
Before he finished saying the word "I don't know him", one of the navy officers fell to the ground and sat down on the deck in fear. His face was pale, his hands and legs were kicking the ground uncontrollably, and his body was moving backwards frantically.

"Baba... Bababa, Barrett!!!!"

"A living legend?!"

"The descendant of the devil, the legendary strong man who was almost killed by Roger?!!"

Hearing this, Barrett's eyes widened, his anger instantly burned to his eyebrows, and he jumped up and jumped To the wall of the enemy's warship,

Pulling up his collar, the marine was frightened to the point of pale face, trembling legs, and almost wet his pants,

"Boy, I tell you, Roger is certainly strong, but now I am stronger!"

"Get lost!"

He threw it casually and directly hit the seven or eight companions behind him. With a bang, the huge impact force knocked everyone to the ground.

At the same time, the warship alarm sounded, and the loud sound exploded directly over the entire Navy Headquarters!

"Alarm! Alarm!"

"Douglas Barrett is here!"

"Pirates are attacking the naval base! Request support! Request support!"


Barrett snorted in boredom, then looked at Du Ron, politely extended his right hand, and wanted to pull Ron onto the deck.

"Hahaha, why are you so irritable? Fighting and killing are so rude. This is the lowest form of revenge."

Barrett scratched his head, "Well, what is not low, Brother Ron?"

Ron had a faint smile on his face, and didn't care about the alarms that kept exploding around him. He looked at the marines running around like ants on a hot pot.

"The more advanced revenge method is simple. Don't let the enemy die easily. Letting them die easily is a reward for them."

"... Makes sense." Barrett thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the case. He nodded in agreement.

"There is a more advanced one, do you want to hear it?"

"Yes, of course!"

"The more advanced one is simpler, that is to always leave your strengths in the opponent's weaknesses."

Barrett: "............" Is your method of leaving your strengths in the weaknesses serious?

But he didn't dare to say this, for fear of being beaten.

"Hahaha, I knew you were thinking wrong, come closer!"

Barrett smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, bent down and got closer to Ron,

"The method is very simple, you have to do this first..., then that..., and finally do this again..., then do this again... Do you understand?"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Barrett said three fucks in a row, with ecstasy on his face, and his eyes overflowed with admiration for Ron,

The method Ron just said was as different from what he wanted to do before, like a firefly competing with the bright moon!

No, no,

It's a firefly competing with the sun!

What he thought was all a bunch of shit!

Too low!

The elder brother is indeed the elder brother, and the younger brother can't compare with him at all!

Before, he had some resistance to being Ron's younger brother,

But now, that last bit of resistance has completely disappeared,

For Ron, he only admires him now!


However, he thought about it and made a little change to Ron's method,

The younger brother must have the awareness of being a younger brother, and the next step is for him to show it.

"Okay, stop standing there stupidly, our welcome is coming."

As he spoke, Ron looked up and saw a row of figures standing on the city wall, including Sengoku, Garp, Chief of Staff Tsuru, and two of the three admirals, Akainu and Aokiji.

The distance between the two sides was only four or five hundred meters, and the people in the pirate world were very strong, so both sides could see clearly.

Then the city gate tower below opened wide, and countless marines rushed out under the leadership of the vice admiral and the major general.

They quickly surrounded Ron and Barrett. There were tens of thousands of cannons aimed at them at the dark cave entrance.

But these weapons were all garbage to them.

Of course, if there were sea stone shells mixed in, that would be another matter.


Ron was not afraid of this, because he was not a devil fruit ability user.

But it seems that no one knows this yet.

"Ron, it's our first meeting. I didn't expect you to actually come directly to Marinford. I'm very surprised and I admire you!" Zhan Guo said loudly.

The others were silent, their eyes all fell on the thin figure next to Barrett, waiting for his answer.

Barrett was not angry at all for being ignored, because he knew that the protagonist today was not him, but Ron!

"The world is so big, why can't we come here?Marinford?"

One sentence made Zhan Guo stunned. Yes, why can't he come to Marinford?

"Hmph! Ignorance is fearless. Do you really think you are strong enough to flatten Marinford?"

Akainu looked at Ron with disdain, his fists faintly turned into hot magma, and his fighting spirit gradually burned.

"This is the headquarters of the Navy's highest combat power. All pirates who come here to make trouble will be killed without exception!"

"Ah, what a bold young man, much better than we were at the beginning." Aokiji put his hands around his chest and looked at Ron calmly. He was very curious about this young man because he didn't feel any murderous intent in him.

Zhan Guo spoke again: "Let's get back to the point. What do you want to do by coming here to fight my marines?"

"What do you want to do?" Ron laughed. These old guys really pretended to be confused.

"Old man, you have issued a wanted order for me, what do you think I am doing here? Of course, I have to talk about reason. "

Ron took out his wanted order, which clearly stated 4 billion Baileys.

"Zhan Guosan, I am an ordinary citizen. Why are you wanted for no reason?

I am a king in my country and have already prepared the gold to be handed in this year. What are you doing?

Also, Barrett is my beloved relative. Is it wrong for me to take my beloved relative home?

What are you doing? What else do you want to do!

Can you leave some room for ordinary people to live?"

Ron's impassioned answer, unreasonable and sophistry of stealing concepts, directly silenced the other party.

Even in their hearts, they had a faint feeling that they seemed to be too much.


"What a sharp-tongued young man, eloquent, almost saying black is white. "

He stood up, with wisdom flashing in his old eyes.

"Breaking into Impel Prison without government approval is a capital crime.

What's more, you took away the most vicious criminals from Impel Prison, which is even more sinister.

Not to mention that you kidnapped two cadres of Impel Prison, you are full of evil!

How dare you say you are innocent?"

"Hehe, I just felt inspired. Well, if that's the case, then I have nothing to say. You can issue a wanted warrant. You can issue a wanted warrant at will."

Ron smiled, then spread his hands, with an expression that said, "I am innocent, you can do whatever you want."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Ron reminded, "Today, my brother Barrett has a big gift for you."


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