The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 996 I’m like that pig

It is confirmed that another Manroland 900 will be purchased, and the two factory buildings will need to be readjusted and reorganized. One building will be a printing workshop, with two printing presses placed there, and one printing press will also be reserved. seat.

Qu Tianlin felt that the Heidelberg SM52 would not be able to cope with the orders of Hangcheng Cigarette Factory and her old customers alone. At the beginning, the Manroland 900 could help support it. If the large-format business increases, it will definitely be needed. Add a four-open or eight-open machine, preferably a four-open machine, so that they are fully equipped.

Qu Tianlin was shocked when such an idea came into her mind. She felt that her ambitions seemed to have been boosted by those men.

There is also a factory building that is used as a warehouse and pre-press and post-press workshop. A door should be opened directly on the wall of the warehouse facing the road outside, so that it is convenient for forklifts to enter and exit, loading and unloading paper and products.

The two printing presses are running together. While they are money printing machines, they are also two paper-eating monsters. The amount of paper required every day is also amazing.

Lao Tan asked Lao Wan, is it too late to build two factories at the same time?

Lao Wan said there is no problem. You can focus on building the factory building first. That building needs equipment. You can do it first and leave some time for the ground to solidify. While the equipment is being installed on the warehouse side and there, you can continue here. Construction will not affect each other and will be done in time.

Lao Tan said yes, let’s do it.

While Qu Tianlin was busy at the construction site, she was not idle either. Ying Ying took her to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and got a business license. It was called Hangcheng Sancai Printing Co., Ltd. This name was given by Zhang Chen. The fabric supplier under him, the one in Zhangjiagang, was called Sancai Linen Weaving Co., Ltd. Zhang Chen felt that the three colors were more suitable for use in a printing factory, and Qu Tianlin adopted it.

Qu Tianlin and Xiao An also used this time to learn to drive. From now on, they will have to run between "Splendid Jiangnan" and Gongchen Bridge every day. They can't do it without a car.

Hearing that they were going to learn to drive, Tan Shuzhen also followed them.

Qu Tianjian was at the construction site every day, paying attention to the progress of the project, and sometimes he even worked with the workers. The few technical backbones who came with them from Shenzhen had nothing to do, so they also followed Qu Tianjian and became construction workers.

They heard that not only a Heidelberg SM52, but also a full-sheet Manroland 900 was required here. They were very excited and imagined that they would drive these two printing presses. The scene was exciting enough.

When she wasn't learning to drive, Qu Tianlin began to contact many of her old customers, including some orders that they had come to her for before but they couldn't take.

She also told the Hangcheng Cigarette Factory about the future equipment situation of her factory here. They were also very happy and agreed that if Gongchenqiao had such a large-scale printing factory with such advanced equipment, then all our future The orders no longer go to other places, they are all left here with you.

She also went to the Xiasha Development Zone. Xiasha has now begun to take shape. Many world-renowned companies, such as Toshiba and LG, etc. have already settled in Xiasha. Qu Tianlin was just like Liu Ligan sweeping the buildings, visiting each house one after another, and gained a lot. Not small, many companies have been looking for such a printing factory, and now they come to visit, it's just right.

After running around, Qu Tianlin felt that Zhang Chen was right. Large-format printing was indeed a gap. Many companies had no choice but to import even the outer packaging boxes of their products from abroad, because they had no choice. What we do domestically cannot always meet their requirements.

Qu Tianlin then went to Suzhou Industrial Park and Kunshan. It can be said that her Manroland and Heidelberg machines have not yet arrived, but she already has a lot of customers. Some anxious customers told Qu Tianlin, you can test the large-format machine. When you arrive, be sure to notify us to come over and take a look. As long as your test is successful, we will place an order immediately.

For these customers, it would be great if large-sized color-printed outer packaging boxes could be produced in China. They also have the same troubles as Zhang Chen, that is, often the product is ready, but they have to wait for the packaging boxes to be imported. , and finally concentrated packaging in a hurry.

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, Lao Tan and Han Emperor Liu Bang often went to the construction site of the Hangcheng Spoke Factory. Although the factory had nothing to do with them, they felt that it was like their own project, and they wished they could see it one day earlier. Start work here.

As soon as the tiles on the roof were ready to be renovated, Zhang Chen thought of it. He called Lao Wan over and asked him if he could first lay a layer of linoleum felt under the tiles. From now on, there would be paper underneath. I'm afraid of getting wet, so if the tiles crack and some water leaks, it doesn't matter.

Lao Wan agreed, and he asked the workers to lay a layer of linoleum felt on the roof, and then put tiles on top of the linoleum felt.

Everyone cares about this place and feels that it has become their focus. After having such a focus, it is strange that life does not seem so sad anymore. This printing plant seems to have become their symbol of 1998. As long as If we succeed here, everyone's 1998 will definitely be better.

For Zhang Chen, what made him feel comfortable was that the inventory processing activities on New Year's Day were very effective. Every store could be said to be full of customers. Xiaoli and Xiaomi were in the store for more than ten hours a day. While talking on the phone, I complained that it couldn't be done, it couldn't be done, I was going to collapse, but after the call, I ran out and continued to work. There was nothing I could do, there were not enough manpower.

Xiao Zhao said he went to the store to have a look, but after going there, he couldn't come back. He went there early the next day, and didn't go home until the store closed in the evening.

In two days, the three stores processed almost half of their inventory, which made Zhang Chen heave a sigh of relief.

At the end of the year, not only Zhang Chen himself felt, but everyone's hearts seemed to have begun to stabilize. Maybe the hard days had been going on for too long, and everyone was used to it, and they felt a little tired in their hearts. They felt that no matter how bad it was, it would just be like this. What else.

What makes life difficult is not only the sluggish business and the drop in income itself, but what is even more difficult is the fear of this situation and the sense of uncertainty that fear brings. Over time, even fear becomes numb.

This situation is even more obvious when it comes to Zhang Chen's private custom-made customers. They slowly seem to let go again. What do they think? Why do I treat myself like this? Their purchasing volume is so high. Recover slowly.

Shen Tu Hongyan and Zhang Chen said, I have figured it out. This money should be spent or spent. What is the use of keeping it? If a crisis breaks out, you will not be the only one who is sad. Everyone is the same. When it comes to that At that time, let’s talk about it at that time.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You can't hold it in, right?"

Shentu Hongyan also laughed. She said, "I just can't hold it in. I don't have any money, so I don't have any money. I don't think about things. It's too uncomfortable to just leave the money and not spend it."

"The most important thing is, when you look at yourself in the mirror, do you feel that you don't look as good as before?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, but it's not me, it's my dead husband. Do you know what he said that day? He was so angry with me. He said to me, why have you been so sloppy recently? Look, he dared to say that about me. Is he owed Bian? Haha, Mr. Zhang, let me tell you, as soon as I said I wanted to come to your place today, he was happier than me. If I were slower, he would push me out the door."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "It means he cares about you. Let me tell you, if your husband doesn't even care about what you wear every day and he hasn't noticed that you've had your hair permed for three days, that would be trouble." , it means that his attention is no longer on you."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhang, you are right. It seems that my dead husband is still pretty good, right? I will reward him well when I go back."

Zhang Chen said yes, let's change it today and give it a new look so that your husband will be surprised as soon as you walk in the door.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Chen called and asked Ge Ling to come over with her makeup and hairdresser, and they discussed a new look for Shentu Hongyan.

Shentu Hongyan was sitting there, with several people surrounding her. Shentu Hongyan suddenly couldn't help it and started laughing. The people surrounding her didn't know why she was laughing. She laughed inexplicably. Shentu Hongyan laughed. After a while, he stretched out his hand and waved to Zhang Chen and said:

"no no……"

She couldn't help laughing again. When she had laughed enough, she said to Zhang Chen and the others: "Mr. Zhang, you guys surrounding me like this remind me that I am a pig myself."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Why, are you afraid that we will kill you?"

"No, no, I'm telling you, when I was a kid, on days like this, the New Year is almost here, what was my favorite thing to do, do you know?"

Zhang Chen and the others all shook their heads, and Shentu Hongyan said:

"I like to watch people killing pigs the most. When the pig butcher wants to kill the pig, this is what he does. He releases the pig from the pig pen, and the pig just shakes his head and sniffs here and there in the open space. The butcher The pig man, holding a cigarette in his mouth, pretended to be fine, and then walked around the pig like this. Suddenly, he used that kind of hook to hook its head or buttocks.

"You guys were walking around me, and I remembered that I was like that pig."

Everyone laughed, Ge Ling said with a smile: "Mr. Shentu, we don't have hooks."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh. He felt that Shentu Hongyan was really heartless, and a woman could compare herself to a pig so carelessly.

Ge Ling smiled and said, "Mr. Shentu, you should come more often."

"Why?" Shentu Hongyan asked.

"Every time you come, we are very happy. Really, if you don't come for a long time, people in our design center will ask, why doesn't Mr. Shentu come?" Ge Ling said.

Shentu Hongyan became even happier when she heard this. She said, is that so? Okay, then as long as I go to Hangzhou from now on, even if I have nothing to do, I will come to your place to hang out until you hate me.

"No, there is no way we will hate you, Mr. Shentu." The makeup artist also said.

Zhang Chen had an idea. He decided to embody Shentu Hongyan, who gave people a cheerful and healthy feeling. This was the side of her that was easiest to impress people.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Lily for your monthly pass for me, book friend 140516095729465, and Yu! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Sunday everyone!

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