As the saying goes, hit someone without hitting your face, and killing someone without being disgusted.

But An Li's words almost jumped up and slapped everyone present in the face, and even picked up a sharp dagger and stabbed hard into the hearts of everyone present.

To talk about the whole Taijiang, which is the most dragging leg?

Not the R&D department, not the quality control department, not the finance department, not the production department.


Sales Department!

And if the sales department is garbage, then the domestic area of the sales department is a fighter in the real garbage.

Sales is about performance.

The statistical table of the first half of this year has come out, the global sales of Taijiang are not ideal, and even only one hundred million sales in half a year, don't look at it seems to be quite much, but in fact, this is global, and also count the flight control system they are famous for, and the first generation of Taijiang UAV.

Half a year, just 100 million, calculated down the cost is tens of millions of profits.

And in this 100 million, the domestic area only occupies six million, six percent!

It's a shame!

Everyone is usually basically embarrassed to say this, after all, it is too humiliating, if the sales department has been considered to be a drag on the company, then the domestic sales area is simply dragging Taijiang's legs back.

But I didn't expect that An Li, such a newcomer, would openly say this.

Directly let the manager of Xia Guo District freeze in place on the spot.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, our market is mainly overseas, and domestic has not been our key market."

"That is, there are few domestic drones, and our poor sales are excusable."

"That's right, a newcomer who doesn't know where he came from, dares to point fingers here, it's really standing and talking without back pain!"


group of people suddenly began to complain madly about An Li.

But to these people's words, An Li just smiled disdainfully, and didn't even bother to answer.

"Chatting with you bunch of trash is easy to lower people's IQ."

An Li pouted, and ignored the people who were mad, and looked at Liu Jiacheng again: "Originally, I thought that it was some excellent high-achieving student or some industry senior who snatched my position, but I didn't expect it to be such a thing as you, you say I am not disappointed?"

"You... What do you say, what's wrong with me? Liu Jiacheng had long been speechless with anger, and his speech was a little unfavorable at this time, and when he looked at An Li, it was like looking at a madman.

"What's wrong with you?"

An Li shook his head and said with disdain: "As far as I know, your education is only a junior high school graduate, right?"


Liu Jiacheng was a little stunned, but the others had already taken the initiative to help solve the siege.

"What's wrong with graduating from junior high school, there are still people who are bosses after graduating from junior high school!"

"That is, not to mention junior high school graduation, primary school graduation is the same, in our opinion, ability and education are not directly related, can you sell more things when you have a high education?"

"What's the matter, famous college students are amazing, you are also on a Tsinghua degree, right?"

"Junior high school graduates are naturally nothing, in fact, social ability and education really do not have much to do with it." An Li shook his head, but then changed his tone:

"But in the same way, if you don't have a degree but are not willing to take the initiative to study, what is that not garbage?"

"Do you know what marketing is? Do you know what a sales pitch concept is? Do you know what purchase intent is? Do you know what target market selection is? What is distribution? What is the marketing mix? What is going deep into the market?

"This... I..." Liu Jiacheng was blindsided again, where did he know what these professional terms An Li meant, even if he knew, he couldn't explain it.

"You don't know, don't force yourself!" An Li sneered: "In fact, at this time last year, it seems that you were still playing games every day in the Internet café, even before you came to work in Taijiang, you stole your father's money to recharge the game, right?"

"How do you know?"

At this moment, Liu Jiacheng is really afraid, these things are logically impossible for outsiders to know, but An Li said it clearly, and even he had a feeling that An Li knew more of his unseeable secrets.

In this regard, An Li just smiled and did not explain at all.

And everyone present also fell silent at this time.

An oak, this is a showdown.

He's a top student!

"Okay, what kind of meeting is said, I thought how serious it was, the result is such a boring meeting of business blowing each other, in the future, such a meeting, I personally suggest that there is no need to hold it."

Finally, after leaving everyone present speechless, An Li got up quietly:

"The flight control system of Taijiang Company has now become the world's first in the same field, and the first generation of UAV aircraft of Taijiang Company is exempt from the steps of users to assemble UAVs by themselves, directly fool-like installation, plus the core technology carried on, it will certainly be able to occupy a large market share in the future."

"But who would have thought that such a company would have so much garbage."

"You say, can I not be disappointed?"

After saying that, An Li turned to leave and walked directly out of the door of the conference room.

And until he left, everyone present finally reacted:

"Is this kid crazy?"

"He has a little education and memorized some more words, so arrogant, such a person must be expelled, must be expelled!"

"That's right, such people, we don't need it!"

"I'm definitely going to fire him, I'll call the personnel department now and ask them to let that kid pack up and get out on the spot!" The manager also gritted his teeth at this time, An Li said well, his position is indeed not qualified to fire people, but it has the right to suggest, basically the personnel will definitely agree.

After speaking, the manager glanced at Liu Jiacheng, who was a little lost in soul, and his eyes were complicated.

Originally planned to persuade two sentences, but thinking of what An Li said just now, he hesitated or didn't say more, but directly picked up the phone and called the personnel department.

Soon, the call was connected, and the manager directly opened his mouth to put forward his own requirements.

After a moment, he hung up the phone:

"The personnel department has agreed, and now that Mu Le's dismissal statement is drafted, such a person must not be wanted." Moreover, I will use my connections so that this kid cannot find a new job, and I dare not say anything else, in the same industry, no one will want him! The

latter words were said to Liu Jiacheng.

Sure enough, hearing the manager's words, Liu Jiacheng nodded suddenly, gritted his teeth and said: "That's right, block him, block him for me, I want him to understand that those things learned in reading do not have enough strength and background, no matter how good you read, you are also a loser!" "

Anyone who is scolded by pointing at the nose like this will be angry.

But at this moment, the phone in the manager's arms suddenly rang, and at a glance, it was the personnel department that called, and he smiled at the moment: "Don't worry, the personnel department reacted quite quickly this time, and it seems that it is ready to fire the statement." With

that, the manager pressed the answer button and turned on the amplification.

But the next second, everyone present was collectively petrified.

Because, I saw a female colleague from the personnel department over there saying in a serious voice:

"This Mule, you can't be fired!"


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