"The second point aside, the difficulty of completing is not low, and even if the tax is really collected, how much can we receive, as far as the tourism industry in recent years is analyzed, the economy that tourism can drive every year is not much, relatively speaking, local agriculture and foreign factories are more profitable."

"Yes, you can't make money, even if you collect taxes, it's useless, not to mention that the king will not necessarily issue us with relevant decrees."

"The second one is dreamy enough, and in my opinion, the first is a fool's dream."

"Let foreign businessmen and other capital obediently give us money, this really dares to say, if this is the case, no foreign businessman is willing to come in, and no capital is willing to enter the Dai country."

"In previous years, when we invited these people in, we needed to pay them, and even relax the policy to a certain extent, so as to attract them to come, and now instead of giving them support and policies, we have to let them spend money to enter the market, how can this be done?"


soon as Song Cai's words fell, several people were already talking questioningly.

Although they don't know the specific mode of operation, to be honest, they don't even need to know what the specific mode of operation is, and as far as the current situation in the Dai country is concerned, it is completely impossible to set up.

Foreign capital entering the Dai tourism industry is something that many people in Dai dream of.

Even, in order to attract these people, in previous years, all aspects of Dai policies will be adjusted, in order to attract more capital into it, after all, with these capital entry, can drive the local economy, local tourism development, and now there are no farts, you want to collect people's entrance fees.

What about dreaming?

This is the same as opening a supermarket and then directly sending notifications, including the world's first-line brands, and asking them to pay the entrance fee to come in. If this supermarket is a global chain enterprise, supermarkets like Wal-Mart do have such skills, but the problem is that today's Dai country is a half-dead small shopping mall.

In this case, why would you let others pay for a position?

In more cases, supermarkets can only choose to reduce their own profits, extravagant to these big-name capital to enter, and increase traffic.

Even if you have a big heart, a little stupid capital, and are really willing to give an entrance fee.

The point is, this entrance fee is not for the supermarket owner, but for you a security captain?

By what?

Listening to everyone's discussion, Song Cai always smiled and watched from the wall.

What these people think, in fact, is not An Li explaining his previous thoughts?

Thinking of this, Song Cai admired this An Que from Xia Guo's home more and more, not only in the gambling stone has profound research, but also in the business of outstanding insight, is really admirable.

This person, fortunately, is not his own enemy!

Even Song Cai didn't notice it, and before he knew it, he had never doubted An Li's identity at all, and his admiration for An Li was beyond imagination.

After all, I am afraid that only such a family can cultivate such a person.

Seeing that the dissatisfaction in everyone's eyes was increasing, Song Cai finally stopped fishing their appetite, thought about what An Li said before, and after a little wording, he spoke:

"Guys, in fact, you have entered a misunderstanding."

As Song Cai spoke, the others turned their heads to look at him strangely.

What misunderstanding?

"What we have to think about is not whether this can be done at all, all we need to think about is what we need to do, and... What do we get, don't we?

Song Cai smiled confidently and continued:

"If we can really make money and make a lot of money, then why don't you think we can try, for us, we have an extra opportunity to make money, and we need to pay a little effort."

"As for whether it can be achieved in the end, it actually has nothing to do with us."

These words instantly made everyone stunned.

Oh, yes.

What they need to think about is not whether this can be done, but how much money they can make. If they can make money, it is naturally a good thing, if they can't make money, at most they will be busy for a while, and it will not even have much impact on them.

After all, they don't have to spend a penny.


"That being said, this is not reliable at first glance, for a doomed plan, we have to work hard?"

"Yes, General Songcai, what you said may make sense, but I don't feel like this can be done."

"Don't say far, or that sentence, why would those foreign capitals honestly pay us?"

Several people spoke one after another, although they agreed with Song Cai's words, but there was still a strange feeling in their hearts.

This is impossible to succeed.

"In fact, how to do these depends on that Mr. An Li of Xia Guo's family, since he is so promised, he naturally has his own way."

On this question, Song Cai could not actually answer, and continued at this time:

"But there is one point that can provide reference."

"The four of us here control all the military regions in the country, and our jurisdiction includes the entire land. Our armed forces are the strongest in this country, this land, we need to charge, we need to charge a part of the protection fee, no one will refuse.

"In fact, Mr. An Li gave us a task, and it is also very simple."

"Ensuring the smooth settlement of foreign investors who pay the bills, helping them solve the problems encountered in the local area, and ensuring their safety during their settlement, and other things are handled by Mr. An Li."

"What we have to do, to put it bluntly, is just to train troops and put our fighters on improving the national economy."

As soon as these words came out, several people present fell silent.

There is really not much they have to do, and it can even be said that it is their own responsibility. But what can be brought, in addition to the protection money given to them by foreign capital, is a huge prestige and support from all sides.

This is far more long-term than the immediate benefits.

Even if they still don't know how An Li can do what he promised, they have to admit that they have already given birth to expectations and hopes in their hearts.

"I do support your statement."

Finally, the oldest and highest status Pyra, after pondering for a long time, took the lead in opening his mouth to break the silence, but without waiting for Songcai to show a smile, he saw that Pyra had already frowned:

"But there is a question, this so-called Xia Guo An family, I have never heard of it, is there a problem with this person's identity, does he really have such ability to do this?"

"Yes, although it is true that there is nothing to lose for us, I hate being deceived." Sugli also spoke.

"I can't verify this, after all, whether it can be done, I don't dare to guarantee." Song Cai shook his head and frowned equally: "In fact, I still don't have any clues about Xia Guo's family, I haven't even investigated anything about this family, except for Mr. An Li, I see the strength of this family, I haven't investigated anything." "

Powerful?" Pira raised an eyebrow.

Song Cai nodded and said extremely seriously: "Yes, this is a terrifying young man, powerful, and all-powerful, and even makes people feel that nothing in this world can stump him!" The

others fell silent.

Song Cai's words, they believed, after all, many things are useless for him to lie, everyone can investigate it.


Even Song Cai, can't find out this Xia Guo's home?

"Actually, I think it's good that you can't find out, after all, it means that the other party's strength is very strong." Seeing that everyone was frowning, Song Cai immediately continued:

"Of course, we can't really not do any verification, so I prepared a test."

"One, for Xia Guo's family, for An Li's small test."


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