"For the great secret treasure!"

"ONE PIECE is mine!"

"You bunch of rubbish, are you worthy of touching ONE PIECE? Die under my gunfire, wow wow wow wow wow!"


The word ONE PIECE caused a big melee, which shows how great the charm of the treasure is.

But even if the battlefield is chaotic, everyone seems to have a tacit understanding. No one dares to step into the area where Ron is. It's like a pure land.

"Xiaobai, we can't fight and kill like them in the future." Ron rubbed Xiaobai's head and explained in detail.

"Yeah, whatever Lord Ron says is what it is." Xiaobai nodded very obediently.

"By the way, when things are over here, I'll take you home to have a look."

"Ah?" Xiaobai was stunned, "Home? I... do I still have a home? Isn't Xiaobai's home an iron cage?"

"Little idiot." Ron looked at Xiaobai seriously, "Everyone in this world has a home, and you are no exception."

"Oh." Xiaobai understood, then raised his head and looked at Ron playfully, "Where Lord Ron is, that's Xiaobai's home~"

Ron: "..." This girl, she just knows how to make me happy.

"Let's go, let's go to the beach, it's too noisy here."


As the two figures left, the battlefield directly covered the entire venue!

In the battlefield, no one can be immune to it, and there is no such thing as neutrality.

Those who have grudges will take revenge, and those who have no grudges will complain.

In short,

It's a thorough melee!

However, Barrett is happy!

With the joining of Kizaru, he faced the siege of the three admirals and was happy to the bone!

However, Kizaru couldn't really attack, so he held back.

This is how the battlefield continued!

Akainu was naturally happy about this, and even deliberately kept moving towards places where there were many pirates.

He used Barrett's attack to kill those pirates. This trick worked every time!

Absolute justice is: kill all pirates by any means!


On the coast,

A ship from the New World was sailing at high speed.

The pirate flag on it represented Jack the Drought, one of the Three Disasters of the Beasts Pirates!

"Captain Jack, the 29th island of the Sabaody Archipelago is ahead."

Jack walked to the bow with a cold face, looking at the outline of the Sabaody Archipelago in front of him, and his heart was inexplicably nervous.

"The battle has begun. I hope Jin will not be impulsive. We cannot test Ron's background."

"Don't worry, Captain Jack. Lord Jin will never act rashly after seeing Ron's strength."

Although he said so, he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

Forget it, why think so much,

He came with the congratulations of Lord Kaido, a friendly country!

Even if the two armies are fighting, they will not kill the envoys. What's more, he is the one who brought the flower of friendship. He will definitely be welcomed by Ron.


Jack saw the whole picture of the island, and he could land on the island in ten minutes!

But, he suddenly heard shouts and killings, as well as the overwhelming and gorgeous battle scene!

Then the whole island trembled slightly, and a giant made of steel could be clearly seen in the distance!

"Oh no, the fight has already started! That's Barrett's ability!"

Jack was extremely anxious. Suddenly, he saw two figures appear on the shore.

The man was handsome and extraordinary,

The woman looked like a fairy.

He immediately took out Ron's wanted order and compared them. He was immediately ecstatic. He pointed in Ron's direction and ordered loudly,

"Come over! Move the boat over!"

On the shore,

Ron was flirting with Xiaobai, blushing and ready to kiss her,

Boom, boom,

A big ship came over,

The waves wet Xiaobai's hair, making Xiaobai look more beautiful and charming,

"Xiaobai, do you want to learn physical skills?"

"What physical skills? Is it kung fu?" Xiaobai didn't understand.

"Well, if you learn it, you can protect the people you want to protect."

"Then I want to learn. I want to protect Lord Ron." Xiaobai lifted up her wet hair, jumped and raised her hands to show that she wanted to learn.

Ron rubbed her little head subconsciously, "Okay, I'll go back and teach you tonight."


Then the two looked at the big ship approaching. The pirate flag engraved on it reminded Ron of the indestructible cockroach, Drought Jack!

Before the ship stopped, Jack rushed down impatiently.

With a bang, he landed steadily in front of Ron.

"Beast Pirates, Drought Jack, meet Lord Ron."

Jack is very polite, especially when dealing with strong people, you must be polite.

He thinks there is nothing wrong with calling the other party "sir".Fang's strength was recognized by Lord Kaido.

"King of Ships, Jack?" Ron did not expect to see this celebrity here.

But this sentence fell into Jack's ears, but it was an extremely pleasant sound of heaven,

King of Ships! King!

It's the king!

How can Jack, who can be praised so much by the Four Emperors, be so worthy of it, and he is slightly higher than the other three disasters!

"I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it." Jack is very happy with the King of Ships. No matter what kind of king he is, as long as he is the king!

"Are you here to rob ONE PIECE too?" Ron tried to ask, and pointed to the island at the same time, "They are fighting inside, you can try, with your recovery ability, maybe you have a chance of winning."

Hearing ONE PIECE, Jack's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again,

He looks honest, but he is actually stupid,

But he still has some self-knowledge. The real owner Ron is here, what's the use of anyone who grabs the big secret treasure?

In the end, it has to be handed over to this person.

"Lord Ron, I am not here to snatch ONE PIECE, but for you."

"For me?"

"Yes, I come with congratulations from Lord Kaido!"

"Kaido?" Ron was even more confused. According to the current plot, he didn't even know Kaido, so how come the other party's congratulations came?

Jack saw Ron's confusion and explained hurriedly: "Lord Kaido wanted to recruit you to join the Beast Pirates, so he sent Flame Disaster Jin first.

But then he saw your terrifying strength and felt that a strong man like you would never join other forces.

So in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I came to congratulate you on becoming the fifth emperor of the sea!"

As he said, he took out a beautiful wooden box and handed it to Ron.

"Oh? There is a gift?"

"Yes, Lord Kaido wants to make friends with you. He said that he must come to Onigashima as a guest when he has time. He will definitely get drunk with you."

In fact, Kaido was going to let Jack take out this devil fruit after confirming Ron's strong strength.

But when Jack saw the atmosphere of the island, he took it out without any hesitation.

Just kidding, someone who can make Barrett willing to be a younger brother, how can he not have strength!

Lord Kaido is thinking too much.

Some gifts, if given now, will give people a completely different feeling than if given after the other party has shown their strength!

"What kind of fruit is this?" Ron asked with interest, playing with the devil fruit in his hand.


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