This spit meeting lasted for more than half an hour.

Everyone complained for half an hour, and An Li listened carefully for half an hour, but in half an hour, his notebook was not as full as expected, because in the fifth minute, An Li had stopped recording and put the pen back in.

This kind of performance is more affirmed by everyone.

They have already learned the boss's persuasion to return to their astrays.

Only the bald Brandon was slightly worried at this time, he was a little afraid that everyone would go too far and make An Li, the new boss, angry.

After all, the money hasn't come yet!

Finally, when the topic was turned over and over, everyone gradually closed their mouths and did not speak again, apparently they did not know any better way to repeat the point that had been repeated before.


An Li smiled, switched from the identity of the listener again, took out his notebook and glanced at it, and nodded slightly: "From what you said before, I have summarized the main reasons why you think I am dreaming."

Saying that, An Li stood up and scanned a whiteboard pulled over.

After all, it is a company, although it is shabby, but the things for the meeting are still ready, An Li did not say much, picked up the whiteboard pen and wrote directly on it.

The first, An Oak wrote a word, trouble.

The second, An Que wrote another word, type.

Third, An Li wrote another phrase, sensory organs.

After writing this, An Li smiled: "Actually

, I like to have such a meeting, because only such a meeting is a truly effective meeting, and only such a meeting can find what you really lack, that is, your weakness." And by finding these, you will be able to turn these weaknesses into your strengths according to special circumstances.

Saying that, An Li pointed to the first word:


"The difficulty of the game has increased the upper limit of MOBA games, and because of the difficulty of the game, many new people who enter this type of game cannot get the pleasure brought to them by the game, so when they lose their pleasure, they will completely abandon the game."

Everyone nodded, and his boss really saw the problem very thoroughly.

However, everyone couldn't help but wonder that seeing the boss like this, he looked full of confidence, and he was not frightened by this question at all.

Could it be that there was something he could not do?

"I won't say much about the Dota game, you've all played it, and I'm sure you're probably all masters in it, but I want to know, what was your mind when you first played this game?"

What thoughts?

"The first time I played, my brother took me to play, I just felt that what equipment was too complicated, I didn't even understand what equipment to buy for this game, so I Googled for a long time and studied it for a long time."

Intern Izerell found an opportunity and answered immediately.

Others smiled, obviously his experience was also experienced by others, but several others also added at this time:

"Not to mention the equipment, the most unacceptable thing for me is the A soldier in the game to repair the knife, originally I thought that A's own soldier was already difficult, and then found out that there was also a supplementary soldier, it simply raised the game to nightmare difficulty."

"At that time, what I was most afraid of was death, because the money I saved with great difficulty may be gone because of death."

"These are all okay, I am not afraid of your jokes, when I first played, I got lost, walked into the woods in the wild area, I didn't even know how to go, so I kept circling around the woods, and finally inexplicably turned to someone else's house and was sent back by the tower."

These problems are actually problems that plague many Dota players.

Of course, for masters, small soldiers make up for it, return to the city in time for comprehensive strength, or take medicine are skills they are proud of.

Even for regular players, there's no problem with equipment and getting lost.

But it is undeniable that these problems, when they first came into contact, each of them was a huge problem, and each time was a huge test.

And when everyone recalled the good past, An Li smiled.

A big smile.

Others noticed the change in the boss's expression and converged their minds, but they were still strange, asking these questions, did it mean that the boss had already thought of something?

In fact, An Li really thought:

"The problems you mentioned are an important reason why the number of Dota players cannot change qualitatively, whether it is the shadow of the map jungle or problems such as equipment, they are all problems that plague many novice players, and they are also problems that make them unable to continue."

"And now, you know these problems, can't you solve them in a targeted manner?"

Targeted solutions?

Everyone frowned, and then their eyes lit up.

They are not fools, targeted solutions seem difficult, but in fact it is not difficult, for a moment, like an explosion of inspiration, everyone excitedly said:

"There is a way, of course there is a way!"

"Let's start with the lost thing, the map goes without saying, Dota also has it, we can make the map more simple and easy to understand, and we can adjust the light and shadow technology of the jungle, it is easy for the player not to get lost so easily, and we can even cancel the woods and change them to grass!"

"That's right, that's right, so that at least you don't have to worry about getting lost!"

"In terms of small soldier counter-supplementation, in fact, I have been thinking before, this counter-supplement seems to be testing the skills of DOTA players, but at the same time it is reducing the fun of the game, if the opposite side is a counter-supplement master, this side can not even eat any experience and economy, and in the end it is basically impossible to turn over."

"Cancel the counter-makeup, yes, this method can reduce the difficulty of the game!"

"By increasing the balance of the game, we can also set that death does not reduce the economy, and we can increase the economy at regular intervals, so that even players who can't play, at least by the end of the game, can scrape together money to buy a few pieces of equipment, rather than having only one pair of shoes at the end of the game."

"However, what should I do about this equipment?"

It is said that three stinkers are better than one Zhuge Liang.

Not to mention, the few people present were not stinkers.

Now, when some problems are exposed, some corresponding solutions also appear in an instant, but in this regard, everyone does not have positive ideas, and there are more negative:

"Equipment, it is still a big problem, which requires players to find it in the game community themselves."

"In addition to that, another problem is that we have reduced the difficulty of the game too much, which can attract a large number of players, but after all, it is a competitive game, and if it is all cradle for newbies, it doesn't seem to be any fun."

"The lower limit of the game has been lowered, but the upper limit has also been lowered."


old problems have not been solved, but new problems have emerged one after another.

However, what is different from before is that looking at the confident boss in front of the whiteboard, everyone suddenly involuntarily gave birth to an idea.

Boss, maybe there is a way!

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