
"Little Jie, you are doubting Luo Ge."

Before Ron could answer, Barrett's voice sounded like the cold wind of the underworld, chilling the bone marrow and freezing the soul!

"No, no, no, how could that be." Jack shook his head like a wave drum, "Brother, don't joke, this joke is not allowed."

Barrett glared at him fiercely and wanted to give him two punches when he had the chance. It must be said that this sparring partner is very good.

At this time, Xia Lulia Palace was very discerning and brought a recliner, "Master, take a break, how about a glass of red wine? It's a fine wine produced in the wine village."

"Well, whatever."

Ron sat on the recliner, picked up the red wine, tasted it elegantly, and then slowly spoke,

"What if you find Momonosuke?"

Jack was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Ron to ask such a question. He answered without thinking,

"Of course, if the boy is caught, he will be executed!"

But then he regretted it. He said it too quickly. What if he didn't answer correctly?

Just as Jack was regretting,

Ron applauded and said, "Yes, Momonosuke must die."

The tone was calm, with no doubt.

Hearing this, Jack was instantly ecstatic. This time the purpose was finally the same, "Hahahaha, don't worry, Lord Ron, Momonosuke must die!"

He was in a good mood. He didn't expect that he only came out to persuade the fight, but he had such a big unexpected gain!



Although the process... was a bit painful.

Jack couldn't figure it out. How did Momonosuke, who escaped from Wano Country, offend Ron?

It shouldn't be like this. That little brat is not only timid but also extremely cowardly. How could he offend two emperors at the same time!


"Um... Lord Ron, can I ask you a question, how did Momonosuke offend you? Or do you have any grudges with him?"

Jack cautiously asked, fearing that he would be beaten again if he asked something he shouldn't ask. Didn't he see that Barrett was looking for an excuse to beat him!

"Grudges?" Ron shook his head, his eyes sank into the sea, and murmured, "He offended the reader boss who should not be offended the most, so he must die!"

"What?" Three big question marks appeared on Jack's forehead in an instant, "Reader... Boss???"

He took a breath of cold air in his heart. How powerful would he be if he could be called a boss by Lord Ron? !

In addition, from this point of view, Momonosuke deserves to die!

He has offended countless bosses at such a young age. What will happen when he grows up!

"Damn it, leave this kid to me. Lord Ron, please rest assured. I will make him experience the most severe punishment in the world and die in agony!"

"It's best to broadcast live."

"Don't worry, I will do it!"


"No problem!"


A week later,

The sea was sunny and the sea breeze was blowing. Seagulls were swaying back and forth, feeling very comfortable.

Ron was fishing leisurely by the boat. Although he didn't catch any fish, he still persisted. He didn't believe that he had no air force in his previous life. He was still empty-handed after traveling through time!

But reality slapped him in the face.

In the end, he really didn't catch any fish...

In fact, he could have comprehended the god-level fishing method through his heaven-defying comprehension.

But he didn't.

The reason is simple: if everything is directly known, it would be so boring, and life would lose a lot of fun.

Some things require results,

but some things are enjoyed in the process.

Just when Ron was about to cast another rod, Xia Lulia Gong suddenly came running over anxiously,

"Master, master, there's a call~"

"Hmm?" Ron raised his eyebrows slightly, "Didn't I just contact Hancock a few days ago? Why is she calling again?"

"I don't know, do you want to answer it or..."

"Bring it here."

Ron was idle and had nothing to do, so he put down the fishing rod and took the Den Den Mushi. As soon as he answered the call, he found that the Den Den Mushi had changed shape,

But it wasn't his confidante.


After a slight "huh?", a cautious test came from the other end of the phone,

"Hello...? Is... is this Mr. Ron?"

A woman?

A woman I don't know?

Ron was surprised. Is he so famous? Is it a fan calling?

"Yes, I am. May I ask who you are..."

"Ah! It's really you, Mr. Ron... Sir, woooooo..."

The person on the other end of the phone actually started crying. From the sound of her crying, it seemed that she had suffered a lot of grievances.

"Little sister, don't cry yet. I must have something to ask you. Can you tell me what it is first? Or tell me your name first?"

Perhaps Ron's words worked.Or maybe the person on the other end of the phone stopped talking by himself.

"I... My name is Weiwei, from Alabasta..."

"Who! Weiwei??!" Ron exclaimed, his eyelids jumped, the person who called him was Weiwei!!!

"Ah? Mr. Ron knows me?" Weiwei obviously noticed Ron's surprise and was very confused.

Ron felt that the world was too small in an instant. If they were not too far apart, he might have gone to find Weiwei a long time ago.

This beautiful woman who values ​​love and friendship really made his heart beat.

"Well, I've heard of her." Ron replied cautiously, and the answer was still conservative. If he said directly that he knew the other party, it would be too shocking and would leave a bad impression on the other party.

However, a simple sentence of "I've heard of her" made Weiwei flattered.

He didn't expect that the man standing on the top of the sea had heard of her!

Oh my god,

After so many hardships, I finally got Ron's contact information, and now I am finally blessed by the goddess of luck~

She wanted to cry, but she forced herself to hold back her tears. Men don't cry easily, and women are like this!

"Thank you, Mr. Ron. I didn't expect Mr. Ron to have heard of my name."

In this way, the success rate of the next request will be greatly improved.

"Well, Weiwei, from your tone, you seem to have a lot on your mind." Ron asked knowingly, but his concern was real.

"Mr. Ron is really amazing. He is a prophet. Weiwei does have something to trouble you."

"Just say it, don't mind."

"Yeah." Weiwei found that Mr. Ron was too approachable and easy to talk to. He was not as violent as the rumors said, and he would suppress others at the slightest disagreement.

"Mr. Ron, my hometown, the Kingdom of Alabasta, has suffered a long drought because of the Shichibukai Crocodile.

The country has not harvested any crops for many years, and now even a drop of water is hard to find.

Because of the riots, Crocodile wants to take the opportunity to overthrow the regime and destroy my country. Please... please Mr. Ron, save my country!!!"

Vivi was in tears. Through her voice, Ron could feel Vivi's despair. This was a woman who had been strong all her life...

"Vivi, you haven't realized the real problem of Alabasta.

The foundation of a country lies in the people's hearts. The people's hearts are the country.

And only you can pick up the lost hearts of the people and lead this country to a new life.

Even if I kill Crocodile, if the fundamental problem is not solved, there will be a second Crocodile, a third, a fourth... and so on!

Vivi, you are the root of saving this disaster."

"Lord Ron..." Vivi choked.

"Vivi, I will come when you decide to face everything."


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