"How much money does the company have on its books now?"

"5.9 billion meters of knife, and today there will be a batch of fundraising funds from the Jinwei Fund, and there will be 6.2 billion meter knife at that time."

"Are the funds ready now?"

"Yes boss, according to your instructions, before we close, we have cashed out all the funds, as long as you have arrangements, this funds can be immediately entered into the market."

An Li and Finance asked and answered, and quickly understood the situation clearly.

An Li nodded slightly: "Since that's the case, that's okay." Saying

that, An Li got up and walked directly towards the trading room, An Li's performance during this time has already been breathtaking, every day take out a list for traders to operate, others are more in the fundraising, so seeing An Li actually walking towards the trading room, many people suddenly looked forward to it.

The boss is going to do it in public again today?

People who work in Pude Fund have basically heard of the miraculous performance of An Li before, just by looking at the stocks on the spot, they can pick out the right stocks, and even the selection of a stock is not more than five minutes of superspeed, this kind of ability is unheard of and never seen.

At this moment, seeing An Li walking towards the trading area, everyone immediately started to fight chicken blood.

This is an opportunity to witness miracles.

A group of people came to the trading room, and the second-level employees in the trading room also brightened their eyes at this time, looking at An Li with heat, for these employees, An Li just waved his hand casually to say hello, and then directly let people open the largest screen in the trading room.

What appears above is a spot gold disk.

And what is shown above is now the button exchange, neon futures exchange, magic capital exchange... And so on a series of real-time quotes for spot gold on more than a dozen exchanges.

The funds are in place, the personnel are in place, and then it is time for the boss to give orders.

The eyes of everyone present were extremely bright, and some people even exclaimed:

"Is the boss finally going to buy spot gold?"

"I once proposed spot gold to the boss before, but at that time the boss just smiled and did not speak, so that I don't have to pay too much attention to this, and now it seems that at that time, I am afraid that because the time was not ripe enough, now it seems that I want to enter gold."

"Spot gold has been very good during this time, steady and steady, with the boss's accurate judgment of other stocks, it seems that the boss today thinks that spot gold will rise sharply."

"Looks like so."


whispered, but no one acted rashly, just looked up at the situation of spot gold today.

It has to be said that gold was very hot during this time.

Troubled gold antiques, now affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, the financial market around the world is sluggish, and only gold, this period of time has been growing steadily, basically bought gold, more or less earned, the only difference is only to earn more or less money.

Although the large market on the screen displays information about the various gold market exchanges, not all of them are open.

After all, the problem of time difference, the current spot gold trading market is mainly three trading areas, Asia, Europe, the United States three trading areas, to a day twenty-four hours, each disk has eight hours of time, take turns to open, basically a full day operation.

It's just after nine o'clock in the morning, when the Asian market is active, because the price of gold is growing steadily during this period, so the trading volume is very large, and there are large transactions almost every second.

And the price of gold is also growing.

From the opening of the 340.5 meter knife price is steadily growing upward, short-term spot gold bulls occupy, rice knife to get support lower, so gold prices are on a rising route that will not fall.

Finally, when everyone was holding their breath, An Li spoke:

"341, divided into four times, short 20,000 lots, 100 leveraged!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

A hundred times leverage?

However, although several traders were surprised, they did not dare to have any hesitation, and directly and quickly operated, but they were inevitably a little incomprehensible in their hearts.

During this time, they have witnessed the miracle of An Que and understand the ability of their boss.

After all, An Li will operate every weekday, although sometimes he basically does not come and just loses a note, but to be honest, even if he is hyped hard, he will not use the terrifying multiplier of a hundred times leverage. However, since the boss said so, they only need to execute, and several people jointly operate, and the transaction is completed quickly.

The entry of this fund did not cause much waves, and the price of gold is still growing steadily.

After waiting for a while, An Li said again:

"341.2, continue to short 20,000 lots, or a hundred times leverage, or four times."

Without hesitation, the financial elites present, at this moment began the most non-technical work, turned into a robot crazy operation, no one spoke at the scene, the atmosphere was relatively relaxed, and many people were full of fighting spirit.

But in the next ten minutes, the atmosphere has changed slightly.

The operation is still ongoing.

Up to now, An Li has ordered nine times in a row, each time with a minimum of 20,000 lots, and they are all divided into multiple operations, and each time is a hundred times leverage.

Such crazy buying, crazy leverage, made everyone present more or less worried.

After all, like the futures bought by An Que before, leverage is to double the original capital as a margin, and double the high magnification, and 10,000 yuan through a hundred times leverage, that can directly become a million funds.

If you earn, you naturally earn more.

But if the loss, once the loss exceeds the margin, either cover the position, or will be forcibly liquidated by the lender to avoid its own losses, this hundred times leverage, I am afraid that it has long been targeted, once the loss, I am afraid that it will be forced to close the position in minutes.

In this way, not only will you lose money, but you may also owe a lot of money and liabilities.

However, although everyone was a little drumming in their hearts, they still forced their scalp to operate.

Finally, when the gold price continued to rise until it rose to 343, An Li finally spoke for the tenth time: "343,

short 200,000 lots."

"Heavy position!"

Several traders were stunned and a little stunned.

Direct 200,000 lots?

Is it so big?

"Boss, the position has exceeded the capital warning line."

One after another, the margin invested by An Li has reached 200 million meters of knife, the use of financial leverage, that is 20 billion meter knife funds, generally in order to control risks, if the opening of a position exceeds the ability to pay, the risk controller will open his mouth to remind.

Faced with the reminder, An Li just smiled:

"Don't worry, the funds are still sufficient, continue to trade!"

Such a smile made everyone who was still a little worried shut their mouths.

The boss doesn't panic, they have nothing to panic about.

It's over!

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