Ron, flying in the clouds, was in a good mood. He stretched out his right hand, and a pale white flame appeared on his fingertips. With each breath, it seemed to be beating like a life.

As soon as the flame appeared, the temperature around him dropped sharply. Robin, who was reading a book, was caught off guard and sneezed.


Suddenly, she turned her head and noticed the small flame on Ron's fingertips. Her beautiful eyes lit up and she felt very strange.

"Mr. Ron, this flame is... Are you also a devil fruit ability user?"

As soon as these words came out, even Jin, who was always paying attention to the dynamics in front of him, couldn't help but turn his head and glance. When he saw the flame between Ron's fingers, he was shocked!

Because they are the Lunaria tribe, they are born with divine fire on their backs. They are natural darlings of fire and are very familiar with it.

But when he saw the small flame on Ron's fingertips just now, a flash of fear flashed in his heart, as if he had encountered a natural enemy!

"What kind of flame is that? How come even the divine fire behind me is afraid of it!"

Jin was horrified. This Five Emperors was too mysterious. He actually had such an amazing trump card!

"I'm not a person with special abilities. This... well, just think of it as my racial talent."

Ron didn't want to explain too much. The more he explained, the more confusing it would be. It's better not to explain. They will figure it out.

Don't underestimate their ability to figure it out. They can make the dead alive.

"Racial talent..." Robin's beautiful eyes were shining, and she was even more curious about this mysterious man.

Jin below was shocked when he heard this. Racial talent? ! ! !

Like their Lunaria tribe? Can they all control flames?

However, from what he felt just now, the flame that Ron controlled was definitely not an ordinary flame, otherwise his divine fire would not feel trembling!

Suddenly, a muffled thunder exploded!

The weather at sea can change at any time, especially the climate of the Grand Route, which is even more unpredictable and unpredictable.

In the blink of an eye, a group of thunderstorm clouds stretching for thousands of meters gathered in the sky above their heads,

The sky also darkened!

It was pitch black, and God knew what bad things were going to happen.

"Lord Ron, it's going to rain heavily, let's go down and find a boat to take shelter from the rain."

While Jin was speaking, the wind was raging, as strong as level 7 or 8, and it rushed into his mouth without any explanation!

Robin was blown to pieces, like a frightened rabbit, and went straight into Ron's arms. Ron also frowned and complained: "This damn weather, why did it come so late!"

Then he hugged his arms tighter again, and whispered to comfort: "The weather at sea is like this, no one can figure it out."

"Yeah, I know, but I... I'm afraid of thunder~~~" Robin got into Ron's arms, very worried and scared.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Jin rolled his eyes: "............" You didn't hear me talking?

After a while, there was a loud bang!

A blue lightning exploded above their heads!


Robin panicked and hugged tighter!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm here." Ron patted her back gently, giving her the greatest sense of security.

Jin: "............" Hi!

But he still chose to lower the altitude, he was worried that God would not be able to bear it and accidentally kill them.

In the night, no one could see each other clearly, but they could always hear a slight humming sound,

After flying for about ten minutes, a little light flickered below, like a beacon guiding the way in the dark night!

"Lord Ron, there is a ship below,"

"Go and take a rest."


Jin swooped down and landed steadily on the deck.

When the three stood firm, they found that it was a pirate ship.


They were robbed!

"Stop, who are you...?" The nameless minion summoned up the courage to question, but his body was almost like a sieve!

He saw with his own eyes that the big bird turned into a human!

And there was a fire burning behind it!

If this is not a superpower, who is finished? Today is the moment of life and death for their pirate ship!

"Don't be afraid, is there any hot water?" Ron looked at Robin, who was soaked by the heavy rain. If he didn't take a bath, he would probably get sick.

Robin was shivering with cold, hiding in Ron's arms, quietly looking around,

"Where is this? Why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

Jin was also confused. He was hot like a dog in Alabasta just now, but now the temperature dropped sharply and he was frozen like a dog.

"You, are you outsiders?" the little minions asked in confusion. At the same time, the noise here also attracted the attention of the people on the boat.

A group of people ran out in a mess, holding weapons in their hands, smelling of alcohol and looking sloppy.,

"Snego, what happened!"

"Who are these people? Big birds? Can they be eaten!"

"And this chick, hey, it's really big!"

"We're rich, we're rich, there are only two young boys among the brothers, kill them, charge!!"

Jin: "......" Have I merged with the night?


In the cabin,

A group of pirates knelt on the ground with bruised faces and fear in their eyes, because behind them, the few people who had just spoken rudely were chopped into eight pieces and fed to the fish!

These are not young people, they are simply devils from hell!

"You said you are going to the Drum Kingdom? What for?" Ron raised his eyelids and said coldly.

"Yes, seniors, we are going to the Drum Kingdom." The pirates were so scared that they almost shit themselves. They dared not hide it from Ron and whispered, "Let's... let's rob."


"Ah! Yes... yes, we are pirates. Isn't it reasonable... reasonable to rob?" The little leader was confused. They were really pirates.

"With your mediocre skills, you can't even hold a knife steadily, and you dare to rob a kingdom?" Jin sneered.

Who knew that the little leader would be in high spirits, straighten his back and said with a smile: "Seniors, you don't know that the king of the Drum Kingdom is a coward. As long as it is a pirate, the slightly louder shouting will scare him to death. He is famous in the nearby seas. We also came here to get some wine money."

Ron nodded secretly in his heart. Walpo of the Drum Kingdom is indeed a guy who bullies the weak and fears the strong. He is strong at home but weak at heart, and acts like a pug to the outside world.

"In that case, let's go along the way. When can we reach the Drum Kingdom?"

When the little leader saw that Ron was also going to the Drum Kingdom, he was overjoyed. They were originally worried about what kind of resistance and heavy losses they might suffer, but now they don't have to worry at all.

"Senior, please wait patiently for two days, no, no, no, one and a half days will do!" The little leader pointed at his men, "They are very strong. If they go all out, they can get there in a day and a half!"

"Okay, remember, don't disturb my rest at night, be quiet."

"Yes, yes, yes." The little leader nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and respectfully sent the evil spirit away.

Jin also felt a little tired. After a long time of rushing at full speed, even he felt a little sleepy. He glanced at the guy who was still standing there,

"Get out, I want to rest here."

"Okay, okay."

A group of people rushed out one after another, as if there were evil spirits behind them.


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