The inhabitants of the pirate world are much stronger than humans on Earth,

Especially the devil fruit users, who have undergone significant changes in their physiques while gaining abilities.


Ron got up and went to the window, looking at the quiet night outside, his heart inexplicably calmed down. This was the first time he felt so comfortable since he came to the pirate world.

He took stock of his gains in the past few days,

First is the skill: God-level Hou Yi's crazy shooting!

Mythology and legend, the evolution of Hou Yi's shooting the sun!

"This skill is amazing. According to Brother Tongzi, as long as he is given a suitable bow and arrow, he can even shoot down the sun in the sky, truly showing Hou Yi's divine power!"

Find an opportunity to ask Vegapunk if he can get him a bow and arrow to play with. Even if he can't shoot down the sun,

shooting the sun god or something, it's reasonable, right? !

"Then there is Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki, both have reached advanced levels, only Observation Haki is missing..."

Ron whispered. He didn't have a strong need for Observation Haki.

This kind of Haki tends to predict. In the face of absolute strength, no matter how much prediction is made, it is useless.

After thinking this through, Hancock on the bed suddenly moaned and talked in her sleep, "Woo woo... My husband is too tired. Let's practice tomorrow~~~"

"Silly girl, you're still talking in your sleep. If you can't hold on, don't show off." Ron rubbed her head lovingly and sat down by the window again.


The next day,

When the first ray of sunlight shone into the sea, there were already busy figures on the sea,

On the deck of the navy ship,

Admiral Kizaru looked at the direction of Nine Snake Island with a depressed look on his face. He was very reluctant to take this sudden action. The reason was that he was not paid overtime.

"Marshal Sengoku is getting more and more stingy. It is reasonable to pay overtime for such an important mission."

Kizaru looked ahead boredly, then snatched the telescope from the adjutant beside him, leaned forward, and found nothing.

"Haven't we reached Nine Snake Island yet? What's going on?"

The adjutant on the side did not dare to slack off, and hurriedly reminded in a low voice,

"Sir, didn't you say last night that you should go slower? The longer this mission takes, the more our efforts will be shown.

So we slowed down the speed of the ship and tried to arrive in three days at the most reasonable speed."

Kizaru was stunned, looked at the adjutant in surprise, and then returned to normal,

" Have you ever said this? "The deputy:" .......... " "Ah?" The deputy nodded immediately, "Yes, it is Ron." The Yellow Ape shook his head. He hadn't heard of the name. He should have no backstage. After arriving at the door, he told: "After arriving at Nine Snake Island, remember to remind me." "Yes!" It will be stared at. At this time, the fleet is driving towards the Jiu Snake Island. Even if he knows, he will not care. He has a talent like heaven. If you don't accept it, I'll just kick you!

What's the Warring States?

If you don't accept it, I'll kick you again!

What's the Four Emperors?

If you don't accept it, you'll all be kicked in line!

Ron has always convinced people with virtue, but for those who are impolite and greet his ancestors, he will just send him to reincarnation.

In his words, this king's murderous aura is not strong, but it does not mean that he does not have murderous aura.

Three days passed quickly.

The female warriors of Nine Snake Island practiced day and night without interruption.

They have already mastered the nineteen styles of physical training.

Some skills are easy to use, and they are even better than their masters.

After a period of training, Ron has to admire them.

"Brother Ron, Brother Ron, something bad has happened!"

Little Charlie, who was only seven years old, once again pushed open the door, bypassed a group of beautiful girls, and woke Ron up personally.

"Huh?" Ron opened his eyes in a daze and saw the anxious face of Little Charlie, "What's wrong, Little Charlie, are the Japanese coming to raid again?"

Little Charlie was stunned, what Japanese?

"No, Brother Ron, it's the navy! That iron thing is a warship, very big, so... so big.!!!"

Little Charlie tried his best to open his arms as wide as possible, and his exaggerated little face made Marigold, Everlandra and othersThey all laughed, and then they became energetic.

"Okay, little Xiali, don't be afraid. No matter how many navy soldiers came, they were all driven away by Brother Ron, so don't be afraid. Brother Ron will drive them away again this time."

Ron nodded at the right time, and then he felt sleepy again. "Little Xiali, you haven't eaten yet, there are delicious food on the table over there."

After that, he buried his head in the quilt again and continued to sleep.

"Oh!" Little Xiali shook his little head and said angrily, "I don't want to eat, I don't want to eat, the navy is coming!"

Then seeing that everyone was still sitting there, she stood up angrily and jumped down the stairs in one step.

"Hmph! I'm going to find the navy soldier Flying Squirrel. He eats and drinks for free all day long. It's so annoying!"

Little Xiali took small steps and went out angrily, causing everyone to laugh. There was no way, Little Xiali was too cute.

On the other side,

The flying squirrel was thinking about how to tell Ron that he wanted to go back to Marinford. After so many days, he didn't know what the situation was like at the base.

A living person disappeared, and the four guys came last time.

Something big must have happened inside the base!

"Huh? Little Charlie? What is this kid doing here?"

The flying squirrel came to the door and saw Little Charlie stumbling over and accidentally falling on the steps outside the door. He quickly stretched out his right hand to support her.

"Slow down, you almost fell."

"Hmph! Don't worry about it. You eat and drink for free here all day. How dare a grown man like that?" Little Charlie put his hands on his waist, raised his head and chin, imitating an adult, with a reproachful look.

The flying squirrel burst out laughing. Although he knew that Xiao Xiali was mocking him, he couldn't get angry at the cute look of the other party. He just thought it was funny.

"Okay, okay, then I'll pay, okay?"

Xiao Xiali thought about it, then nodded: "You've been here for almost a week, I won't ask you for more, just take a total of one thousand Baileys."

"Yes, here you go."

The flying squirrel paid the money very happily, and asked by the way: "You little smart guy, you didn't come here just to ask me for money, right? Tell me what's the matter?"

Xiao Xiali was very happy to receive the money, and directly told him what he saw in the watchtower.

"What did you say? There are several big iron guys, and there is an old man wearing yellow striped suit pants standing in front?"


The flying squirrel took a breath of cold air. In the entire Navy Headquarters, except for Admiral Kizaru, there was no one else who was dressed like this.

That is to say, the person from outside,

It was the admiral... Kizaru! ! !


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