The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 983 A room with a view of Mishi River

The furnishings in the room are very simple, just two beds and a TV. Outside the window is a large open space. The foundation has been dug and the work is currently stopped there. Beyond it, there is the former Genshan River and now the Mishi River. Although it has entered winter, the riverside is still green. Looking from here, you can only see the parks on both sides of the Mishi River, not the river.

Song Chunming knew that the open space in front of him belonged to Liu Ligan, and all the construction sites on both sides of the Mishi River belonged to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan's vote was a big deal. All real estate developers in Hangzhou admired him. .

But now, even Liu Ligan's construction site has basically stopped, but his suspension is still different from that of Song Chunming. As Mr. Qin said, others are strategic and he has no money. They are in Hangcheng Center , after strategizing for a month, we started to resume work. Our construction site stopped when it stopped. Only God knows when we can resume work.

Liu Ligan's Mishi River project only has one or two construction sites that are still in normal progress. This is also a strategy. It is said that their sales are still normal. In such a big environment, they are still selling houses every day, but how can they sell it themselves? Song Chunming admired him for not moving. He didn't know how Liu Ligan did it.

Hangzhou is neither too small nor too big. Among colleagues, whether you want to inquire or not, there will always be news of one kind or another reaching your ears.

As far as the entire real estate industry in Hangzhou is concerned, there are only a handful of people like Liu Ligan, and there are not a few people like Song Chunming who are as bad as him, and some are even worse than him. The land is deserted, the construction sites are rotten, and the people are Don't even know where they went.

Song Chunming remembered the time he went to find Liu Ligan. Even now, he still regrets that he went there once but failed, so he gave up and did not continue to work hard.

If I had been acquired by Liu Ligan a few months earlier, my current life would not be so difficult. Although I would not be rich, I would still have some small savings. When I go back to the company, I would be able to say that I did not spend this time in vain.

But when he woke up and realized that he should have worked harder, everything was irreversible. If he went to find someone else, they would not be interested in him. He would rather wait for the court to deal with it than go to the auction. If you negotiate a deal, he can no longer make the final decision on Song Chunming's things.

There was an iron grille installed on the window. Song Chunming subconsciously reached out and shook it. The baby face said behind him, Mr. Song, don’t get me wrong. This is not something we pretended to be. It was originally in the hotel.

"I know, I know." Song Chunming said.

"Okay, Mr. Song, I have to leave first if I have something to do. If you need anything, just call us." Baby Face said.

Song Chunming said yes.

"You two come in."

Baby Face shouted, and the two people outside quickly entered the room. They were both about 1.8 meters tall, and the ceiling of the room was very low. The two people stood side by side, like a wall.

"Both of their surnames are Lin, Mr. Song. You can call them Dalin and Xiaolin." The baby-faced guy standing near him, his face covered with acne, said, "He is Xiaolin, that one is Dalin, you If you need anything, just call them.”

Baby Face then told Dalin and Xiaolin, you two are in the room outside. If you have nothing to do, don't come in and disturb Mr. Song's rest.

Both Da Lin and Xiao Lin agreed.

"Mr. Song, you rest first, I'm leaving." Baby Face said, raising his right hand to his ear, making a phone call gesture, and said to Song Chunming: "Don't forget to call home."

Song Chunming said quickly: "Thank you, Mr. Huang, I understand."

Baby Face left, Song Chunming stood in front of the window, looking outside. He looked at the iron fence in front of him. Although Baby Face repeatedly told him that they were not under house arrest, Dalin and Xiao Lin did stay outside all the time, but Song Chunming, It just feels like being under house arrest.

Although the air conditioner was on, the room was still a little cold. Song Chunming looked at it and simply sat on the bed, got into the quilt, took the remote control from the bedside table, turned on the TV and wanted to watch it for a while. He felt very irritated. Turn it off and look at the time. My wife should have received her son.

Song Chunming detained his wife. After a while, his wife called back. Song Chunming told her that I had something urgent and was on a business trip. I might have to stay out for a few days.

My wife said yes.

After a while, Xiao Lin walked in and asked, "Mr. Song, what do you want to eat? I'll buy it."

Song Chunming said: "Anything is fine. Whatever you eat, I will eat."

"Okay, then I'm going to cook two dishes. Mr. Song, do you want to drink?" Xiao Lin asked again.

Song Chunming thought about it, there was nothing going on here anyway, so he agreed to drink a little.

He heard Xiao Lin and Dalin say from outside: "I'm going to buy food, you watch him."

"Go, go," Dalin shouted.

Song Chunming heard it from inside and smiled bitterly. That's right, he was still being watched. What is it if it's not house arrest?

Ten minutes later, Song Chunming's eldest brother rang loudly. He picked up the phone. It was his wife. The wife asked anxiously on the phone:

"Chunming, what happened in the company today?"

"It's nothing." Song Chunming said.

"He said nothing happened. All your old colleagues came home."

Song Chunming became a little angry when he heard this. These bastards had called him all afternoon, and he had patiently explained to them. Unexpectedly, they would go home in groups, and his son was at home.

Song Chunming suppressed the anger in his heart and asked his wife, who was at home? His wife talked about the people who came to the house, and Song Chunming said:

“You put the elephant on the phone.”

Xiang Xiang was named Elephant. Because he was taller, everyone called him Elephant. Elephant was originally in the same office as Song Chunming.

"Chunming, it's me." The elephant's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Elephant, what do you mean? Didn't I tell you this afternoon that it's not a big deal. It's just that the project money hasn't been paid in full. People from the construction company came to make a fuss. It's fine now."

Song Chunming did not dare to tell Xiang that it was a loan shark who was causing trouble. For people like them in the agency, hearing the word loan shark would scare them half to death.

"It's okay, Chunming, we just came over after get off work to see if there's anything wrong with you." Elephant said.

"It's okay. I'm on a business trip, just to solve the funding problem."

"Elephant, ask him when our money will be given to him. We can't wait for the money to be used day by day." Song Chunming heard the voice of Zhuge Jiao.

"Chunming, Zhuge asks you..."

"I know, I know. Wait until I go back in two days. It's not convenient to talk here now."

"It will be two days later, Chunming, how many times have you said it will be two days?"

"Then I say now, is that okay? I want to pay you back right away, but I also have to have money to give it."

As Song Chunming spoke, he suddenly became angry and cursed:

"I just have no fucking money right now, what do you think I should do? Or, since so many of you have gone home, let's see if there is anything valuable at home, and you can just move there, okay? There's nothing left." Move, and my wife and son, whoever the hell wants it can take it..."

Elephant was obviously frightened and hung up the phone before Song Chunming finished scolding him.

After four or five minutes, Song Chunming's mobile phone rang again. Song Chunming determined that it must be a colleague who was not willing to let go and continued to call. He was so angry that he lifted the quilt on his body, opened the mobile phone and yelled. road:

"Who! Is it over yet?! Damn it, when you are eating me, drinking me, playing with me, you are never willing to miss a day!"

There was no sound on the other end of the phone. It was silent. Song Chunming continued to yell:

"Tell me, who are you? Have you ever had sex with me? Have you ever felt so beautiful while holding a little girl in your arms that you still had to do something, but in the end I paid for all the fucking tips?!"

There was a sound of sobbing on the phone. Song Chunming recognized his wife's voice and panicked. He quickly said, "Wife, wife, I'm sorry. I thought it was Elephant and those bastards again. These bastards are too... It was too much. They called me all afternoon and I told them. Unexpectedly, they even ran home after get off work. What do you mean?

"They left..." Song Chunming's wife cried, "Chunming, how are you living today? So many people came to the house to ask for debts, and the words they said were so unpleasant. My son was frightened. He took his own They took out their piggy banks and said they wanted to pay them back for you, and they also took out a game console and said they wanted to compensate them..."

Song Chunming's nose felt sore and he almost shed tears. He said:

"This way, this way, wife, how about you go to your mother's house to stay for a few days first? When I come back, you can come back."

The door outside opened, and it was Xiao Lin who came back. As soon as he came in, he shouted: "Mr. Song, it's time to eat!"

Dalin quickly said "Shh", nodded his head inside, and winked at Xiao Lin. He had been listening attentively to what was going on inside.

Song Chunming and his wife said: "They are calling me. I am going out. That's it. You and your son go to your mother's place first, and you will go tonight, okay?"

My wife hummed.

Song Chunming first walked into the bathroom between the two rooms, washed his face, and then walked outside. Dalin and Xiaolin had put a round coffee table next to the bed and moved two chairs over, so that he could sit alone on the bed. There is enough room for three people on two chairs.

On the coffee table, there were four dishes in foam boxes and a bottle of Red Star Erguotou. Xiaolin found three teacups. When he saw Song Chunming coming out, he quickly asked him to sit down.

Song Chunming sat down. He looked at the tea cup in front of him. He saw the black dirt around the edge of the cup. He felt a little disgusted, but he didn't care. Erguotou was sterilized anyway.

A bottle of wine was poured into three full glasses. Xiao Lin clapped his hands and said, "Drink!"

Dalin raised the cup and shouted: "Click it first."

Song Chunming and Xiao Lin also raised their glasses and were about to touch them. Xiao Lin retracted his outstretched hand and shouted:

"Wait a minute, let's clink glasses. I need an explanation. Come on, Mr. Song. We are all rough guys and don't understand anything. You are educated. Please give us an explanation."

"That's right, Mr. Song will give you an explanation." Dalin also said.

Song Chunming thought for a moment and said, "Then I hope we meet by chance?"

"Okay, it's a chance meeting." Xiao Lin said, "In normal times, we wouldn't have the chance to drink with big bosses like you. Come on, let's meet."

Song Chunming smiled bitterly and shook his head, and the three people's cups clinked.

Thanks for the reward, why can’t I change my name? I don’t even know if anyone asks me! Thank you for a safe journey and Fanfan’s monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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