Ron didn't know that he had been targeted by two beauties, and they were discussing how to take him down.

In the room,

Xiaobai hugged Ron tightly, and refused to let go no matter what, with stubbornness and immaturity on his face.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing? It's late, it's time to rest." Ron found that after saying this, Xiaobai hugged him tighter!

"Lord Ron, please don't leave me, I'm scared~~~" Xiaobai blushed with shame, buried his head tightly, and didn't dare to look up and look at Ron.

"......Okay then."

Just like that, Ron let Xiaobai hold him and fall asleep.


Early the next morning,

Ron got up with great energy, and saw the red snowflakes on the bed sheet, and shook his head with a wry smile,

"I didn't expect that after being brave all my life, I would be raped by a little girl."

After washing up, Ron came to the living room and found that breakfast was ready,

"Lord Ron, you are up, come and have breakfast." Xiaobai took off her apron, pulled Ron to the dining table, and handed him the bread intimately,

"Did you do all this?"

"Yeah~" Xiaobai nodded, then grabbed Ron's hand and softened her voice, "Please Lord Ron, don't chase me away, I can do anything, washing clothes, cooking, sweeping the floor, as long as Lord Ron doesn't chase me away, even...even..."

Speaking of this, Xiaobai lowered her head shyly, blushing all over, "Even if that, Xiaobai can do it, as long as Lord is gentle...lighter."

Ron: "........" Look, what the hell did I do last night!

"Who wants to drive you away? Don't worry, no one can drive you away." Ron said domineeringly, biting down a piece of bread, crispy and soft, very delicious!

"Ah, really~~"

"Of course it's true!"

"Thank you, Lord Ron, thank you, Lord Ron!" Xiaobai cried with joy, and his big eyes were instantly filled with mist, "Xiaobai finally has a home, and is no longer a slave locked in an iron cage."

Ron looked at the pink cat ears on Xiaobai's head and the long white hair like a waterfall, and asked in confusion:

"Xiaobai, are you a fur tribe?"

Xiaobai shook his head, "I don't know, I grew up in a cage since I was a child, and the uncles and aunts who took care of me when I grew up were all bought away, and I never saw them again."

"... Grew up in a cage since I was a child..." Ron Her heart was stabbed hard, and she rubbed Xiaobai's head lovingly, "Stay with me in the future, no one can bully you."

Xiaobai sweetly leaned her little face on Ron's palm and nodded sweetly, "Yeah, Lord Ron is the kindest person I have ever seen, otherwise Xiaobai would not give the most precious thing to you~~~"

Ron: "How do you know I am kind?"

"Xiaobai can feel it, it's here." She put her little hand on Ron's heart and said softly: "I can sense Lord Ron's heart, you are different from others."

Ron looked surprised, is Xiaobai also a devil fruit ability user?

It's not that important whether it is or not, the key is that Xiaobai is now his,

When a man faces his woman, he must protect her all the way!

"Okay, hurry up and eat. After dinner, I'll take you to see something fun."

"Hmm? What fun?"

"A secret."




Barrett waited and waited, and drank ten bottles of wine before he saw Ron coming downstairs, and the clingy snow girl beside him,

Oh no... It seems that I should change my name to sister-in-law!

Brother Luo is indeed Brother Luo. No matter what type of woman, they are all obedient to him. It must be said that this is also a skill that he can't learn.

"Brother Luo, the piglet is ready. Let's go now?"

"Let's go."

Barrett grinned, and the fierceness in his eyes scared the hotel owner. What are they going to do?

Why do I feel like something big is going to happen?


Island No. 29,

This is a well-known illegal area, and it is also a shelter for many dark transactions.

Here, as long as you have money, you can buy anything.

Women, weapons, physical skills secrets, and even devil fruits are traded by forces!

All forces are very mysterious and know how to keep secrets. Here, don't ask what you should ask, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask!

Just trade.

At the same time, there is another important point,

Remember to keep the items after the transaction. The rule here is that you are not responsible for the goods once they leave your hands!

If you don't have the ability to protect your trading items, then sorry, don't blame me for being a thief.

The arrival of Ron's three figurescame, directly attracted a large number of greedy and evil eyes,

To be precise, they all came for the snow girl beside Ron,

The eyes were extremely aggressive, constantly wandering on the snow girl,

trying to see something through the gaps in the clothes or the snow-white skin,

but most of them shook their heads in disappointment,

"Hmph! A bunch of LSPs, the ones who understand men the most are often men, I don't know what you are thinking!"

Ron sneered disdainfully. Before coming here, he had "fully armed" Xiaobai, not giving those rubbish any chance at all!

Moreover, some "armed agencies" were only known to him.

"Brother Luo, it's a big deal to kill these people directly, so as to save trouble." Barrett shook his neck, crackling, as if it was about to break.

"Hey!" Ron waved his hand: "Remember, the sea is not about fighting and killing, keeping them will naturally be useful."

"What's the use of a bunch of rubbish? It will only affect my mood." Barrett still didn't know what the use of a bunch of rubbish was, and the more he looked at it, the more disgusted he felt.

Still determined to kill these social parasites.

Ron patted his shoulder and pointed to the execution platform in front,

"Think about it, if we kill them all, then there will be no audience for the execution of the Celestial Dragons? Without an audience, who will we execute for? For ourselves?"


Barrett has learned another classic Chinese saying from Ron!

He speaks without hesitation!

He admires Ron even more, "How could I forget this? Brother Luo is right, execution does need an audience!"

At this point, he looked around again and found that these parasites didn't seem so annoying.

Executing the Celestial Dragons was exactly what he wanted.

It was something he had always wanted to do but had no chance to do!

Think about it, the Celestial Dragons are gods!

What could be more exciting than executing gods? !

Following Brother Luo was indeed the best choice in his life!

The most important thing is that Luo Ge really cares about him,

Because, the execution of the Celestial Dragons will definitely attract the attention of the whole world!

It is bound to attract countless powerful people to watch,

At this time, if he kills them all,

then he will be the strongest Pirate King in the world!

The real one under one, above ten thousand people!

Barrett looked at Roan and knew that his Luo Ge’s target was not the Pirate King,

but... the Sea King!


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