The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 991 One boss, two curators

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao discussed using the upcoming New Year's Day to hold two-day special sales in Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing to try to get rid of part of the inventory. The current inventory is really too big.

"From past seasons?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"I want to deal with the slow-moving items of the current season as well. Otherwise, when this winter is over, every store will return winter clothes, and the factory's warehouse won't even be able to store them. By the way, are they still available in the stores below? Are you asking for new winter clothes?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiao Zhao sighed: "Yes, they are now demanding new models if they can't sell them, and new models if they can't sell them. But after the new models come out, they start to go back as soon as they are launched. How many new models have we launched this year? At this time in previous years, we had long stopped releasing new styles and were instead releasing spring and summer clothes.”

"So the more this happens, the sooner we have to start taking action." Zhang Chen said, "I think this way, after using New Year's Day to get rid of some inventory, the three self-operated stores will simply set up a special price area. We have always sold special items, selling them at 40% to 50% off, and we still have profits. It is difficult to store them in other stores, so we can only put them in self-operated stores.”

Xiao Zhao nodded.

"Looking at the situation, don't expect sales to suddenly improve this winter. We must start taking action as soon as possible." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao said okay, you design the promotional materials, and I will ask them to prepare the publicity immediately in advance.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone on the table, dialed the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery", and told Yao Fen, "You and Zhao Xin, can you come over and help me after get off work in the evening? I'll treat you to dinner."

Yao Fen laughed: "If the boss doesn't invite us to dinner, we will help him. We will go there when the restaurant is closed."

It is impossible to print the promotional materials for the three stores, so they can only be painted by hand. Zhang Chen wants to finish the painting tonight, so that it can be sent out quickly tomorrow, and Xiaomi and Xiaoli can arrange the layout.

Compared with Yao Fen and Zhao Xin, the designers in the design center next door are not art majors after all, and their painting skills are still a little worse. Zhang Chen needs Yao Fen and Zhao Xin to come and help.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao, who smiled and said, "I understand. I will go to the canteen to arrange some dishes for your two precious curators. I will also notify the distribution center to prepare all the goods."

"Call Ge Ling here for me, I need help from their department," Zhang Chen said.

When holding activities in a clothing store, it is not just a general discount in a shopping mall. Just put up a sign at the door. Instead, the store of several hundred square meters must be filled with large and small, colorful promotional materials. Only in this way can the activities be carried out. The atmosphere is set off.

Zhang Chen vacated the conference table in the office and was about to start work. Ge Ling came in. As soon as Zhang Chen talked to her, she understood that there were activities held in the store all year round. In addition to the different content of the activities, they needed to be exaggerated. The purpose of atmosphere is the same.

Ge Ling went back to the design center and told everyone that she would work overtime at night to help make things.

She took various colored cardboards and walked out. She was going to design a template with Zhang Chen, and then asked the designers to cut and draw according to the pattern.

Zhang Chen asked Yao Fen and Zhao Xin to come and help him draw full-length promotional posters at the entrance of the store and in various directions inside the store. These posters were all painted with gouache on lead drawing paper. The pictures were full of colorful flowers and different shapes. Characters, drawing characters, the designers were dumbfounded.

Before Yao Fen and Zhao Xin arrived, Zhang Chen and Ge Ling designed various promotional materials. By the time Yao Fen and Zhao Xin arrived, they had almost finished the design. Ge Ling took it back to the design center and started producing large quantities of it. Make.

Zhang Chen explained the general content to Yao Fen and Zhao Xin. The two of them understood. They spread out the paper on the conference table and began to draw. The two of them stood at the two ends here, and Zhang Chen stood in the middle over there. Three pictures The lead drawing paper almost covered a conference table, and the space left in the middle was just used to put paint.

The three of them were chatting while painting, and the conversation was naturally about the oil painting museum. Yao Fen and Zhang Chen said that they were going to do several special exhibitions next year. The most important one was, of course, the China Oil Painting Annual Exhibition. They planned to apply for invitations and sign up by themselves. combined approach.

Zhang Chen said that when setting up the exhibition, it is best to reflect the competition and impact of the two forces, that is, the impact of the new forces and unknowns who automatically signed up, on the group of people who have already become famous. Only those who watch this will find it interesting. .

"Boss, do you want them to beat the old master to death with sticks?" Zhao Xin said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "That's right, the master is meant to be beaten to death with sticks. If you want to avoid being beaten to death, then you have to work hard. You can't just rest on your laurels."

"But this way, I'm worried that if we invite people again next year, they won't dare to come and participate." Yao Fen said.

"That's a coward. This kind of coward won't come if you don't come. Everyone is comparing their works. You don't dare to show your works to compare. You just open your mouth and chatter there every day. Then what else do you paint?" Zhang Chen said, "I believe that if I tell Mr. Wu Guanzhong about this format, he will be very interested and eager to try it. People who are really capable will not be afraid of competition."

Yao Fen thought for a while and said: "If this form is recognized by everyone, won't it actually arouse the fighting spirit of many old guys and take the initiative to participate in the war?"

"Yes, we want to create such an atmosphere in terms of public opinion." Zhang Chen said, "This is what we want to see, instead of everyone bragging about how much you have sold at auction and how much I have sold at auction. All those who paint oil paintings will be like this, sooner or later they will be the same as those who paint Chinese paintings. Nowadays, there are many fake masters and rubbish among those who paint Chinese paintings and calligraphy.

"If we need such fake masters and no one else, I can make both of you masters."

"Haha, boss, tell me quickly, tell me how you can make us masters?" Zhao Xin asked.

"That's not easy. Since money has become the only criterion for measuring the value of works, as long as you have money, I will first publish a picture album for you, and then spend money to publish your works in art magazines and find TV stations. Make a publicity and report with the newspaper, let the reporters brag about it, create a bit of fame, and then send your works to the auction.

"You, Zhao Xin, put the price at five million, and you, Yao Fen, put the price at six million. I asked the pole to take a picture, and I asked Meng Ping to take a picture. Then the newspaper came out, and the works of two beautiful painters were sold as Chinese oil paintings. The highest price is more expensive than Pan Yuliang’s. Did it become famous immediately?

“After two or three shoots, a bunch of idiots who don’t know how to paint and like arty art will come out to buy your paintings.

"I'm okay. I sold 6 million in the spring auction and 8 million in the autumn auction. They were both sold. Will those idiots be more enthusiastic?

"What I lose is just a little commission from the auction company. The auction money will come back when it goes out. But now the auction companies can bargain. The commission is not charged on a proportional basis. Instead, I tell them that no matter the auction price, I will buy it." For a piece of work, they can pay you a commission of up to 50,000 yuan, but they still do it. Look, how low is the cost of making you two famous?

"Besides, before I do this, I have a room full of your works here. When you become popular, I will sell them one by one. When I sell one, I will get back all the costs, and then it will be all profits. Is this business a good deal?"

Yao Fen and Zhao Xin laughed wildly while listening. When Zhang Chen finished speaking, Zhao Xin nodded and said:

"Boss, you are really a profiteer. This seems to be really okay."

"It doesn't seem like it, it's definitely possible." Zhang Chen looked at them and said with a smile: "How about, we want to make you popular, we have an advantage ourselves, as the chief and deputy director of the 'Riverside Oil Painting Gallery', this in itself can promote you Worth, do you want to give it a try?”

"No, no, no, if I fall asleep in the middle of the night, I'll wake up with embarrassment," Yao Fen said.

"But if you look at it, many people will definitely take this road in the future. It is a shortcut." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, that Zeng Fanzhi you brought back last time, I see this trend, from his works , I can see that it is all pretentious and has no sincerity at all. This kind of person is the best when he is hyping up and deceiving those two hundred and fifty."

"Here it comes again, boss." Yao Fen shouted.

Zhang Chen asked: "What's coming again?"


Zhang Chen smiled and said: "It's not mean, it's this garbage that really makes me angry. You want to be a fucking monster. Go to another line of work, not this one. By the way, how many paintings does he have?"

"Two pictures." Yao Fen said.

"Keep it well, keep it as the emperor's new clothes." Zhang Chen said.

"You don't like it, why keep it?" Zhao Xin asked.

"Save for the one time when I was really mean, when the hype was too much, I announced in public that his paintings were worthless, and then destroyed them on the spot." Zhang Chen said, "What will be the effect of this?"

"You are so bad." Zhao Xin said.

Yao Fen sighed and said, "If you do this, maybe it will make him more famous."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and cursed: "Then it's not a good deal for me?"

"Yeah, it's just not cost-effective." Yao Fen said with a smile.

"Forget it, let's just treat it as on-site physical evidence to record the Chinese oil painting car accident scene." Zhang Chen said.

"I think we can sell them when the price is good, and we can use the money to support more people. Anyway, it's just what you said, boss, that those who like to make noise with their 250 dollars are not cheating. "Zhao Xin said.

"That's right." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "You are still calmer and more ruthless than me. Indeed, those people will not cheat if they don't cheat, and they will cheat if they cheat. By the way, what other special exhibition are you talking about? "

"We also want to do a period exhibition, called 'The Eighties,'" Yao Fen said. "We would like to put together a retrospective exhibition of the influential works of the Eighties."

Zhang Chen nodded: "This is interesting, but you need to be well prepared. Many of those painters have gone abroad, including their oil paintings, which are basically not in their own hands now. Most of them are in various art museums. It is necessary to When going to a business to borrow money, you must have plenty of time."

"Yes, we want to start doing this right away. We will first go to various art museums to find these paintings, finalize the matter of borrowing the paintings, and at the same time establish cooperative relationships with these art galleries. After all, we have many treasures that they want to borrow here. ." Yao Fen said.

"Finalize the work first, and then start looking for someone. It's always faster and easier to find someone, no matter where they are." Zhao Xin said.

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes, you go ahead.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you to Qiang 2K, Jianxiong 11, Sun Bosheng, Humor Tribe, Wonderful on the Road, and Book Friends 20170517225439985 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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