For An Li now, what he needs most at the moment is time.

He needs time to recover his body and deal with the mysterious organization that follows. Although he can hide, if the organization can't find him for a long time, no one is sure what they will do in the end.

An oak, not alone.

Although Yu Lan has returned to China, his family and the people he cares about are already protecting at this time, but on the side of the bed, how can he allow others to sleep peacefully, An Li has never been a person who will keep danger, what he prefers to do, or strangle the danger in the cradle.

Therefore, time is the most important thing for Angel Oak.

When he first woke up, although he was pleasantly surprised by the increase in Knowledge in God's possession, the last thing An Li wanted was that he slept for too long, which was tantamount to delaying his own time. As for the role of Knowledge in God, I have to admit that it is indeed very large, but at least the current Knowledge of God Hidden Knowledge is not too important for Angel.

But the result made An Que very satisfied.

In just two hours, Knowledge in Divine Vault has been completely restored and even expanded by more than double!

You know, from being able to perceive and use Knowledge to now, An Li has been exploring the use of this new power of Divine Hidden Knowledge all the time, but he has never advanced, and he has not grown at all, but now, Shenzang Knowledge has doubled, although even if it is doubled, it is still not too much, but it is a great encouragement to An Li.

Not to mention, doubling while recovering so quickly.

"It seems that my approach is correct."

Thinking about this, An Li took out the bead again, with a special brilliance in his eyes: "Next, let me see what kind of changes will occur after all the first words are copied!" Picking

up the bead, An Que once again devoted himself to copying.

This time, An Que spent a full day.

This result, even An Li was surprised, after all, he had copied the radical of this word before, and it stands to reason that at most two more times he could completely copy the whole word, but obviously, An Li thought more, even after a radical, his Divine Knowledge has doubled, but the latter wants to copy the whole word, but it is still just one more stroke than the radical, and the Divine Knowledge is consumed again.

After that, An Li copied it nine more times.

Each time, it is only one increase, and although the next few strokes, the knowledge of God Hidden Knowledge can not increase much, but it is still growing rapidly, but even this growth, every time you want to continue, it still consumes all of Inn's Hidden Knowledge.

Thankfully, although each time Knowledge is consumed, the progress of Knowledge is visible to the naked eye, not to mention that the amount of Knowledge in Hidden Knowledge has increased, and it is only in the use of Knowledge in Hidden Knowledge that Angel has gradually mastered the method.

To use Knowledge today is primarily to probe everything around us.

To use a vivid image to describe it, the previous God Hidden Knowledge is a lamp for An Que.

What Angela can do is to control the deepening of Knowledge in God's hidden knowledge, to look more subtly and carefully, but in fact some insignificant aspects are always increasing the consumption of Knowledge in God's Hidden Knowledge. But in fact, there is not much benefit, because this will make An Li's not deep knowledge of God, and it will be completely consumed in just a few tens of seconds or even seconds.

But now, using Knowledge at this time, Angel can do it like a flashlight.

All he needs to explore there can bring together all of God's hidden Knowledge.

This approach will not only reduce the unnecessary consumption of Knowledge in God's Hidden Knowledge, but more importantly, the information that can be obtained by using Knowledge to explore a certain point will be more detailed and clear than before.

This is an advance in the use of Knowledge in God's possession.

And this can be done with less than a word, and this is definitely the most suitable way for a person like An Li, who is a half-way monk without any guidance, both to enhance the depth of Knowledge and to enhance the ability to use Knowledge in Hidden Knowledge.

Coupled with the rapid recovery of Knowledge in God's possession, in one day, Angel's use of Knowledge in Hidden God has reached the point of being weightless.

"Last time, it will definitely be done!"

The ninth time he woke up from bed, An Li took out the mysterious bead as soon as possible.

The previous nine times, each time An Que was improving, each time he was able to understand more deeply, but this time, this whole word, only the last point remained.

Without hesitation, the first time he took out the bead, he instantly shrouded it towards it.

The side radical, who had already been extremely proficient, was skillfully copied by An Li, but in a moment the kung fu had already taken shape, shining golden in front of An Li's eyes.

One skim, one horizontal and one vertical!

Between the horizontals, it seems that everyone in calligraphy splashes ink, without a sense of stagnation.

After a moment of effort, An Li has copied to the place where the last time failed, this time, An Li's Divine Hidden Knowledge is still a small half, but after consuming most of it, it makes An Li's spirit slightly weakened, at this moment An Li paused slightly, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth:


Finally, the little demigod under him hid Knowledge, which turned into points of light in an instant, converged towards the last point, and was extremely brilliant from top to bottom.

But at the moment of contact with this last point, a great deal of Divine Knowledge is consumed in an instant.

An Li raised his eyebrows, he had already been in contact with this situation before, so he had already prepared, but even if he was prepared, this time it still surprised An Li.

For this time the consumption of Knowledge in God has completely exceeded Angel's expectations.

But although surprised, at the moment the arrow has to be sent on the string, since the consumption is large, then he will go all out!

In an instant, all the Divine Knowledge was invoked at this moment, all converged towards the last point, and a large amount of Divine Knowledge was consumed by this small point, but the consumption was much, and the Angel Oak invested a lot.

Finally, this little bit was filled in an instant under such power.

Next, there is a war of attrition.

Half into it!

Seventy percent!



Finally, when Jiuchengdu had been lit up, a holy brilliance had faintly appeared on the entire handwriting, and it was impossible to describe the color of the brilliance, but just by looking at it, it could make people feel extremely holy, as if it came from outside the heavenly dome and within the fairy palace.

But what such a picture brings is unimaginable consumption.

In just an instant, Angel's hidden Knowledge has been emptied!

Without the divine hidden knowledge continued to pour, the brilliance of this handwriting gradually began to dim, and An Li's face was gloomy as water.

Is it going to fail?


Can't fail!

In the next second, a golden light erupted from An Li's eyes, and the remaining Divine Hidden Knowledge used to maintain his physical condition was all called out in an instant.

Knowing that God has Hidden Knowledge, Angel already understands.

Everyone has Hidden Knowledge, it may seem useless, but it is vital, consuming Knowledge will make people feel depressed, and consuming too much will make people fall into a coma, but if it is directly consumed, it will make people completely lose their souls!

Therefore, no matter what, An Li always left a hundred percent of the Divine Hidden Knowledge that he had never used.

But now, seeing that he was about to fail, An Li finally no longer kept.

Fight it!

Live or die!

Desperate, give everything he has, he has to bet on this one!

An Li's eyes flashed a bit of fierce brilliance, at this time, all the inner knowledge of the Divine Treasure was invoked, An Li's spirit began to become trance at this moment, and even he could feel a kind of weakness and exhaustion from the depths of his soul.

I can feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The condition in the body is already poor enough, and the performance is equally obvious on the outside, and if someone sees An Que at this time, they will definitely be shocked.

Because, at this time, An Li's face was as pale as paper, and a cloud of black qi surged above the hall.

What was even more terrifying was that blood stains overflowed along An Li's mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.

Seven tricks bleed!

Even An Li really felt this feeling of death coming, the feeling of dying, which had never been real.

Myself...... Is it going to fail?

At this time, An Li didn't even have the energy to pay attention to the handwriting in front of him, and the whole person's spirit was in a trance, only this one thought could be born.

As soon as the idea was born, the darkness had completely enveloped An Que.

But what An Li didn't notice was that a second before he fell into a coma, the handwriting that had been constantly showing immortal qi was finally completely lit up by An Li, and at the same time, a voice from the depths of his heart seemed to come from ancient times:

"The trial 'get' word is successful!"

"Confess the Lord, succeed!"

And in this ethereal voice emerged, at this time, above the sky dome, an auspicious light suddenly shone half of the sky, and a gundam phantom appeared in an instant, attracting the attention of everyone who noticed this scene.

Similarly, it has attracted the attention of some extraordinary people....

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