The sea was full of ice, and the sea was full of ice.

After receiving Roger's order, Rayleigh plunged into the sea and swam in the direction where Arthur was flying.

A few kilometers away from the Seven Waters City.

The impact force gradually dissipated from Arthur.

He was knocked away by Roger and fell from midair to the sea in an instant.

The moment the blade in his hand touched the sea water, it froze into a huge piece of ice land around Arthur.

Arthur fell steadily on it, with the tip of the knife stuck in the ice under his feet, kneeling on one knee on the ground with blood in his mouth.

"I thought I could stand up to Roger like Garp..." His body was hit by Roger's domineering power and suffered some internal injuries.

But this was not enough to knock him down.

He still had a fighting spirit on his face, and stood up in a moment and walked towards the Seven Waters City.

The tip of the knife dragged on the ice, forming an ice path to pave the way for his feet.

Every time he was about to step on the air, the ice dragon would always freeze the sea under his feet one step ahead of Arthur.

He walked slowly like this, and suddenly saw Rayleigh with a golden algae head emerging from the seabed.

"..." Rayleigh, who came to rescue him, emerged from the sea, with a dull face, and looked up at Arthur above with embarrassment.

The two looked at each other.

Rayleigh suddenly spoke and roared at Arthur above:

"You didn't faint, you can still pave the way with the power of the knife!?"

"What are you doing? Mr. Rayleigh, if I fainted like that, how could I be alive now?" Arthur looked down on Rayleigh.

Watched him crawl from the sea to the ice road created by his blade with his own eyes.

"Let's go, let's go back, let Krocas check your body." Rayleigh said behind Arthur.

Take off the purple clothes soaked by sea water, wring out the water and carry them on your shoulders.

Arthur glanced at Rayleigh, how clean his body was.

He reached out and touched his body again.

The touch of the bumps and bruises really made him feel that he was really weak.

That's right, if someone else got those injuries, I'm afraid the grass on his grave would be several meters high.

About half an hour.

The two returned to the shipyard of Tom, the Seven Water City.

Seeing that everyone had prepared meals, they were starting to enjoy the breakfast of the day.

"Hey!" Roger saw Arthur and Rayleigh, waving his arms and shouting at them: "He is right, Rayleigh, let Krocas take a look."

Krocas then came to Arthur and examined him with a stethoscope:

"The heart beats normally, the breathing is very calm, there is no noise or fluctuation, you seem to be fine."

Can this thing alone diagnose that there is nothing wrong with the body? Arthur put on a cold face, somewhat doubting that Krocas was a quack.

But he did extend Roger's life.

"Sit here, Arthur, next to Barrett on the left." Rayleigh took him to the long dining table, pointed in front of Barrett and asked him to sit down.

Barrett looked at Arthur with a serious face, and grinned when he saw the blood on the corner of his mouth: "You have come to this day?"

"It's better than being killed instantly." Arthur sat on it and looked at the various strange meals on the table.

He frowned, locked onto a large plate of dumplings with unknown fillings, and brought it to himself and began to stuff them into his mouth.


Arthur heard someone calling him from the right, and turned to look to the right.

He found that Yamon, with thick blond hair, was sitting on his right.

He also found that Cooper and other members of Roger's pirate group were hanging out together, drinking generously.

"What are you doing?" Arthur responded to Yamon.

"Your body... is okay?" Looking at Arthur, who seemed to be indifferent and had a cold face.

Yamon stuttered a little, concerned about his health.

"I won't die." Arthur was eating his favorite food, and didn't look at Yamon to respond to her.

Such an attitude suddenly made Yamon, who was always indifferent to others, fall into inner confusion.

He breathed a sigh of relief and no longer asked Arthur any questions out of curiosity.


January 1493 of the Haiyuan calendar.

Almost all of them are Arthur's daily life with Roger's pirates and his self-training.

She started to record the Roger's pirates' sailing diary and daily life with Yamon, which made Arthur know that she was only 19 years old.

She looked very mature and steady, but she was only three years older than him.

She also arm-wrestled with Nozton, the strongest man on the ship, to compete in strength.

She exchanged swordsmanship with Langram, Jackson Banner, CB Golan, Taro and other combat crew members who used knives.

Assisted Tom in repairing the hull and asked

Tom helped him build a cabin alone.

After completing everyone's requests and demands.

He began to practice swordsmanship with a sword and maintained it skillfully.

Release all the domineering energy in the body, and then wait for the domineering energy to fully recover.

In this way, the upper limit of the domineering energy can be continuously increased.

Over time, he did not fully integrate into this group.

He still did not let anyone get close to him or touch his body.

The pain in the back of his neck from being shot by civilians was still aching, reminding him all the time.

At the beginning of 1493 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The repair of the Ol Jaxson was completed.

Tom carried him barehanded and threw him to the dock outside the shipyard to dock and prepare to go to sea.

Near the dock, Arthur in a black robe.

He was holding a knife and accepting Buggy and Shanks' request for a sparring match, and being their training object.

"As long as I follow you, I can become stronger, right? When I meet Whitebeard, I will definitely shave off his beard with my two swords!" Buggy said, swinging his sword at Arthur.

"Where is the flaw?" Shanks looked serious and tried to find a flaw in Arthur.

"No more fighting." Suddenly, Arthur exerted his arm and pushed the two of them back from in front of him.

End the farce.

Then he jumped on the back of Cooper who was following him to rest.

Look at Roger and his group who are ready to go to sea and come to the beach.

Cooper drank the fruit wine hanging on his neck with a satisfied look.

"Cooper?" (Is it finally going to sea? I'm so looking forward to it) It called and said to Arthur.

"The navy has not come to the Seven Water City, which is beyond my expectation. Don't they want to kill me?"

Arthur, who is about to go to sea, still can't believe it.

I actually spent more than ten days in peace in this place called "The World's Largest Shipyard, Seven Waters City".

"Roger, if you break it again next time, I will charge you the highest amount for repairs!"

"Don't worry, Tom, I won't do it next time."

At the dock of the shipyard, Tom and Roger talked with big smiles on their faces, saying goodbye and seeing off friends.

"I'm serious this time, I will definitely subvert this world!" Roger made up his mind.

This sentence reminded Rayleigh behind him of the promise he made when he first met Roger.

Rayleigh smiled: "Did you finally remember what you promised me, Roger?"

"Of course, brother!" Roger smiled at Rayleigh.

The bond between the two is self-evident, all in the smile.

After the ship was repaired and all the supplies were replenished, the members of Roger's pirate group boarded the ship one by one.

Arthur walked up the gangway and turned to look at the Seven Waters City in front of him that looked like a fountain.

"Cooper?" (What's wrong, Arthur, hurry up) Cooper saw Arthur not moving for a long time and shouted to urge him.

"Is this the calm before the storm?" Arthur took a deep breath and went on the deck.

Based on the peace of the Seven Waters these days.

The Navy will not take action against Roger's pirate group in the next few years.

More threats are the pirates who are called the Four Emperors and those who want to replace them.

He felt that a bloody storm between pirates was about to begin.

"Let's go, re-enter the new world!" Roger cheered loudly to everyone.

Everyone responded to him with an "Oh", including Cooper and Barrett, who joined in and were deeply influenced by this pirate group.

Only Arthur quietly held his knife, leaning against the cabin wall and watching the pirate group.

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