In the TV, the auction continued, this time it was a jade cabbage thirty centimeters tall, the material was not very good, but the rare thing was the carving, the vivid jade cabbage, at first glance people really thought it was real cabbage, and there were even small holes left after being eaten by vegetable insects.

Even Song Cai, who did not have too deep research on carving, understood at this time.

This jade cabbage is afraid to sell at a sky-high price.

In the later program, Song Cai couldn't even watch it quietly, after all, looking at the obvious industrial traces in the room, he vaguely guessed who those things were from.

Swallowing his saliva, Song Cai asked with a trill:

"An Shao, is it... These...... It's..."

"It's me." An Li replied flatly.

"It's really ... No, I mean, you... How to do it..."

"Carving this thing, I dabbled slightly, I usually like to tinker when I am fine, this time General Song Cai asked me to sell jadeite, I thought about it, sold it as a gambling stone or jadeite material, after all, it was a bit wasteful, so I processed it a little and got this auction."

An Li's tone was as calm as ever.

But it was such calmness that made Song Cai gasp.

He really made these!

And these jadeite that are highly praised by the world's top craftsmen and carvers and eagerly sought after by the world's top gem merchants are all made by him.

And...... Are these just tinkering with things that you usually have nothing to do?


I suspect you're pretending, but I don't know how to refute that.

"This auction, because of the need to create momentum in the early stage, and responsible for finding a way to invite these people to come, so it took a lot of effort, so in fact, the preparation was not sufficient, and in the end only sold five billion yuan, but there was another auction on the seventh day, I believe the effect should not be too bad."

When Song Cai was shocked and inexplicable, An Li had already spoken again: "So, I should barely pass this test, right?" "


I only want you to earn ten billion, and as a result, you earn five billion in three days, is this still called grudging?


"Hehe, An Shao can really joke, your ability has completely exceeded my expectations, this can't be said reluctantly!" Song Cai sighed with emotion.

In this regard, An Li just smiled faintly.

He was telling the truth, this time it was mainly to attract gem merchants, so he specially made an ornament to take pictures and send emails to those top gem merchants, as well as top craftsmen, this time attracted a lot of people, but in fact, there were many more people who did not come to the auction.

If more people come, the revenue this time is not just five billion.

However, this is enough.

But An Li is so indifferent, but in Song Cai's eyes it becomes more and more inscrutable, originally planned to take a look at An Jia behind An Li, but did not expect that An Jia did not surface, An Li alone directly has such ability.

Think about it.

How powerful will the family that cultivates such a person be?

The five most powerful families in the Dai country, Song Cai has also intersected with one or two of them, and has also seen the young people of the other family, those young people are basically dragons and phoenixes among people, once made Song Cai sigh that there is indeed a big gap between the family and the nouveau riche.

But now, what about the comparison of dragon phoenix and An oak in those individuals?


There is simply no worse car crash scene than this!

The younger generation of those five major families, no matter who stood with An Li, was the pearl of rice compared to Haoyue.

Not at all on the same level!

"General Song Cai, since you should know what you should already know, then please come back, I still have things to be busy on my side." An Li directly issued an eviction order.

In other words, as usual, Song Cai is naturally unhappy.

After all, he praises Cai as the emperor of the soil, here at this moment, he is the real God, he is not willing to go, who dares to drive him away?

But now, that's not the case.

"Okay, good, good, An Shao, you still have something to do, then I won't bother you, I'll leave, if there is any need, An Shao can open his mouth!" Song Cai nodded and left, for such a treasure boy, he even wished to wash and offer.

The value of top-quality jadeite is endless, and the value of top-quality jadeite plus top-level carving is even more unimaginable.

An oak is a real treasure!

Walking out of An Li's door, seeing that a team of gunmen was already on standby, ready to rush in at any time, Song Cai couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and quickly waved his subordinates away: "From now on, we must ensure the safety of Mr. An, in the same way, if Mr. An has any needs, he must do everything to meet him, absolutely must not slack!"

After explaining this sentence, Song Cai quickly left in the confused expressions of his subordinates.

He needed to tell the three generals the news.

Let those three generals understand that the people they value will definitely not go wrong!


And the four generals launched a new round of shock conference... Ahem, at the time of the emergency meeting, at this time, the outside jewelry industry caused an uproar because of this auction that was quickly held and ended quickly.

"Sky-high jade exhibits appeared, a jade Buddha statue, bought by the Middle East oil tycoon at a high price of 1.2 billion!"

"The only love, the world's top symbol of love, unveiled in Dubai, Prince Hazama is about to give this sky-high necklace to his lover as a sign of eternity!"

"A sky-high auction, the master carving master who brought out, Master An!"


For a while, Master An was on fire.

And the auction lots also became popular all over the world in the first time, especially as more and more professionals appraised the jadeite carved by Master An himself, the value of these lots rose to a higher level in an instant.

Even, at the auction, one was fortunate enough to buy a string of jade tablets carved by Master An, which cost 90 million, and was bought for collection at 300 million after changing hands.

Everyone knows, Master An, it's fire!

And everyone who bought something at the last auction made a lot of money, and in just one day, the price of these lots has at least doubled.

This news made countless gem merchants who had received the mail before, but scoffed at the lack of participation, sigh.

Big loss!

Fortunately, the news fermented for less than a day, and another message appeared.

It is the organizer of the auction, because many people recognize Master An, so the main board decided to hold a second auction in three days, which will be the last auction of Master An's works in the first half of this year.

As soon as this news came out, everyone boiled.

All the gem merchants sharpened their heads and wanted to participate, and more and more nobles were full of interest in this auction.

This auction, before it even started, was already popular all over the country.

But at the same time, there are doubts.

What kind of divine is this so-called Master An, he seems to appear out of thin air, leaving only amazing treasures, but no other information.

At a time when everyone was thinking that Master An was legitimate and sacred, at this time, in the Jade Mining Area of Dai Country, Master An was participating in an extremely important meeting.

Location: Imperial Mine Road.

With the members who participated in the meeting, the four generals of the Dai Kingdom!

And the content of this meeting is the big plan they talked about before....

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