Zhong Xiao's place of residence is not close to Aurora University.

In order to try to find a cheap rent to save money, the place where I rented a house is almost 20 kilometers away from Aurora University.

Nearly 60 of the taxi money alone was spent.

Liu Xinghai didn't feel any distress, and after paying for the car, he got out of the car and opened the back seat door for Zhong Xiao.

Then he didn't ask, and directly reached out and lifted the shopping bag that Zhong Xiao put on his side in his hand.

Zhong Xiao glanced at Liu Xinghai again and got out of the car in silence.

It's an old-looking neighborhood.

The house looks a little old.

Following Zhong Xiao, the two came to Zhong Xiao's rental house in silence all the way.

After taking out the key and opening the door, Liu Xinghai instantly heard the child's cry.

Zhong Xiao didn't even have time to change his shoes, so he hurriedly ran into the house.

"Mom Zhang, what's wrong with the child?".

"Miss Zhong is back, the child is pooping, and I'm changing diapers. "

The aunt, who was changing the child's diapers, turned around and was suddenly stunned.

"This is..."

"Hello, my name is Liu Xinghai. "

Liu Xinghai walked in with a smile.

This rental house is very small, and it is obviously a normal house conversion to rent it out.

The area is only about ten square meters.

It looked like a slightly larger bedroom, with a small bathroom in the corner, and then a bed, a table, and a small stove near the doorway for cooking.

There was a cupboard next to the bed and a suitcase in the corner.

There were a lot of changes of clothes hanging on the window.

It's so basic!

Liu Xinghai frowned when he saw it.

Closing the door and walking into the house, Liu Xinghai saw the child on the bed at a glance.

His eyes widened - there were three of them!


"Congratulations to the host and the child for their first meeting! 200,000 has arrived, the source is legitimate, please feel free to use." 』

"Starting Mission 2 Released: Please breastfeed your child. 』

"Reward: Eye of Insight".

"Insight Eye: You can directly see through the detailed trend of any financial asset such as stocks, futures, and bonds in the next month. 』

Liu Xinghai couldn't care about what the system was talking about, and all his attention was already attracted to the three children.

Trembling slightly, he walked to the side of the bed, Liu Xinghai squatted down and looked at the three little angels.

They...... Looks so small!

The little feet are not as big as the palms of their own hands.

A wonderful feeling of blood connection came, and Liu Xinghai only felt as if his heart was filled with something.

The unprecedented satisfaction made his breathing a little shorter.

The aunt who was called Zhang's mother stared at Liu Xinghai suspiciously for a moment, suddenly realized something, and her gaze staring at Liu Xinghai gradually became unkind.

On the other side, Zhong Xiao quickly took the baby from Zhang's mother and changed the diaper.

At this time, she said with a little hesitation: "There are three children, this is Dabao, it is the elder brother, this is the second treasure, this is the third treasure, the triplets, in order of birth, the second treasure and the third treasure are the younger sister." "

"The name... What about the name?".

Liu Xinghai asked with a trembling voice.

Zhong Xiao shook his head.

The child doesn't even have a father, and she is busy taking care of the child and juggling work every day, so naturally she doesn't have the heart to name the child.

"I... Can I hug them?".

"Be careful. "

Zhong Xiao saw that Liu Xinghai really liked children, so he agreed to let him hug him.

She first picked up Dabao and gently put it into Liu Xinghai's arms.

"Raise your arms a little and drag your head, right..."

Zhong Xiao spoke in detail, and Liu Xinghai also learned quickly, although it was the first time to hold the child, but it did not make the baby feel any discomfort.

Looking at the big treasure in his arms, Liu Xinghai's eyes suddenly moistened.

That's it... My own child!

Lying in Liu Xinghai's arms, Dabao shook his head slightly, and his originally closed eyes slowly opened.

Children who are only a month or two old have not fully developed their eyesight at all, and even if they open their eyes, they cannot see clearly.

But Dabao seemed to know that it was his father who was holding him, his big eyes stared straight at Liu Xinghai's face, and he suddenly laughed.

"Uhh Whoa..."

Liu Xinghai really wanted to kiss the child, but he was afraid that there would be something unclean on his mouth, so he pursed his lips tightly for a while, and his body became more and more stiff.

Zhong Xiao's eyes moistened on the side.

Finally, one month after birth, the baby was able to be hugged by his father.

Liu Xinghai carefully put Dabao on the bed and picked up Erbao again.

Then, when he was about to hold the Three Jewels—

"Be careful, Sanbao is very recognizable, except for me, I will cry even if I am hugged by Mama Zhang-huh?".

After picking up the three treasures, Liu Xinghai looked sideways at Zhong Xiao.

"What did you say?".

"No... Nothing..."

The corners of Zhong Xiao's mouth twitched, looking at Sanbao, who was writhing in Liu Xinghai's arms, and seemed to be very happy.

This girl, why don't you recognize her life?

Obviously, there is no one except her - even Zhang's mother can't hold it!

Is this what is called blood connection?

Liu Xinghai looked down at the three treasures in his arms, and suddenly felt a little proud.

Himself, after all, is the father of the child!

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