The Phoenix Arises

Chapter 352: If he is dead, don’t you both...

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Seeing that Zhuge was unclear, the soldiers immediately climbed up from the ground and stood up.

Zhuge did not see the wolf how the soldiers looked like, and the two groups of anger ignited in an instant, echoing the burning fire.

"What about people?" The violent voice could not help but tremble.

The soldiers all said that they all lowered their heads and didn't dare to make a sound. The leading teenager couldn't help but could only report on the scalp. "Run... ran..."

"Waste." Zhuge did not know how angry he was, and directly turned the teenager to the ground.

After finishing the teenager, Zhuge Wuming yelled at the group of shivering soldiers. "I don't want to chase the king."

The soldiers heard the words and finally returned, and they turned around and struggled to kick the fire-fighting wooden fences and then chased them in the direction of the morning and the teenager.

Zhuge did not see the past and followed the past.

Not far from Xuanyuan looked at the movement here, the dark scorpion smashed, frowning and pondering for a while, followed up.

In the morning, the boy was standing, and ran forward quickly. He looked at the younger and paler face of the boy. In the morning, he flashed a whim and the body moved to the front of the boy. "Go up, I am carrying you."

"No, I can..." The boy heard instinctively wanted to refuse.

"Up." The voice is tender but with the majesty and momentum of the superior.

The young man heard the licking of a **** lip and gently licked it on the back of the morning.

The morning boy picked up the boy and ran forward again. It was just too dark, so that he couldn't tell the direction at all. He just kept running in one direction according to his instincts.

"To this side, there are blood on these leaves." A soldier shouted at the grass on the ground with a torch.

One of the teenagers immediately heard the excitement. "Everyone chased me. In front of the cliff, they couldn't run." Before they camped here, they investigated the terrain. The front of the ramp didn't work. They came here. Can be the best in the middle.

The soldiers heard the words and ran to the front like a chicken.

Zhuge, who was behind the soldiers, did not hear the word "cliff". The lips sneered a little sneer, Xiahouchen, you are destined to run out of my Wuzhishan.

In front, the morning child suddenly stopped taking the boy. Looking at the cliff in front, the morning slammed his brow.

When the teenager saw the cliff, he stayed, and slipped down from the back of the morning, panicking. "What to do? It turned out to be a cliff. We went the wrong way."

The morning child didn’t speak, he didn’t know what to do, there was no road ahead, and there would be no more roads in the back. Zhuge did not know that they must be on the way to this side, and the most important thing is that they have already No more strength to run.

Just in the morning meditation, Zhuge Weiming and the group of soldiers had already arrived.

Seeing the messy footsteps, the morning and the teenager turned back at the same time.

The morning looked coldly at Zhuge, and there was no fear or panic on the tender little face.

Zhuge did not see the calm face of the morning child, screamed at the eyebrows, and turned to the younger sneer around the morning, "I didn't expect the feelings of the two of you to be quite deep, but it is a small soldier, worthy of you. It’s so cost-effective to rescue, it seems that those who taught you before, you didn’t learn.”

Hearing the "squeaky" sound, the morning light in the cold and proud scorpion flashed a disgust.

Seeing the obvious disgust in the morning of the morning, Zhuge’s uncle’s scorpion’s scorpion smashed. “You want to find death, and this king will fulfill you.”

The young man heard the words immediately in front of the morning, watching Zhuge uncle twitching gently. "I will go back with you, you put the emperor..."

Zhuge did not understand that his face was cold and looked disdainfully. "You can count something, you can exchange him."

The young man heard that his body was stiff, and the light was stunned, but the stiff body did not move half a minute.

Looking at the stiff body of the boy, the morning child’s proud voice flashed a touch of emotion, reaching out and holding the hand of the juvenile, giving him strength silently.

The warm little hand is like a warm spring water, so that the stiff body of the boy is gradually relieved.

Looking at the hands of the two men, Zhuge did not know the light flashed, watching the morning child hooked the lips, "put him out, the king will consider not to put you under house."

The young man heard the words tightening his hands subconsciously.

Feeling the tension of the boy, the morning light flashed lightly, did not pay attention to Zhuge unclear, and turned and blinked at the cliff in the darkness, at first glance, "Are you afraid?" Low voice against the cliff The wind blowing from the bottom is very faint.

The young man heard the words, then looked at the morning vision, and instantly understood the meaning of the morning child. The clear throat flashed and shook his head. "I am not afraid."

What is terrible for him? This is a person who has not lived for a long time. It is a pity that he is a pity. However, instead of starving to death in the military camp, it is better to jump off the cliff. Maybe there is still a chance to live. That person is clean.

The morning child heard the words and looked back at the group of soldiers coldly, not as hurriedly as before, but one by one, looking at it very carefully, as if to engrave these people's faces in their minds.

Feeling the morning's gaze, some soldiers looked disdainful, some soldiers were full of eyes, some soldiers dropped their heads, and the young soldiers and middle-aged soldiers in the west of the two handles of the soldiers slammed their heads.

The morning child swept through the soldiers' faces and finally stayed in the uncle's face. He wanted to remember this face and remember him forever and ever.

It seems that I feel something, Zhuge has not flashed a mess in the clear, "What do you want?"

Zhuge’s unclear words just fell, and the morning boy jumped off the cliff with his youth.

"Morning!" Zhuge was not shocked, but immediately rushed to the front, but even the morning clothes were not caught.

The soldiers saw this sudden scene and they were all shocked. They were all shocked.

Why is he just a soldier?

Why, he obviously can hand him over for freedom?

Why, he wants to jump off the cliff?

Under the cliff, the young man held the morning in his arms tightly, and the morning struggled to push the teenager away, but he listened to the boy. "This is my last wish. Please complete me." The boy’s words disappeared as soon as they were exported. In the wind, but the morning is heard clearly.

The morning did not move again, but he lifted his sleeves and wiped the blood on his face for a teenager. He took a moment and rubbed it very seriously. For so long, he hasn't really seen his appearance yet. At this moment, he wants to see what he looks like, even if it is just a glance.

On the cliff, Zhuge did not stand still, and could not return to God for a long time.

Looking at everything in the eyes of Xuanyuan, watching the Zhuge unclear on the edge of the cliff, the light flashing, a fluttering to Zhuge unclear side, frowning, "Why is this lost soul, this is not Do you want it? If he is dead, don’t you just finish the big business?”

Zhuge did not hear the words and looked back at Xuanyuan. "You know a fart. If it is so simple, he died a few hundred times." If Xiahouchen died, he would be an emperor, then he would Did he stay until now? He has hundreds of ways to make him die unconsciously.

Xuanyuan heard the darkness of the scorpion flashing, and some did not understand the unclear words of Zhuge. It seems that Xuanwu’s things, he still needs to revisit.

After finishing Xuanyuan, Zhuge did not know and turned and glared at the soldiers who were still in shock. "I still want to go to the king to search, the king wants to live. If he is dead, don't even think about it." live."

The soldiers heard all the words, and immediately split up to find the way to the cliff. For Zhuge, the soldiers are afraid to speak out, and even the other ones are not angry.

Yicheng, in an inn, Duanmu was once again awakened by a nightmare.

Because the two nights of the rafts slept very unsteadily, so Xuanyuan ink almost did not dare to sleep, has been guarding Duanmu.

Seeing Duanmu open his eyes and panic, Xuanyuan Mo immediately took her into his arms and whispered, "Is there a nightmare again?"

Xuanyuan ink's warm embrace, let Duanmu 汐 instantly wet his eyes, "A Xue, I don't want to sleep, I have to go to the morning, now I will go." The voice of the choked with a distressed helplessness and fear.

"Good." Xuanyuan ink slightly smashed, and then gently patted the back of the raft.

The night blinked, and the soldiers searched for the night under the cliff but found nothing.

A round-faced soldier looked depressed. "You are not surprised, this cliff is so big. We have searched it more than ten times. Is there nothing?"

The big soldiers on the side are also puzzled. "That is, they all say that they want to see people, they want to see the dead, how can they have nothing?"

The little soldier who has never spoken, said, "What's strange, the cliff is so high, there are so many cliffs, maybe it is dead on the rock."

Everyone heard the words are silent, the Regent King can say, if the little emperor is dead, they are all to be buried.

A head-like teenager sighed with a sigh. "Let's go, let's go up!" It's almost noon, no matter if you can't find it, they should go up and report it, let the Regent wait anxiously, and the end will be even worse.

Everyone heard the words and went down with the little man. In fact, if they can, they really want to be deserters directly, but they can't. They may not be the ones who died, but they will be their families.

In the military camp, Zhuge did not hear that he had not found the morning anger, and immediately ordered the soldiers to be executed, but was stopped by Xuanyuan.

"Why do you have to be angry, things have already happened, now they are killing them, and they will not change, let alone the time when they will be used." The best destination for soldiers is the battlefield. Only on the battlefield, these talents die.

Zhuge did not know the words and gradually turned out the anger, nodded and looked at Xuanyuan Road, "What do we do now?"

Xuanyuan heard the darkness of the scorpion flashing. "The little emperor couldn't see anyone. He couldn't see the dead body. He might still be alive. If he is alive, he will definitely find a way to return to Xuanwu. It is better to go back to Xuanwu and wait for the opportunity."

Zhuge did not understand the frown and meditated for a moment, nodded, "just do it."

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