The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 985 Thunder Explosion

When the last bit of wine in the cup was gone, Xiao Lin opened the bottle that Song Chunming bought later, divided it into three parts, and continued drinking. When he was happy with the wine, he talked more and casually.

Song Chunming asked, how do you, Mr. Huang and Mr. Fang, divide the work?

"One is civil and one is military." Xiao Lin said, "Mr. Fang's place has water prisons, jacks, Malatang, and some hardships. But it's different here with Mr. Huang. They never do this."

"Then your company's debt mainly depends on Mr. Fang." Song Chunming said.

"Shit, it mainly depends on Mr. Huang." Dalin said, "Mr. Huang is doing all the big orders."

"Oh, how could it happen?" Song Chunming was surprised. He looked at Xiao Lin, and Xiao Lin nodded. He said: "Fang is always brave and foolhardy. When he meets many customers, his brain is not enough. His The condom may look scary, but it’s actually useless. Think about it, if you just hit them again, if they don’t have money, they’ll have no money. What can you do? You can’t beat people to death.

"Even if I beat you to death, your life will not be easy. Even if you are seriously injured, you will have to spend money on treatment in the end, and Mr. Huang will have to come forward to wipe his ass. Otherwise, they will make up their minds and fight you to the death. Either If you call the police when you go out, you won't be the one running away in the end, so what's the point? You won't get the money, but you'll have to pay a sum of money as compensation.

"His tricks can only frighten people who don't want to take the immediate losses. Mr. Huang is different. He has a good mind and is very useful. He always targets people's weakest points. You may seem useless, but if you fall into his hands, People, life is worse than death, and you can’t blame him at all.”

"Also, Mr. Fang's trick of asking for a small order like this may still work. People can borrow it from relatives and friends, or sell something, and they can still get it together. How can it be possible for a big order? You can't get it even if you kill them. It’s not that people are unwilling to take it out, it’s that there is really no other way.” Dalin said.

Song Chunming suddenly remembered that this was really the case. Mr. Huang was always smiling, but suddenly he said that he would accompany you to take your son to eat KFC and buy a game console, which frightened Song Chunming half to death.

He asked whether he should go to your home or the hotel. Song Chunming chose to come here. It seemed like it was your own choice, but in fact it was the path he chose for you. If you don't take this, there will be no way to go. .

He got to know you first, knew what you cared about most, caught what you cared about most, and threatened you with what you cared about most. This would make you fearful, and it would be worse than making you suffer a little bit. Effect.

"Mr. Song, don't worry, Mr. Qin asked Mr. Huang to take charge of your case. You will be satisfied in the end." Xiao Lin said.

"Satisfying myself?" Song Chunming was surprised, "How to satisfy yourself?"

"Mr. Huang will solve all your troubles at once." Dalin said, "This is what Mr. Huang is so good about. He uses his brain to think about it every day. He doesn't think about how to make you pay back the money, but how to make him pay back the money." By taking advantage of you and the people around you, you will always get more than you should pay back in the end, but it will also help you solve the problem completely."

"How to do it?" Song Chunming became interested.

"If we knew, wouldn't we also be the boss?" Xiao Lin said, "Da Lin is right, Mr. Huang is like this, it's like playing with a Rubik's Cube, it seems to be spinning around, and finally it snaps, and everything is fine. What Mr. Huang likes to say the most is that everyone has potential value, and we must tap their potential value to obtain our greatest benefits."

"Mr. Huang did not lie to you." Dalin said, "Many of our company's original customers actually became the bosses of our company later, and their money was placed with us. They just felt that we had the ability to manage it well." This money helps them make money.”

"It can be seen that you two like to work with Mr. Huang." Song Chunming said.

"Of course, with Mr. Huang, your mind will be spinning every day, making you feel that you have become smarter."

Xiao Lin looked at the closed door, lowered his voice and said:

"Following Mr. Fang, I just act stupidly and rush around. I am always in fear that something is going to happen. Those who run away and are used as shields are the first to be unlucky. It's not just us. We also earn some wages. Those people are Like you said, we have no grievances or grudges, so who wants to cause more trouble?"

"That's right. Come on, let's touch it." Song Chunming raised his glass and they touched it again.

Putting down the cup, Song Chunming remembered something and asked, "Can I ask you something?"

Xiao Lin nodded: "Mr. Song, tell me."

"One time, Mr. Fang, your boss, brought two people to buy a house from me. Those two people looked weird. What's going on?" Song Chunming asked.

Xiao Lin looked at Dalin, and Dalin waved his hand and shouted, "Say, say, this is not a secret."

"That's to punish them." Xiao Lin said.

"Punish them?"

"Yes, those two bastards borrowed money from us and went to Mood for Love at night. They asked for the biggest box and hired more than a dozen girls, all of whom were the most expensive ones. They spent more than 10,000 on tips alone. ." Xiao Lin said, "In the end, Mr. Fang took them out of the box. They were originally going to throw them into the Qiantang River, but Mr. Huang said that they like spending money so much, so he took them to spend money."

"In the end, I took it to you to buy a house." Dalin said.

Song Chunming almost laughed. This was really a punishment for them, letting them use the money to buy a house they didn't need at all, and the money went back to Mr. Huang and the others.

It's no wonder that these two people went to the sales department and didn't even choose any floor or apartment type. They just wanted to finish their work and leave early.

Song Chunming got up from the bed, took the shorts hanging on the back of the chair, and found that they were still a little damp. Song Chunming remembered that there was a hair dryer in the bathroom, so he put on his outer trousers, picked up the shorts and went to the bathroom, blowing them with the hair dryer. When I felt dry, I walked out of the bathroom.

He stretched his head to look outside and saw that Dalin was still sleeping soundly. Xiaolin obviously heard the noise and sat up, but he was sitting on the bed with his back against the backrest and his eyes were still closed.

Song Chunming shook his head, went back to the inner room, took off his outer trousers, put on his shorts, put his clothes and pants back on, went to the bathroom to wash up, returned to the room, and saw that the time was almost eleven o'clock, so he might as well wait It's time to have lunch.

He took the stack of paper left by Baby Face, moved the TV to the side on the table to make a space, and wrote down his debts while thinking about it.

The next day, Fan Jianguo and Baby Face went to Hangzhou Sentai Real Estate Co., Ltd. Mahjong Face did not go. The most ferocious wave of debt demanders had passed, so there was no need for him to dispatch. Baby Face took two Just go over there.

Today, some creditors came to register one after another, and people from the company also came back. Baby Face saw Xiao Lu and told her, you should go to the sales department. If the sky falls, it will not affect your sales. Department, you just concentrate on selling the house. Don’t worry, your salary will not be less.

Xiao Lu said yes and left with her two people.

By the afternoon of the next day, no creditors came. Fan Jianguo asked the treasurer and director to come over and ask. Both of them said that these people seemed to be the ones who usually came to ask for debts, and there were no others.

Is there anyone who went directly to Mr. Song that you don’t know about? Fan Jianguo asked.

"Impossible. I know all the people who come to Mr. Song's place. The only ones who haven't come to register yet are the banks." The director said.

"The bank is already preparing materials and has decided to sue. They won't come to you." Babyface said.

On the first day, Mahjong Face and the others made such a big fuss, splashing paint, holding banners and making noise with a large group of people, and even took Song Chunming away, just to take away all the company. All the creditors were aroused, which is what Tan Shuzhen said, making Lei completely explode.

If this company is left alone, it will still survive. Now it is a sap, let him die quickly, and his death will be ugly. Only in this way, those who want debts will only want to get their money as soon as possible, and there will be no Other ideas, this will be a lot easier for them to arrange their funeral.

Fan Jianguo looked at it and felt that if there were no creditors who could not be stimulated by such a big movement, there were probably no creditors, or there were people who could not be stimulated, such as Song Chunming's parents.

They didn't even consider the money they gave Song Chunming to be a debt, so what kind of debt would they come to ask for?

To be on the safe side, Fan Jianguo and Baby Face went there on the morning of the third day, but after waiting all morning, there was no one there. Baby Face and Fan Jianguo said it was almost done.

Fan Jianguo also felt that it was almost done.

The two people left Hangcheng Sentai Real Estate Co., Ltd. and went to the hotel where Song Chunming and the others were staying. When they entered, Song Chunming and Dalin Xiaolin had just finished eating and were playing cards. When they saw them coming, they quickly stopped playing.

Baby Face asked Song Chunming: "Mr. Song, have you written the bill here?"

"OK OK."

Song Chunming said, hurriedly went to the inner room and took out a stack of paper, walked out and handed it to Baby Face, who glanced at it a few times and asked:

"Mr. Song, did you miss anything?"

"No more." Song Chunming said, "I wrote this out the day before yesterday. I have thought about it over and over again in the past two days, and I am sure it is gone."

Baby Face nodded and handed them to Fan Jianguo. Fan Jianguo sat down on the bed and compared what Song Chunming wrote with what he had registered.

He found that every debt he registered was on the bill written by Song Chunming, but there were more than a dozen debts that were on Song Chunming's bill but not on his registration form.

Fan Jianguo and Song Chunming said: "Mr. Song, there are a few accounts, please help me explain them."

Song Chunming said yes.

Fan Jianguo pointed to a name on the bill written by Song Chunming and asked: "You have this person here, but why didn't he come when we were registering debts in your company these days?"

"This is my brother-in-law, and this one is my sister-in-law, and this is my eldest sister. How could they go to the company to ask for the money I owe them," Song Chunming said.

Fan Jianguo nodded and understood. Fan Jianguo then asked: "What about these ones, all 50,000, and these, all 40,000, what's going on with them?"

"The ones with 50,000 yuan are the directors and deputy directors of my former bureau, and the ones with 40,000 yuan are the directors of the bureau." Song Chunming said.

Fan Jianguo smiled and said: "I understand, borrowing money is based on level."

"My piece of land originally belonged to a company under our bureau. The bureau leaders unanimously agreed to give me that piece of land at a meeting. So when I went to sea, they all lent me money to show their support. Now I am in trouble. They really wanted the money back, but they were probably too embarrassed to ask for it, because they never called to ask once," Song Chunming explained.

"Mr. Song used to be in the work unit and was very popular," Baby Face said.

Fan Jianguo nodded: "I can tell."

"That's why Mr. Qin and I think it's worth helping." Baby Face said.

Fan Jianguo said clearly, let's go.

Fan Jianguo and Baby Face arrived at "Splendid Jiangnan" and went to Baby Face and Zhonghui Company. They went directly to Mr. Qin's office and gave both forms to Mr. Qin. Mr. Qin asked them if there was no accident?

"Not anymore," Babyface said.

"Do you think it will be difficult to handle?"

"It's not big, just hold down the Agricultural Bank of China and let Ye Xianxian (Night Owl) and the others pick it up, that's all." The baby face pointed at Fan Jianguo and said.

Mr. Qin looked at Fan Jianguo, and Fan Jianguo said: "The total debt is not large, and we should be able to take it."

"Okay, then the Agricultural Bank of China belongs to me, and your Mr. Liu, Mr. Tan, belongs to you." Mr. Qin and Fan Jianguo said.

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