The middle-aged man's expression changed, and it did not escape Zhao Er's eyes.

Such an expression instantly made Zhao Er breathe a sigh of relief in her heart, followed by ecstasy, and she lifted her hole card.

It's a grass six!

In such a situation where the cards of both sides are not good, a pair is basically doomed to win, and what really makes Zhao Er hesitate is just because one pair of six is not a big name, and it is too risky to stud rashly. But now, when he saw that the middle-aged man's annoying expression finally changed, Zhao Er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She had been losing before.

But when the man had more chips than her, the man actually used rogue tactics, as long as the two had similar cards, the man would immediately stud, so that Zhao Er could only choose to fold.

Still that sentence, there is no certainty of victory, Zhao Er does not dare to gamble.

In this way, Zhao Er could only lose non-stop, and little by little the middle-aged man won all his chips.

And now, she finally followed.

And, win!

Seeing that the middle-aged man had not turned over the hole card for a long time, Zhao Er sneered: "Open the card, aren't you stud, your cards must be very big, you have the ability to turn your cards over!" The

middle-aged man frowned slightly, and after a moment, he threw the cards directly into the pile.

This is an option to throw in the towel.

A stud is generally based on the chips of people with fewer chips, Zhao Er himself has two million chips, at this time the middle-aged man naturally pushed two million chips into his chip pile.

Whether she wants to admit it or not, even if Zhao Er wins this game, she is still at a disadvantage.

The middle-aged man who lost this hand, the expression on his face did not change at all, except for some surprise and stunned at the beginning, the whole person has once again returned to that immobile mountain-like temperament, at this time looked up at An Li, the corners of his mouth showed a slight smile:

"The young man is very bold."

"No way, a gambling master like you bullies a little girl, and no one can stand it." An Li returned a smile, already sitting on the chair next to the gambling table with his own care, Zhao Er took the initiative to give way, although the two did not say much, but at this time Zhao Er seemed very decent.

The middle-aged man smiled and did not answer.

In fact, when he came here, An Li knew that the bodyguard's estimation was wrong.

The gambling with Zhao Er is not a nameless junior, but a real god, although it is not yet up to the point of the town, but he is obviously a famous gambling master in the casino.

Many people are more or less prejudiced against the judgment of the two words of master.

It is widely believed that gambling masters will be older.

But in fact, the real gambling masters will not be those old people with silver hair, because the older you are, the more experienced you may be, the deeper your calculations, but in fact, because of age, the old people can't sit for too long. A gamble may last all day at every turn, and no old man can stick to it.

Similarly, gambling masters will not be young people.

After all, the experience is there.

Therefore, the real gambling masters, in fact, are mostly middle-aged, this is the age when the gambling masters really exert their strength, they have experience, patience, and can deal with any enemy.

The middle-aged man at this time was like this, obviously did not affect his mood after losing a game, and at this time his eyes looked at An Li with interest:

"The next thing is that you bet with me?"

"It is also a pleasure to ask for a master of gambling." An Li replied with a smile, glancing at the young man sitting at the top with a wistful glance.

Compared with the composure of the middle-aged man, the young man's face was already gloomy after seeing An Li.

However, he did not say anything, but continued to meditate.

The hand continues.

The dealer began to deal cards, two bright cards and one dark card, and then two people needed to determine whether they still needed to play cards, the middle-aged man lost 200,000 cards, and when it was An Li's turn to speak, he saw An Li's mouth slightly upturned, and pushed all the chips in front of him out:


This move made everyone in the audience stun in an instant.

What the heck?

This is stud?

The bodyguard was already stunned on the spot, secretly saying that this Mr. An Li's courage is not only big, it is simply fatal, this is only three cards to dare to stud, where does he have the courage and confidence?

It was Zhao Er, sitting next to An Li at this time, his face did not even change by half a point.

It seems that after seeing An Li, the worry and anxiety in her heart have disappeared without a trace in an instant, and she sits quietly and obediently next to An Li, like a virtuous wife who supports her husband.

Seeing this, the bodyguard suddenly shook his head.

It's over, the second young lady is now completely unassertive.

As for An Li's opponent, the gambling master, his eyebrows jumped wildly at this time, his eyes looked at An Li's clear card, and he glanced at An Li's expression. What made him pity was that An Li couldn't see any change in expression on his face at all, and he was helpless.

"The young man's is really full of momentum, I fold!"

The middle-aged man still chose to fold and did not follow rashly.

But then, the middle-aged man can be regarded as understanding what kind of arrogant lord he is facing.




"I don't follow!"

"Stud..." In

the next few rounds, An Que seemed to be addicted to stud, only waiting for three cards to be dealt and immediately stud, and even sometimes, even before even the three cards were dealt and directly chose stud.

Such momentum made everyone present look shocked.

This kid... Is it crazy?

Unconsciously, the chips in front of An Li were already on par with the middle-aged man, but at this time, the middle-aged man did not have any expression change, although he was constantly losing chips, but a pair of eyes always fell on An Li, seeing all the micro-expression changes on An Li's body.

Such a subtle observation really made him see that there was a problem.

In the eyes of others, An Li seems to choose stud regardless of it, but in fact, if you look closely, you will find that An Li is not actually a brainless stud, because every time he chooses stud after watching his hole cards, the only difference is that when An Li stud, his expression will change slightly.

This is a common human feeling, even actor at the level of the actor, it is difficult to control his micro-expression changes 100%.

And a hairy boy like An Li is naturally the same.

These two micro-expression changes, according to the judgment of middle-aged men, there are basically only two situations.

The hole cards are good, and the hole cards are not good.

The dealer dealt the cards again, and after the three cards were dealt, An Li first looked at the hole cards, and finally pushed the chips in front of him forward:


I originally thought that the middle-aged man would continue to fold as expected.

But unexpectedly, the middle-aged man did not choose to fold, but instead burst into a smile and smiled gently at An Li:

"Young man, don't be too arrogant."

"I..." "

With you!"


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