The truth is that the ... "I don't know. After using the Ice Dragon Flying Sky, my body is completely exhausted. I feel like I still have strength, but I can't use it."

"Go find Xia Qi quickly. She knows everything!"

"Xia Qi is a know-it-all. There should be a ship that takes us out to the coast of the unfrozen sea."

The two worked together to lift Arthur up and ran quickly to Xia Qi's bar.

Cooper flew to drop a suitcase filled with 50 million Baileys, watching the sea water flowing out from it, without paying too much attention.


On the coast of the GR·44 area of ​​the Sabaody Archipelago, the navy stationed in the archipelago came to clean up the battlefield.

A colonel led the soldiers to a huge abyss pit.

In the center of the pit, there was an ice pillar still standing, and the rest was abysses directly connected to the seabed.

"That guy's blow... no... one knife made this hole bigger than the meteorite crater!"

"I've measured it, Colonel. The diameter of this hole is about 78 meters!"

"Oh my god, his knife has the power of a natural disaster, not inferior to the power of a devil fruit?"

"At that moment, a black dragon rushed straight into the sky from the bottom of the sea..." The navy colonel looked at the cloudless sky: "Let the navy and warships within our range... all be smashed and sunk in this suddenly collapsed pit, turning the situation around!"

"Report, a total of 32 lieutenants of the headquarters were killed or injured, and almost all the elite recruits were killed..."

"I'm afraid our navy will not be able to send troops to fight them in a short time..."

"This sea will be controlled by pirates for a short time!"

"I don't know how the government will respond in this era..."

This battle is an unprecedented loss in the history of the navy.

A total of 40,000 troops were dispatched, including 2 top combatants, more than 30 lieutenants from the headquarters, and 7 devil fruit users, but they failed to take down the Roger Pirates and Wang Zhi Pirates.

Both sides suffered extremely heavy losses.

The navy is likely to be unable to send troops on a large scale again to stop the expansion of pirates in the New World.

GR·13 area of ​​the Sabaody Archipelago.

In Xia Qi's bar.

"The injury is a bit serious, but the state of weakness you said is not due to the injury, Arthur." Xia Qi checked Arthur's body and quickly analyzed the problem.

Looking at the boy in front of him, there was coagulated blood in the corners of his eyes and nostrils.

Xia Qi smiled lightly, feeling that she was really old. If she was younger for more than ten years, maybe the object of her love would have to change.

"Sure enough, it's just like the rumors. Every time this guy hurts himself all over. Such a man is so handsome, hehe~"

Xia Qi looked at Arthur and licked the corner of his mouth, praising him as a man.

"What's the reason? I feel very uncomfortable, I can't even lift my arm..." Arthur wanted to relieve his condition as soon as possible.

Then he left Xia Qi's bar without delay to avoid causing trouble for her.

"You have seriously overdrawn your Haki, it's difficult to recover, Arthur." As the woman of the former Pirate Queen, Xia Qi has a wide range of knowledge and naturally knows the problem with Arthur.

"Haki exists in everyone's body, and there is also the term Haki quantity, which is similar to physical strength. Once Haki is over-consumed, if it is forcibly squeezed, it will consume life and vitality. You have to be careful."

Xia Qi said to Arthur while bandaging him with a puzzled face.

"Cooper, bring it here." Arthur learned that he had overdrawn his Haki and looked at Cooper on the side.

"Cooper..." (Arthur, this box of money seems to be... all wet...)

"Baki, Shanks, take it outside and let the sun dry it." Arthur looked at the two little ghosts who suddenly followed him.

Now that Roger's pirate group has fallen apart, the two of them are by his side. Now as a member of Roger's pirate group, he has to take care of them.

"I... will go right away!"


Will the navy be attracted when we show the money? "

Baki followed Shanks and they went together.

"What are you going to do with the money? Are you going to spend money here?" After bandaging, Xia Qi asked Arthur with a smile. The incident of the Sabaody Archipelago made her have a high liking for Arthur.

"Help me, Xia Qi. The back of the Sabaody Archipelago has not been frozen yet. Get me a sailing ship. I want to leave here."

"There is no big ship, but there is a small old ship...."

"Fifty million Baileys, how much you need, you can deduct it yourself."

Fifty million, this is not a small amount for Xia Qi who has retired now. She raised the corners of her mouth and laughed secretly: "I will show the money myself, Shanks and Red Nose will follow me, you can load the supplies to the ship by yourselves, as for you, Arthur, just rest in the store for a while."

"Who are you calling Red Nose, Xia Qi! "Baki grimaced, and was furious when someone called him a red nose.

"Remember, when you wake up, come to GR·73. I'll park the boat for you on the coast within two hours. As for the money, give it all to me."

After giving the order, Xia Qi left the bar, hung a sign on the door saying "Closed for Rest", and left with Buggy and Shanks, smoking a cigarette.

Fifty million, to save a life, Arthur could accept it.

The Sabaody Archipelago is too close to the Navy Headquarters. If he stays here for too long, he doesn't know who will come.

"Cooper..." (I'm going to the rooftop to keep watch... my wings hurt so much...)

"Stop right there." Hearing the word "hurt", Arthur immediately stopped Cooper: "Where does it hurt? Are you hiding your injuries from me? ”

“Cooper…” (I was burned by lava, Arthur, it’s been treated, it’s not a big deal…)

“Huh~” After hearing Cooper’s explanation, Arthur let out a long sigh of relief, lying heavily on the floor of Shaqi’s bar, looking at the ceiling: “Don’t do this next time, don’t tell me you’re injured first.”

Cooper nodded his eagle head, went out and closed the door, leaving Arthur alone in Shaqi’s bar.

Arthur thought that his physique was special, while Cooper’s physique was very ordinary, how could he not worry.

“So sleepy…” Arthur’s eyelids became as heavy as thousands of pounds, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Thinking that his life card was still in the hands of the navy, it would bring disaster to Shaqi…

He came to his senses again, suddenly got up from the floor, checked that the blade on his waist was still there, and looked around:

“How long has it been? "

He stood up with great pain and found that the room was shaking. He walked slowly to the dim house.

As soon as he opened the door, the sky full of stars came into Arthur's eyes, and the sound of the sea water entered his ears.

The deck of the ship was full of various daily necessities. It seemed that he was carried aboard.

Bucky and Shanks were sleeping on the deck, looking very tired.

"I lost my mind for a second and fainted completely?" Arthur couldn't believe it. It seemed that such a thing had never happened before.

It is undeniable that this battle was the most difficult one. There was protection before, but this time it was entirely up to Cooper and him to carry it.

Arthur walked to the deck, looked at the two sleeping people, and then looked at Cooper squatting on the mast and sleeping.

The sea at night was peaceful, not like the battle that had just ended during the day.

In order to ensure the safety of the voyage, Arthur had nothing to do and began to check the supplies on the ship.

This inspection made him fall into despair...

"Your uncle, there is only one bucket of fresh water! What are you two doing?"


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