There are many dots on the side of the piano, which are called"emblems". The 13 dots symbolize 13 months, because there is a leap month in the lunar calendar. Guqin has three timbres, the first is overtones, the second is scattered tones, and the third is fretted tones. The overtone of Fatian is very clear and bright; the overtone of Fatian is human, because people are changeable, and the scattered sound symbolizes the very strong earth.

The overtones are very clear and loud, like water droplets. Sanyin is an open string sound, which is very strong and symbolizes the ground; there is also fret tone, human temperament is changeable, and emotions are also changeable, so it will be like this. This is fret tone, so the guqin is composed of these three timbres.

Guqin has a very unique feature. It is the musical instrument with the most overtones in the world.

This is very distinctive.

The Taoist"Taiping Jing" says:"The vitality is in a trance and naturally condenses into one, which is called heaven. When it divides and creates light, it is called earth. It is called two. Because above the sky and below the earth, yin and yang combine to give life to people, which is called heaven." Three."

Therefore, the three timbres of the guqin, heaven, earth and man, also reflect Taoist thoughts.

The highest part of the qin is called Yueshan, the tail becomes the dragon's gum, the forehead, and the neck, which is the part that symbolizes people's necks. There are wild goose feet at the bottom, as well as qin Zhen, which is used for tuning strings and tuning, and protective Zhen.

Guqin is made of two wooden boards put together, which contains Nayin, heaven and earth pillars, groove belly, sound pool, tongue point, etc. This picture shows that the guqin has many shapes. It is based on its waist, neck, and foot-like parts. There are four different parts of the guqin, which are very close to Taoism. They are called chaos-style guqin.

《Chapter 25 of the Tao Te Ching says,"Things are mixed, born in the heaven and the earth. They are lonely, independent and not changing, and they move around without danger. They can be the mother of the world." As Lao Tzu said:"Shapeless form, nameless name."

The neck and waist of the guqin do not have any curves, it is a very round image, so it is said to be"chaos style", it can move around without danger, and it can serve the world. mother. It is born from heaven and earth without any shape, so the chaotic guqin is directly influenced by Taoist thought.

Guqin making has a very close relationship with the theory of yin and yang. When a piece of wood is put together, the wood has yin and yang.

As for how to distinguish yin and yang, first look at its thickness. The thicker end is yang, because the tree goes up, and the thinner top and thicker bottom are yin. You can also distinguish yin and yang based on the cross section of the wood, and look at the early and late growth rings, loose and light colors. It is yang, and the tight and dark color is yin.

How to distinguish the yin and yang of the wood used to make the guqin through tools? Why is the identification of yin and yang so important to the making of the guqin?

Because the guqin instrument believes that yin and yang are in harmony and conform to the laws of nature, the sound produced by the guqin will be very round, thick, full and beautiful.

When identifying the material of the piano, you can put the wood in the water. The part that is tilted up is yang, and the part that is turned down is yin. This is a method. You can also look at how much water it absorbs, and if it absorbs more water, it is considered yin, and if it is less, it is yang. You can also expose it to the sun, and the warm side is yang, and when it is cool, it is yin. You can also listen to the sound, and if it is crisp and loud, it can be yang, and if it is turbid, it can be yang. It is yin; the light color is yang, the dark color is yin; the loose one is yang when pressed with a fingernail, and the tight one is yin. The qin is made up of two boards. Generally speaking, most of the upper board is made of paulownia and fir, and the bottom board is usually made of hardwood, such as catalpa. One yin and one yang, the yin and yang of the Tai Chi diagram are combined. The guqin is made according to the yin and yang. It is a combination of doctrines.

Lao Tzu's"Tao Te Ching" states:"It is generous and has no corners, great instruments are made late, big sounds are loud, and elephants are invisible." Lao Tzu believes that the most beautiful music is the beauty of the natural whole sound, rather than the beauty of man-made parts. According to the current saying, when you are playing palace, Yu cannot take care of it; when you are playing horn, Zhengyin cannot be involved. If you have a Hui Palace, you will think about the horns, and if you have a feather, you will think of the palace. This is the same as the artist's pursuit.

When a guqin player plays guqin, he first plays music that constantly pursues his inner beauty. In fact, the most beautiful music exists in the heart of every piano player. This is consistent with Lao Tzu's aesthetic style of"generous without corners, great tools made late, loud sounds, and elephants invisible".

In"On the Equality of Things", Zhuangzi divides the sounds into human sounds, natural sounds, and earth sounds. So just now I said that the guqin has three kinds of sounds: heaven, earth, and human sounds. In"Equality of Things", Zhuangzi divides the sounds into human sounds, earth sounds, and earth sounds. Sound of nature. The sound of nature is the most beautiful sound, as Zhuangzi discussed. Zhuangzi also discussed the characteristics of the sounds of nature, which is that"the sound cannot be heard", and the sound cannot be heard."You can't see what's going on", you can't even see it, it fills the heaven and the earth, and it is wrapped in the six poles. Guo Xiang notes,"This is the joy without music, the ultimate joy." The natural sound that every artist thinks cannot actually be played, but is contained in the heart of each of us. The most beautiful music is the sound of nature. You can't hear it if you want to. Bai Juyi said in"Pipa Xing" that"silence is better than sound at this time", which is very close to the realm of"great sound and sound" advocated by Lao Zhuang.

Playing the guqin cannot be learned overnight.

Zhong Jing also studied for a while. Although he could play the music, he still couldn't find the feeling. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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