles down a little, I will go back to 11:00 p.m. sorry.


I checked now.

After I switched from a program called Scrivener to a program called vs code, I installed a spelling extension program and checked it last.

However, no matter how many times I tried it, it seemed that I couldn’t spell it… It seems that it changed everything at will without changing the color or showing the words to be corrected.

When I check spelling, I correct it manually, but this automatically changed everything. I thought it was a bad thing, so I checked the spelling on the Internet and uploaded it, but after uploading and reading it, something was strange… I only found out the cause later.

I am reading and checking again now.



11/17 Fixed a typo. Thank you.

< Starting today, I… >

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