
watching An Li stand up and prepare to really enter the market, everyone was confused and looked at An Li with a stunned face.

"Why, do you have a problem?" asked An Li lightly.

Gina couldn't help but ask, looking at the stocks on the paper in her hand: "Boss, is it too hasty, do we really want to buy it?"

It seems to be ten stocks, but this is more than 8.5 billion won, which is a full five million summer national currency, which is all the funds invested by the company An Li now, such a large amount of money, so hasty decision?

It stands to reason that since as employees of the company, the boss makes such a decision, they cannot interfere, but the problem is that they finally seem to have a job again, of course, they don't want the boss to hasty the company and lose their money, and then they will not become unemployed vagrants again.

But unfortunately, in response to everyone's worries, An Li only smiled slightly

: "Why, you are not even skilled in operation?" Everyone

was suffocated, and immediately wanted to speak, but An Li had already said again: "We just need to do what I say, as for the rest, we will see the result later." When

it came to this, everyone finally had nothing to say.

Yes, this master is not afraid of losing, or his heart is too big.

However, no matter who An Li is and what kind of confidence he has, everyone has already made a decision in their hearts at this time.

Still have to find a job.

Otherwise, if you mess with such a boss, it is estimated that you will have to be owed wages again next month, and then you will still be in a fart class.

With this in mind, everyone followed An Li into the operation hall.

But seeing An Li looked at the time: "Now that the market is open, immediately allocate all the funds and prepare to buy." "

The hearts of the people are bitter.

This boss seems to be genuine, and has already made up his mind.

However, since they had decided to find a job and leave today, everyone finally did not hesitate, each sat in their own places, crackled on the computer, and mobilized all the funds in place, except for the recorder Gina, the other five people acted as traders.

An Li looked at the candlestick chart on the big screen, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This time he came to Goryeo, he came to make money.

And the money he can use is only a few million, this money is going to be a big deal, of course, some start-up capital. Before he became a stock god, because he had memories of his past life, remembered those demon stocks and bull stocks in his previous life, and thus earned a large amount of rebirth wealth, but this time was different.

He knows where the domestic stock market is going, but he doesn't know where Koryo is going.

But even so, he didn't panic.

Probability can make An Li's five million lottery tickets can be easily bought, that is naturally not a problem to buy stocks, don't look at just now An Li seems to make a decision quickly, but in fact there is also his own screening method. I have to admit that if you learn well, you are not afraid to go all over the world, and the probability has reached that level, and the next trend of a stock can be quickly analyzed.

However, probability is a matter of probability after all, An Li is confident, but things have not reached that step, he is not sure, at the moment can only stare at the broad market K-line.

The first thing An Li looked at was the first stock selected, Hongji Commerce.

Affected by the financial crisis, in fact, the entire stock market is very bad during this time, Hongji Business is also affected by the market, has fallen for seven consecutive days, many shareholders have actually been unable to sit still have fled, now after the afternoon market open, the stock price is also continuing to fall, a look like it is going to fall below the sky.

Seeing this trend, several employees were stunned.

However, compared with everyone's worries, An Li has already brought a smile on his face, the trend after the opening of the market, not at all unexpected, at this time waited for a while, the price quickly fell from 584 to 582, An Liguo broke:

"582, eat 10,000 hands!"

To the first time Jin Cheng operated, soon the transaction of 10,000 lots was immediately hanged, but the transaction was successful in a few seconds, obviously many people are busy making a move now, and there will naturally be no hesitation in the acquisition of someone.

Seeing such a fast speed

, An Li continued: "It's still at this price, eat another 10,000 hands!" The

pending order was soon successful again, everyone saw that they had already bought, and now it was too late to say anything, so they simply stopped entangled, and honestly bought it according to An Li's will.

This 10,000 hands, the speed is equally fast, almost seconds.

Gina was recording on the side, while staring at the candlestick chart, at this time, seeing that 20,000 hands were trading so quickly, she couldn't help but speak: "Boss, the price is still falling, it has reached 581!" An

Li smiled, not the slightest panic:

"It's now, buy with all your strength, I will eat as much as I have on the market, and act immediately!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and moved quickly.

The speed of the five traders was extremely fast, one order after another was dropped almost instantly, and even Gina temporarily put down her job as a recorder to help operate, and at this speed, the five worked together and finally ate more than 90,000 hands of this stock.

The transaction was completed here, but everyone did not have any ease, but they were sad.

The boss explained that the things were done well, but the problem was that the boss's loss of money also came true, and the stock that had already plummeted, because An Que temporarily stopped falling after their big purchase, but did not rise, but began to fluctuate normally.

While I can't see what the result is, it's obviously definitely not going to be too good.

Every second I follow, I'm afraid I lose money.

But compared with the sad faces of several operators, An Li smiled, and did not care much after buying, but directly clicked on the K line of the next stock:

"Next is the busan bus."

"744, eat 20,000 hands."

"For the same price, add another ten thousand lots."

"743, eat 50,000 hands

!" "It's now, add!" "

..." For

the next hour or so, several operators were desperately busy, and if An Li did not say a single instruction, they would immediately execute An Li's instructions.

Even for an hour, everyone felt sore eyes.

This is a consequence of working long hours at high intensity and dedicating yourself to your work.

They used to be so busy, they will be happy, because it means that their work is busy and the commission will be high.

But this time it was different.

In just one hour, they threw all the company's funds out.

Next, it is estimated that everyone will watch the company lose its money....

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