"Ahhh, Kizaru, don't go, you are our bodyguard!"

Charlos Saint roared repeatedly, but it was useless. He had already gone after 'Kaido'. Compared with others, the Four Emperors posed a greater threat.

Seeing Ron approaching step by step, Charlos Saint was anxious and frantically loaded his pistol with bullets. The other party was a pirate with a bounty of 4 billion!

Although he was an idiot, he also knew what 4 billion meant!

"Stop! Stop!"

Bang bang bang!

The trigger was pulled, and flames shot out.

But the next second, Charlos Saint's smile froze, because he saw that all the bullets were blocked.

It was not someone else,

It was the big guy following Ron!

Barrett crushed the bullets one by one, threw them away casually, and put on an expression that could scare children to tears.

"You... who are you!" Charlos Saint was about to piss himself.

"What an idiot, bullets are useless and there are slaves." Xia Lulia Palace ordered the slaves coldly, "Go, kill this guy for me, otherwise you will all die!"

At the command, all the slaves were extremely furious, including giants, long-handed people, fur people, etc.,

All rushed up in a swarm. If they didn't defeat the kid in front of them, they would only die!

"It's really noisy, disturbing my brother Luo's interest."

Barrett stepped forward and kicked a little trash away. Originally, he didn't feel any sense of accomplishment in killing these little Karami, and even felt that it was a waste of time.

But now, killing these trash in front of Luo Ge, don't mention how cool it is,

"Get out of here!"

Barrett was merciless. In less than five breaths, all the slaves fell to the ground and fainted.

I don't know if they were pretending or really fainted.

"Okay, take them to pay, we have to be civilized people." Ron pointed at the two Tianlong people who were about to piss in fear and said casually.

Barrett nodded, then looked at the two coldly, raised his chin slightly, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"Uh... that, no money, no money." The host ran out from nowhere and waved his hands.

"Damn it, do you think we can't afford it?" Saint Charles felt despised and wanted to pay on the spot.

Where had the Xia Lulia Palace seen such a scene? The pampered princess life had long made her a greenhouse flower, and she was frightened at this moment.

Ron came to the iron cage where the Snow Girl was locked up, his right hand covered with armed color, he crushed the lock with one hand, opened the iron door, and said harmlessly,

"Come out, no one can hurt you here."

The Snow Girl looked at Ron in panic, and Kazilan's big eyes were full of fear and fear of the unknown,

She could sense Ron's heart and found that he really didn't want to hurt her,


"Well, come out, the cage is for wild animals, you are so beautiful, how can you be locked up here."

Hearing Ron's praise, the Snow Girl lowered her head slightly, even though she was afraid in her heart, her little face became a little red at this time.

Then she nodded, and under Ron's gaze, she carefully climbed out of the cage,


Ron saw her full appearance from the front, her height was just right, her facial features were beautifully proportioned,

Her hair was like a waterfall, like white snow,

Her skin was like condensed fat, better than unpolished jade!

She was all white!

She is worthy of the title of Snow Girl!

Her temperament is extraordinary, sweet and quiet. Just standing there, she has the purity of Tianshan Snow Lotus.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy. Once you take a look, you can't help yourself for a long time...

Compared with her, those Internet celebrities on the earth are simply shit!

"Thank you, benefactor~"

The voice is beautiful, so beautiful! !

Like the orchid in the valley, the oriole chirping, it lingers in the air for three days without interruption.

"My name is not benefactor, my name is Ron."

"Hehe~~~" The Snow Girl smiled playfully, like the spring snow, raised her eyes and glanced at Ron secretly, "This big brother looks so interesting, and he is not as scary as they say."

Ron looked at the other cages and lent a hand one by one, treating them equally, saving them all... bah... bought them!

"Thank you, benefactor. From now on, you are our master."

Among them, there are slaves with good eyesight. They are not deaf. They heard every word of what the rich people said just now.

4 billion bounty!

He had only seen a pirate with a bounty of 30 million, and that was Aaron from their next village. Now the young man in front of him has a bounty of 4 billion!

Oh my God,

When he heard this number, he almost fainted!

Ron looked at this group of burdens. There were some beautiful women among them, but compared with the snow girl, they were just supporting roles.No, nothing.

"No, I prefer quietness. You are free now, no longer slaves, you can go."

"But benefactor, you have done a lot for us..."

"I told you to get out, don't you understand?" Barrett knew that he was doing something.

Sure enough,

Facing the vicious Barrett, a group of people's faces changed drastically, fear climbed up their cheeks again, and they swallowed the words that were about to come out of their mouths.

"Okay, thank you benefactor, then we will leave, thank you benefactor."

After watching the few people leave, Barrett winked at Ron,

Ron: "???"

Seeing that Ron didn't understand, he winked again, motioning Ron to let him talk for a while,

Ron frowned, "Your eyes are sick."

Barrett: "!!!" Okay, okay, then I'll say it straight!

"Brother Luo, what do we do with those two Tianlong people?"

After these words came out, the bosses who were originally preparing to leave and go back to their own homes and mothers all froze in place, as if they were cast into a spell of immobilization.

"Kill the man and * the woman." Ron waved his hand impatiently.

Barrett still stood there without moving, his eyes more confused, scratching his head: "Brother Luo, what does * mean?"

"Hmm? You have been following me for so long, and you don't know what '*' means?"

"I don't know."

"* means, tie her up and I will teach her myself! Let her return to the right path!"

Barrett understood instantly and regretted it very much. He was so stupid!

He didn't understand this!


It's all that stupid pig's fault. I will beat him up first and then throw him into the sea to feed the fish!

"Understood! Brother Luo! I will go now!" Barrett left with regret. He wanted to restore his image in Ron's heart as soon as possible.

Ron looked up and saw the bosses who stayed there waiting to eat melons, and said calmly,

"Why, you won't leave, are you going to let me treat you to a meal?"


In an instant, everyone ran away. What a joke, treat you to a meal? It's a prison meal!

You tied up the Celestial Dragons here, and you want to kill them. Can your end be good?

Good luck, kid!

The entire auction hall is very large, and it takes two or three hours to enter, but now it takes less than three minutes to leave!

However, in the corner, an iron cage appeared inexplicably. I don't know who left it here and forgot to take it away.

There seemed to be two figures inside.

Coincidentally, the figure in the cage saw Ron's eyes sweeping over and hurriedly asked for help.

"Help, Hina has been arrested, help, which kind-hearted person can save Hina~"



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